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Live in Peace & Freedom: Message from Archangel Nathanael

Live in Peace & Freedom: Message from Archangel Nathanael

The time when evil is doing the greatest service to good, dark to light, fear of love is now, because for the first time mankind is aware of what it does NOT want!

The impression that the course of the world is unfavorable, leads to doom and not to the ascent that has been repeatedly announced to you, arises because the manipulators of the system want you to think that. The more these thoughts solidify with you, the more likely it is that it will happen that you experience it the same way. Not every single or fleeting thought creates reality, but every thought that settles in you has the power to make reality.

You have the choice to let the destructive whisperings circle or to listen forever and to trust the whisper of GOD.The current distance of uncertainty, uncertainty and instability has to be mastered – and this means to go through this time in deep TRUST IN GOD.

Love, peace and freedom

Love, peace and freedom form an inseparable wholeness and bring you to perfection on the spiritual path of awakening. One cannot exist without the other, one cannot be implemented without the other, one is imperfect without the other. Living love, peace and freedom means having overcome duality and no longer separating worldly from spiritual life. This inner struggle, this inner conflict – in which “are spiritually opposed” and “secular” – is lifted as soon as you are aware that this separation does not exist, and as soon as you become aware of what this separation causes in you.

Because the separation between “worldly” and “spiritual” only exists as long as human consciousness insists on this distinction under the whispering of the ego. “Secular” and “spiritually” are two synonymous poles, complement each other and condition each other.

Understanding this polarity and integrating it into your thinking, feeling and acting is part of the realignment that is now taking place among people so that they can lead a life facing the world.

Living in unity with GOD means always living in unity with EVERYTHING – and this means integrating worldly and spiritual so that they form an indivisible unity instead of being misunderstood.

Overcome duality, achieve polarity!

Overcoming duality and achieving polarity means replacing the confrontation with cooperation – in thinking, feeling and acting to achieve inner harmony. Then the world transforms into you and with you, then you reach the unattainable so far, then the apparent opposites – like light and shadow – can be understood, integrated and loved.

Then life is in the river because you have calmed your dual mind and inspired a deeper perception of being.

Then your life begins, your life in love, in peace and in freedom. We now want to pay full attention to freedom.


With the power of GOD I come to you and it is fulfilled that more and more people can feel the presence of God and want to open up to the DIVINE.

Your hearts begin to long for unity, your souls are ready for the great transformation – and your human consciousness tears down all barriers, gives up the delusions and finds itself again. The great change takes place – through the great changes within yourself! It's started! It continues! Humanity is born again impressively and inexorably!

The truth breaks through!

We have entered the era in which everything is transformed for the benefit of all. Everything has moved unmistakably, everything is going crazy in the truest and proverbial sense of the word. No stone remains on the other and every person is asked to broaden his perception and is required to stay with himself:

  • While people's longing for the true and the beauty is activated, the evil becomes visible.
  • While the true seeker finds unheard of and unspeakable, the light penetrates all levels.
  • While wars, conflicts and attacks on everything living are on the agenda, humanity is in a wake-up mode.
  • While there sometimes seems to be no way out of a difficult situation, heaven opens its gates and the divine powers come to the aid of men.
  • While everything that has hitherto kept the wheel of time in secret is shown, humanity turns the game, intervenes in the wheel of time and in the course of the world.
  • In the face of GOD, everything is won these days when everything seems lost! Because NOW the truth breaks through cleansing!

Because of this situation, that people lose confidence in the well-known faces as well as in the established institutions, there is a desire to consciously shape their own reality and to take responsibility for existence itself. The collapse of the systems releases the brakes and is understood by more and more people as a signal for the internal departure.

At all levels, visible and invisible, the new humanity is preparing its way to shape the future lightly, peacefully and in connection with the earthly forces and unearthly powers.

The time when no stone remains on the other is now, the changes are fundamental, existential and all comprehensive.

What you do NOT want!

The time when evil is doing the greatest service to good, dark to light, fear of love is now, because for the first time mankind is aware of what it does NOT want!

