Archangel Raphael: Sowing Seeds of Recognition
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- Written by Natalie Glasson

Greetings beloved beings of light, I am Archangel Raphael. I come forth with love, truth and healing angelic vibrations.
I am here to awaken remembrance. I am here to activate truth and to reconnect aspects of your being.
Within your being now there are questions. Allow yourself to recognise these questions. They may be questions about your spiritual evolution. They may be questions about your future, questions about things you wish to manifest, or even about your physical body.
We know that there are many questions within your being as you wonder how to do things, or maybe you wish to gain wisdom or skills and abilities that would serve you greatly in your current reality.
When you allow yourself to recognise all the many questions that you hold within your being throughout every day, you begin to recognise the direction that your being…your body, mind, emotions and soul…are yearning to travel in.
You begin to recognise themes, themes where there are wounds that require to be healed. There might be other themes such as greater confidence or the need to exercise a greater sense of freedom.
As you recognise the questions/themes that they bring to you or the acknowledgment/direction that they share with you, it is important to realise that the answers that you seek are actually reconnections, so your questions are disconnections.
You are experiencing a disconnection in a part of your being. This requires a reconnection in order to fulfil and complete the question; to gain the answer that is needed and desired.
It is a reconnection because the answers that you are seeking are held within your being, and not only within your being, but within your other lifetimes; the lifetimes you’ve experienced on the earth, on the inner planes and other planets. Each of these lifetimes is like books or manuals of wisdom and knowledge, understanding and connection.
So the questions that you hold in this present moment, they are you trying to reconnect with something in another lifetime. When that reconnection is made, you experience greater fulfilment in your current reality; you allow and experience everything flowing with greater ease, manifesting with greater ease and perfection.
There is a need for these reconnections. You are bringing more of your whole self into your current embodiment and more of your whole self into this lifetime.
When you enter into your physical body, you have a list of aspects of yourself that you wish to embody in this lifetime and often the questions that you have at any stage of your lifetime, allow you to create that embodiment. You are drawing from other lifetimes because in those lifetimes, you gained the embodiment of that aspect of your being.
For example, maybe there is a need in this lifetime for self-love and, in another lifetime, you gained the embodiment of self-love so now you wish to bring that embodiment into this current reality.
Now you may ask, why would you need to bring it into this reality if you have already embodied it in another reality?
Each reality, each experience and lifetime that you have, creates a different combination and a different pattern of your wholeness/completeness, different characteristics and qualities. When these different characteristics and qualities merge together, they create almost like a new spark of light.
Through the embodiment of these qualities that you’ve already embodied, and in many ways mastered in other lifetimes, you are creating a new energy for yourself in this lifetime; a new energy, spark, vibration and integration of qualities that you’ve never experienced before.
This means that the wisdom that you’ve gained is different from before. It’s a new understanding, a new acknowledgment, a new remembrance of the Creator, a new recognition of yourself/your truth/your soul in essence, and that’s why each lifetime is so exciting for your soul, because it’s a quest of self-discovery.
Each question that you have within your being…however physical it may feel, or mundane, or however spiritual it may feel…is the seed of recognition for yourself; recognising a new combination, a new synthesis of yourself/your truth, which allows for greater wisdom/knowledge/understanding of yourself and also of the Creator and the Universe of the Creator.
There is a wealth of benefits through recognising and achieving this process. Not only do you complete the questions that you have, access answers and bring fulfilment and ease to your reality, you also fulfil your soul’s destiny in this lifetime; a new merge and synthesis of your essence that brings forth new discoveries. It is a voyage of discoveries for yourself and your soul.
This raises your vibration. It also increases the vibration of Mother Earth and the entire Universe of the Creator. When you discover more about yourself, every soul in the universe and every soul upon the earth benefits from this.
So, how do you achieve this practice?
Recognise that each question you hold is like a seed that promotes a seed of recognition. Allow yourself to experience the question, to absorb it and with acceptance, you can recognise that within your being, the answer is present and you can call that answer forth for a reconnection.
It is now time for you to call that reconnection forth and experience and embody it within your being.
I am Archangel Raphael, and I thank you.
Channelled through Natalie Glasson
Natalie anchors the Wisdom of the Light Community, which is a large and vast group of varied light beings who are devoted to assisting the Earth and its humanity. The Wisdom of the Light Community is ever expanding as Archangel Michael who oversees the community allows all to channel their wisdom and consciousness through Natalie. You may access and integrate the energy of the Wisdom of the Light Community to aid your spiritual advancement through meditation while holding the intention of experiencing their energy. It is the channellings from the Wisdom of the Light Community that Natalie shares through the Sacred School of Om Na.
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