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Message from The Angels - Exercising Your Freedom

Message from The Angels - Exercising Your Freedom

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Many of you on this list recently celebrated Independence Day – a day of acknowledging your freedom.

Here in the heavens, before birth, you knew you were free and would always be. You knew that no matter what family you incarnated into or what administration you lived within, you would be free. You knew you would be free to think what you wanted and that you would be free to attune yourself to any reality. You knew that in a high vibration, you would be free from even those who might try to impose their will upon you in the physical world.

In the distant future, parents will raise their children to remember and operate within the vibrational reality. However, most of you were raised by those who forgot and, in their forgetting, taught you that you were subject to the opinions, ideas, and judgments of others around you. In an attempt to please others, so many of you ignored your feelings to satisfy demands and avoid judgment. Now you are reconnecting with your inner guidance, trusting your feelings to a greater degree, and granting yourselves the freedom that has always belonged to your soul.

The concept of being subservient to the actions and choices of others comes from the third-dimensional model of reality. If someone bumps into you, you feel it. When someone aims angry words at you, your conditioning inspires a reaction. However, before these things occurred in the 3D world, the invisible world of energy was already at work.

You may say to us, quite accurately and vehemently, "I don't enjoy angry people! I don't want them in my life!" and, in your angry vibration, draw more of them right to you. Or you may say, quite accurately and peacefully, "I like people who behave and are kind and courteous. It is such a joy to connect with them." You begin to attract kind people, even as you think about and attune yourself to the wonderful ones you've met or know today.

Sometimes you focus so much on situations you would rather not experience that you tune right into them. "I am alone. I am alone. I am alone. I want a mate. I am alone. I am alone. I am alone." Although you are telling the truth, your focus on being alone takes up more air time than the delicious reality of having the desired partner. In this scenario, you are not attuned to the vibration of the desired partner. Instead, you have tuned yourself into the condition of being alone, thus reinforcing it further.

Shift your story just a bit, and you can change your vibration. "I am so looking forward to my perfect partner. I am so looking forward to sharing all my love. I can't wait to enjoy the things we'll do together. I love the feeling of love. I'm in love with love now!" Watch what starts to show up in this focus.

"I don't know where the money is going to come from. I don't know how I'll get it. I hate always struggling. Gosh, it will be nice to feel better when the money comes. I guess it always does. I guess I have a pretty good life. Today is ok. God will come through. I think I'll get lunch. Mm, lunch is good. At least I can enjoy that." In this case, you have shifted your focus to an abundant vibration, so more will come. Lunch will bring you more money because you've used the topic of a delicious lunch to shift your vibration to one of abundance.

"What is the world coming to? I can't believe how crazy people are acting. I just got cut off in traffic for the umpteenth time. Things used to be simpler." So far, this feels true, but you can shift to something better. "There are good people in the world. I know so many who are trying to make this a better place. I'm trying to make my world a better place. I like being me. At least I'm not the one cutting people off in traffic! Laughter. Well, I'm not going to solve this all today. I don't have to solve it all. The happier I am, the better I make my world. Wow, I'm feeling better." Following this train of good-feeling thoughts, you create a better experience of the world by attuning to a happier vibration.

You can tune into a factual reality you enjoy and thus attract or allow good. You can tune into an imaginary reality you like and thus attract or allow good. You can tune into a factual reality you don't care for (or one you imagine) and block your good. You are free.

Good always flows, dear ones. Love always flows— forever in a steady stream. You can freely tune your feelings into that stream of goodness or ignore it and experience something else. Regardless, you are always free.

Right here and right now, choose a thought that makes you feel good. Now breathe. Bask in the good feelings. Stay there for 20 to 30 seconds.

You have just exercised your freedom to choose. You have just set the entire universe in motion to attract what you want. You have just shifted your course to a better reality.

It really is that simple. You really are that free.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels


Message from Ann

Hi Everyone,

I have been feeling free of a lot of my old complaints lately. I used to blame life a lot more than I would have admitted at the time. "I don't have enough hours in the day" has been a long-standing focus of mine. It's still true. I need more hours in the day to do everything I want to do all at once! But I now tell myself a better-feeling story: "I have so much that I love doing that I could fill more hours in the day and never be bored."