The forces that want to thwart this collective change in consciousness throw everything in the bowl – and so you often experience a distorted perception. The impression that the course of the world is unfavorable, leads to doom and not to the ascent that has been repeatedly announced to you, arises because the manipulators of the system want you to think that. The more these thoughts solidify with you, the more likely it is that it will happen that you experience it the same way.

Not every single or fleeting thought creates reality, but every thought that settles in you has the power to make reality. You have the choice to let the destructive whisperings circle or to listen forever and to trust the whisper of GOD. The current distance of uncertainty, uncertainty and instability has to be mastered – and this means to go through this time in deep TRUST IN GOD.

Challenging way

The mastery of humanity includes this crucial and challenging way! Now there are difficulties in dealing with attacks and attacks in the community with GOD and in the community with awakened and awakening people! And I repeat the message:

Only by dramatically revealing the darkness can you make an unmistakable decision for the light.

People who have cut many lives off from their true spiritual nature need these massive impulses to “reconnect” so that the right questions can be raised and the healing answers can be received.

Nothing can change on a dense energy level without the light that breaks the incrustations and makes them visible! So please don't worry, because GOD'S wake-up call reaches people and their hearts!

What, how, where?

What does this mean for you, who are in the middle of everyday life and sometimes can neither continue to know nor continue? How can you do that? Kingdom of Heaven reach within you, how to strengthen love, hold light, keep the true and beautiful in you?

How can peace be achieved and freedom to live in everyday life – the freedom to live, where freedom is increasingly restricted, to express freedom, where it is suppressed, to radiate freedom, where it is undesirable and perceived as a threat? How is it possible to live well while a whole world is changing and the renovation brings instability, uncertainty and strife?

Where do you have to stand to see without being seen, to go, without leaving traces, to be and not to be?

First peace, then freedom

Beloved person,

Freedom begins with inner peace. First comes peace, then freedom comes. That means: Pay all your attention to the strife in you! The kingdom of peace is not reached by accident, but this path requires a loving turn to your open topics – to the strife within you.


Please do this simple exercise:

  • Breathe calmly and deeply three times in and out!
  • Watch your thoughts and don't deal with them!
  • Watch without evaluating, without commenting ...
  • ... until everything calms down internally.

Now ask yourself the question:

  • What people am I dissatisfied with?
  • Now wait for the inner pictures!
  • Observe how they ascend on their own.
  • It is a very relaxed process.

Are you ready to make peace with these people in yourself?

  • Your YES gets everything moving ...

Break ...

Do the same with all situations that create strife in you. Be ready for healing, be ready to accept all the additions and reflections and be unconditionally honest with yourself.

Unconditional honesty that hurts is the only condition for successful transformation and healing work.

Your ego demands its place. Assign space to the ego! Because only those who are unconditionally willing to achieve true inner peace and reconciliation are given everything. The flow of life flows to you. Do not stand in his way, that is:

  • No fight, but UNDERSTAND.
  • No conflict, but EXEMPTION.
  • No war, but PEACE – in you.

Is this an attractive and acceptable offer for you?

Perceiving the outside with the inside, the worldly with the spiritual, Yin and Yang as a complementary and inseparable unity leads to THE healing that you have longed for for eons. Therefore every healing begins in you and it can never be achieved through changes in the outside.

After you have achieved inner peace with people and situations, the gate to freedom opens. Redeemed from internal conflicts, from the compulsion to fight, liberated and cured of anger at others, you look at the world with different eyes.

Now you are ready to do everything possible to remove further touchstones and to dedicate yourself to what limits your freedom. And again you look inside, your perception stays with you instead of giving up responsibility and power externally.

To be free means, free of programming, free of opinions, free of concepts, free of false beliefs, free of misconceptions, free of curses or curses, free of everything that limits human life, free of supervised thinking, of manipulated feelings to be free of spiritual concepts.

Just as peace is achieved by working on yourself and with yourself, freedom is achieved by working on your imagined and actual limitations.

Now you enjoy this work, you look forward to your existing programming, patterns, beliefs and inner images that need to be questioned. Because as soon as you have entered the kingdom of peace, you understand how to work with yourself – and like a sculptor you accomplish the work on yourself through dedication and perseverance.

Prayers or mantras mean great energetic support because they tune you in and align you internally, but are never the solution. Freedom cannot be achieved by praying or reciting mantras, but only by empowering people for freedom itself. This means removing its internal barriers, lifting its self-limits and self-restrictions.

