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The Archangels: What To Master Before Day X!

The Archangels: What To Master Before Day X!

Everything is heading towards man's final decision: to enter the light or to continue the journey on the unlit planes of being.

The current events as well as those still to come serve the purpose of preparing people for this decision. To grow from the challenges of these days, instead of despairing of seeing the light in the darkness and perceiving love in spite of the fear, that is the test to be overcome before the day X. You are the Master and you are the Creator, you are the Truth, you are the Way and you are the Life.

Unhappiness is turned into happiness

Tears of joy will make the tears of pain dry up and the apparent unhappiness will be transformed into happiness. First everything will be taken from you, then everything will be given to you – paradise on earth.

Do not be afraid, worry or afraid, for God is omnipresent in all the processes that are now necessary for humanity to rise up and the New Earth to be born. But you ask: What will happen to my loved ones? What will become of my children? What will happen to me when the separation of the worlds takes place? Where am I going and where are those who mean a lot to me going?

Don't worry for a moment! Because the farewells and the recognition go hand in hand. You do not yet know how large, how far-reaching your actual spiritual families are. You do not yet know how many of your spiritual families are incarnated on Earth and how many are not incarnated. The true dimension, the true sphere of activity of your soul families, is still eluding you.

Therefore, you have a limited view, and it is from that view that you must assess and evaluate the present situation.

No one gets lost!

As soon as you gain insight into the whole thing, you immediately relax. For you will become aware that none of your beloved fellow human beings will be lost, but that each one will find his home exactly there, which he has chosen for himself. In addition, you remain connected to all the people who are dear to you today. No one will be lost anywhere in being so that they would be out of reach for you. Families that have found each other on Earth continue to exist on the more light-filled planes of being.

The tasks and constellations change, but not the souls, who work together as groups in heaven and incarnate individually or in groups on earth, depending on the task.

What you're going to give up

The idea that after the separation of worlds you will have to do without and lose many of your loved ones, children, parents and friends, forever is misleading and frightening. What you will give up are fake relationships, and this can affect anyone, including members of your earthly family.

Members who develop differently and who still want to experience the adventures you have long experienced will leave your sphere of influence no later than Day X. However, this distance is overcome by the ascending ones through the liberated consciousness.

You will be able to get in touch with that person at any time, and you will be able to see what path someone you love and cherish has chosen and taken.

Omnipresent as we are, you will be omnipresent once your consciousness has expanded and been unlocked.

Today your consciousness is still trapped, it is limited – and so you can only perceive things and the world from your point of view.

After time has stopped and each person has made his or her final and final decision, the consciousness of the ascending human beings will permanently expand – and you will gain insight and overview of the true connections of life.

No one will be taken away from you, but you will voluntarily give up relationships that are no longer sustainable.
Once your spiritual floodgates open, you will gain deep insight and you will develop a mature understanding of all that is – and that day is not far off, because:

Everything is heading towards man's final decision: to enter the light or to continue the journey on the unlit planes of being.

The current events as well as those still to come serve the purpose of preparing people for this decision.

To grow from the challenges of these days, instead of despairing of seeing the light in the darkness and perceiving love in spite of the fear, that is the test to be overcome before the day X.

You are the Master and you are the Creator, you are the Truth, you are the Way and you are the Life.

Believe in it, trust yourself and give your heart to God. This is the path of the light warrior who wants to leave the battlefields of this time behind and return to the realms of light.


Translation by CrystalWind.ca

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
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