True story. Same story. The first version makes me feel a vibration of lack. The second makes me feel passionate and joyful. Guess which one attracts better? You already know – the better feeling version of "reality" always attracts better. Ever since I changed the story of my relationship with time, I've had a steady stream of inspiring ideas and the support to accomplish them flowing into my life. I pick the most fun one in my spare time, run with it, learn, and enjoy the journey. I no longer feel lack. I feel passionate.

The same story is true for my body. For years I focused on the conditions I created. Lately, I've been focusing on how vital and strong my body is, how resilient it has been, how grateful I am for its remarkable ability to recreate itself, etc. As a result, all sorts of old complaints are just leaving. I had some old skin cancer pop up and disappear in three days last week. I wasn't in a vibration to support it any longer, so it had to come up and out! I also got tired of telling the same old story about my vision worsening, so I changed the story, and one day, my neck realigned, and my vision improved. I just had to stop tuning into the problem.

Likewise, I recently had many surprising expenses occur all at once. In the past, I would have freaked out. Now I give thanks in advance for all I have, whether I have it now or not. All's well. It always is and will be with that focus. Life flows.

So when the angels say we're free to tune into what we wish, they mean it. It takes practice to stop looking at the reality in front of us if it doesn't make us feel good. I used to joke that I was "alligator wrestling" with my mind to tune into something better! Nonetheless, a better thought gives a better feeling, which causes a better vibration and, ultimately, a better life!

Now that's what I call freedom!

Here are a few ways to play with your vibrational freedom:

1. Think about how much you love someone in spirit

Pick someone you love in spirit—someone you know or admire who is now in the heavens. Instead of focusing on them being gone, or the grief, do your best to focus on what you love about them. Think about the happy memories, the laughter, their good qualities, etc. When sad thoughts come in, try to shift to happier memories. See if you can do this for a week. If you can, you will raise your vibration to meet them on their new frequency of joy. Instead of feeling their absence so acutely, you will begin to perceive their presence.

2. Fantasize about your favorite vacation idea

Either think of a vacation you had or one you'd love. Don't focus on logistics - how, when, with whom, etc. Focus instead on the wonderful feelings of being where you want to be. Imagine. Dream. Feel. Then notice what starts to show up for you. You may begin to see travel ads, images online, and maybe even opportunities. I have known many people who manifested free trips this way or opportunities they didn't think they could afford. Just have fun with your own thoughts enough to raise your vibe to match your vacation vibe!

3. "Try on" new thoughts

There's plenty going on that we don't enjoy. Next time you catch yourself focusing on a problem or an undesirable situation. Stop. Make up a story about how you get where you want to be or how the world will be in the future. Dream about your miracles. Imagine the best. "Try on" your thoughts like clothing "until you find some you like" and stay there. Notice the ideas that start to arrive the more you do this. Don't look for ideas. Just look for good feelings and see what shows up.

It is better to convince yourself that the vibrational universe is real by actually playing with these principles. I started small. I imagined a fountain pen I couldn't afford. I found a knockoff on sale for under $10 the following week. I got full of myself and imagined an antique writing desk. Within a month, while driving through an unfamiliar section of town, I saw a fun-looking store, followed the urge to stop, and found my antique desk for under $30. When I had a big, bad lump show up, I imagined it was burning up in the light within three days and thought no other thought other than imagining the triumphant feeling, and it disappeared.

As we exercise our freedom to use our minds as the tool we intended them to be, we learn how to use them to facilitate our freedom rather than allowing our pre-conditioned thoughts to enslave us.

Have a blessed (free!) week,

Ann Albers and The Angels
Please feel free to share any of my messages or posts. The only thing I ask is a small note: ©Ann Albers, www.VisionsofHeaven.com
Reprinted with permission from Ann Albers on crystalwind.ca. All rights reserved.
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