Please and it is given to you! Say the following






Be aware: Now everything is moving! Success only fails if you flee from yourself, if you are more impressed by the fear of the inner images than by the prospect of healing.

Once you have done this self-liberation work, you are a single gift for people and then you can turn to the external struggle for freedom. For those who are equipped with orders for this, the internal liberation work is essential and existential – otherwise every undertaking fails.

The exercise is: to be ready for EVERY answer and to be ready for EVERY truth that will reveal your transformation processes to you.

The exercise is: to become a new person by accepting, understanding and healing the old person.

The exercise is: self-love to achieve freedom!

Wherever the pain is greatest, direct the light there, because that's where the healing lies.

Is this an attractive and acceptable offer for you? If so, then be ready to pick up the balls that life accuses you of today and to engage in the reflections of life without any ifs and buts.

Do you want to live a spiritual life? Integrate everyday life!

Do you want to live a free life? Conquer inner freedom!

Do you want to live your orders? Remove what prevents you from doing so!

To be free in a world with restrictions on freedom is possible for those who have worked their way to their true self. The process takes place by paying attention to the outside as it is important for your inner transformation. Because a lot happens without you and you cannot directly influence a lot. However, what is always in your hand is how you shape your life, what you align yourself with and how you advance with your knowledge work.

The right balance

JJK: The topic of this time is probably: When you should defend yourself, no, stop and stop against an increasingly overgrown system, say – or simply withdraw into your interior until the healing work is completed. What is the right balance??

ARCHANGEL NATHANAEL: Why it works is that one can perceive the handwriting of GOD in his life.

A successful struggle on the outside always requires a successful struggle on the inside and requires a spiritual connection to GOD.

If this basis is laid, then a person's orders unfold automatically. If this basis is missing, the fighters for freedom themselves become the greatest oppressors as soon as they have achieved their goals.

First comes the inner healing and clarification work, because the ego wants to be integrated and the imperfect wants to be healed. When man has returned to the kingdom of peace and man has conquered his inner freedom, his spiritual path begins to develop completely by itself.

The right balance between inner healing work and external educational work results automatically as soon as the topics that lead to this question are considered, recognized and healed.

A person who lives his orders is in balance, no matter what he is currently dealing with.

Wherever this person directs his attention, it happens in harmony with his soul.

JJK: To get out of balance is currently experiencing many lightworkers, people who have already done a lot of their spiritual homework. What is the difference when you sometimes don't feel in the middle or when you are generally out of balance?

ARCHANGEL NATHANAEL: The difference is the duration! If you stand next to your track permanently or regularly, you have a lot of inner catching up to do with light work. If you sometimes do not feel completely in the middle, sometimes you are not completely with you, sometimes you are whirled around by the energies and the events, then do not make a big fuss – it goes away as it came. If you are constantly in turmoil, you are constantly afraid and plagued by fear of the future, then it is important to immerse yourself in you, to get to the bottom of the causes and to regain the lost freedom in feeling and thinking. Because freedom begins where very few people search for it – in you.

JJK: Freedom means dealing with the right issues, does it mean knowing and living your orders?

ARCHANGEL NATHANAEL: How does it feel with what you are dealing with now? That is the question that everyone has to address if they want to achieve peace and freedom. You are not free as long as foreign affairs keep you busy, so that you no longer have time to penetrate the essential.

JJK: Do some people lack the time and money for the transformation work?

ARCHANGEL NATHANAEL: The only thing that many people really lack for complete self-healing is spiritual maturity and the real WANT!

If both are given, everything in life moves to you, the GOD takes care of everything as soon as your own healing is the most important thing for you! Lack of time or money is used by promising adepts until the longing for GOD has awakened and takes away all excuses. If you are really ready, GOD will give you everything – strength, time and money –!

So I encourage you to look in the right place, neither to distract you from the outside nor to be misled, but to accomplish yourself by going the way of healing to the end.

The old world has lost its power, and love, peace, freedom are now born in you. Blessed are you humane and free! You are holy and great... and there is life everywhere.


Translated by CrystalWind.ca

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
English edition by crystalflow translations
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