Archangel Metatron: What is Your Infinite Blessing?
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- Written by Natalie Glasson

Greetings beacons of light, I am Archangel Metatron. I come forth with Angelic frequencies to support and assist you in this time of your Ascension. Today I wish to speak of your infinite blessing, the infinite blessing that you can bestow upon yourself and upon the world.
Many of you wish to be of service and many of you do not understand or cannot recognise how to be of service in your reality and for Ascension. Recognising your infinite blessing allows you to be of service, not only to yourself and your own Ascension, but to the Ascension of all, because your infinite blessing becomes an energy and tool that you can share with the entire world, energetically or physically, distantly or face-to-face, it becomes your tool, your skill and ability. When you share your infinite blessing with yourself and the world, you are sharing the infinity energy of the Creator, the freedom, and liberation energies of the Creator. In truth all that is the Creator and all that is at the source or the core of the Creator.
Your infinite blessing is a very pure energy from the essence of your being, not only the essence of your soul and soul group, it is your divine connection with the Creator, and embodiment of the Creator. The blessing is the energy that is recognised or transmitted, as well as its purpose in your reality and the realities of others. An example might be, that you recognise within your being and essence that you hold the infinite prosperity of the Creator. This might mean that it is your purpose to explore the vibration and the energy of prosperity and how it manifests for yourself, and for others. How to emanate infinite prosperity into your own reality, and how to bless others with this vibration. It could be that your energy from the essence of your being is love or peace. It could be a sacred vibration that is drawn from your being personal to you. In truth it can be any energy and any vibration, however, we know that it is infinite, and this is because it spans throughout all of your realities, all of your existences, on the earth and the inner planes because it flows from your essence.
With a greater understanding of your infinite blessing, there is the need for us to support you in understanding what your blessing is, what your gift to the world is, your service to yourself and the world.
Allow yourself to take your attention and your focus into your heart space, your heart chakra and your higher heart chakra.
Imagine that there are numerous circles. There is a large circle within a smaller circle, within that a smaller circle, and within that a smaller circle, and so, it continues.
I, Archangel Metatron, invite you to imagine that you step into the first circle and it is like a tunnel of light, maybe it has many different tunnel colours, or maybe it has the same colour running through it. As you step into one circle, you can step into another, as we step through this tunnel of light, you are traveling and journeying deeper into your essence, your true divine connection with the Creator, your embodiment, your energy of the Creator. As you walk through this tunnel you may be drawn to a blazing light or a core energy, which will be your essence. Imagine that within the core energy there is a symbol, a word, or a vision, something that dictates to you, and allows you to understand the energy that is your essence. That is born from the infinity of the Creator, and that is your blessing to share with others and yourself. It will be something simple. It could be healing, truth, wisdom, generosity, kindness or something else. Take a few moments to recognise the blessing that is your essence, that is born from infinity, runs through all aspects of your being and that is yours to share with yourself and the world.
Allow yourself, whether you can access the understanding or not to take this energy, this infinite essence into your being. Let it flow into your body, into your auric field and surroundings, and allow yourself to sit within this energy and vibration to breathe it in, and to breathe it out. Become accustomed to it, to feel its presence, to feel its guidance.
When you feel ready, you can affirm
I hold or embody the infinite blessing of
‘I hold or embody the infinite blessing of……..’
It could be, ‘I embody the infinite blessing of prosperity, of peace, of joy, of bliss, of truth, of oneness, of kindness, of healing.’ Whatever you feel inspired to express.
Then expand the affirmation.
‘I embody the infinite blessing of ……… and I share this with myself and the world now.’
Allow yourself to repeat this statement over and over until you feel it pulsating throughout your being. Then feel yourself like a liquid light waterfall sharing this energy as a blessing with yourself, and with others. You can achieve this during meditation time or even when you are out and about. You do not need to share it with another, you can simply allow yourself to radiate this blessing. You may find yourself using a word or the affirmation, or a symbol or an action that allows the blessing to begin, but it is for you to explore.
I thank you,
I am Archangel Metatron.
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