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Benefits of Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone

Benefits of Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone

You’ve undoubtedly heard the phrase “step out of your comfort zone” more than once in your life. But, a comfort zone isn’t a physical place. Instead, it’s a psychological and emotional construct that every person uses to define routines and behaviors.

Simply put, your comfort zone is what makes you feel safe. Think about the things you do daily. The importance of routine starts in infancy. It allows babies to develop their circadian rhythms, but it also makes them feel safe, secure, and comfortable.

As an adult, you don’t really lose that longing to feel safe and secure. So, for most people, staying inside of a comfort zone is easier. But, if you never step outside of that comfort zone, you could be missing out on life-changing growth and huge emotional benefits.

Stepping outside of your comfort zone can lead to major positive changes in your career, your relationships, and your life, in general.

If you’re not convinced, or you’re having a hard time stepping away without your safety net, let’s look at a few of the biggest benefits you can experience when stepping outside your comfort zone. This is the perfect time to do it and to make positive changes.

You’ll Grow – Even if You Fail

Many people don’t want to step out of their comfort zones due to a fear of failure. But, consider how many of the biggest success stories in life were born from failure. People like Walt Disney, Steve Jobs, and Oprah Winfrey – household names – all battled failure as they started their careers. Their continued perseverance and willingness to step out of their comfort zones is what made them successful. Imagine what would have happened if they stayed inside their protective “bubble” and didn’t pursue active growth.

You might not have aspirations of becoming the next Walt Disney. But, you can grow in your career by taking a few risks. If you’re happy with your current job but you want to make some changes, don’t be afraid to negotiate.

Remote work has become the “norm” for so much of the workforce today. It’s estimated that 22% of the American workforce will be working remotely by 2025. Whether you want more time at home, more flexibility, or just a different environment, negotiating with your employer about remote working and/or other benefits can get you what you want and help you to grow in your career.

If you’re already working remotely, talk to your employer about the things you need to be successful. Don’t focus on the ‘what ifs’, as they’ll try to hold you back.

If your employer isn’t agreeable to those things, maybe it’s time to choose another path. That, too, can be a major step out of your comfort zone. But, it doesn’t make you a failure. Instead, it could open up new doors for you, let you grow certain skills, and make you more aware of what you want and need on a personal and professional level.

You’ll Make More Major Decisions

Do you ever feel stagnant? Are you sometimes worried your life isn’t going anywhere? Maybe you dream about certain things but you’ve always been too nervous or cautious to take that leap.

Stepping out of your comfort zone allows you to make more permanent, life-changing decisions for the better. Can some of those decisions be risky or uncomfortable? Yes. But, when you follow through with them, you can start to live your life more fully.

For instance, have you always wanted to be a homeowner but you’ve been worried about the costs, the commitment, and the care it takes to do so? You can manage your cold feet over buying a home in a few different ways, including:

  • Going over your finances.
  • Making a pros and cons list.
  • Working things out with a third party.
  • Stopping yourself from nitpicking every home on the market.

The benefits of homeownership include everything from being in charge of how the home looks to building equity.

If you already own your own home, maybe you’ve been hesitant to take on any large projects because you think you don’t have the vision or skill. Try setting priorities for yourself in terms of your home projects, and make a plan for getting things done that won’t overwhelm you. For example, you can create a peaceful, stress-reducing outdoor environment for yourself with a bit of landscaping. But, if planning for that seems overwhelming, take baby steps. Consider the costs, determine what needs to be done, and decide whether the project can be handled on your own or if you need to hire a professional.

In the end, these permanent, big life decisions give you more control and can allow you to change your comfort zone to something completely different.

You’ll Build Stronger Relationships

Strong relationships require a balance of routine and spontaneity.  That doesn’t mean you need to randomly go bungee jumping with your partner this weekend (though if you’re into that, make it happen!). But, letting relationships – romantic or otherwise – become stale can lead to larger problems. When a relationship starts to feel too comfortable, you might struggle with communication issues.

You might be comfortable with where you are in your relationships. But, are you content? Is your partner content? What about your family members or friends?

It’s amazing how much deeper a relationship can be if you’re willing to make an effort to constantly strengthen it. That requires a few steps out of your comfort zone. Some ways to do that include:

  • Trying something new together.
  • Increasing physical touch and intimacy in romantic relationships.
  • Giving praise and positive affirmations, even if you’re not used to it.

Old habits die hard, especially when you’re comfortable with them. Try to create bridging behaviors that will allow you to step out of your comfort zone slowly. The benefits are there, waiting for you to grab them. When you do, you’ll find more freedom in breaking from your routine than you ever thought possible.

About the author:

Frankie Wallace is a freelance writer from the Pacific Northwest. She writes about a variety of topics, and spends most of her free time in her garden. 

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Submitted Exclusively to CrystalWind.ca  by Frankie Wallace © 2021 crystalwind.ca

About the author:

Frankie Wallace is a freelance writer from the Pacific Northwest. She writes about a variety of topics, and spends most of her free time in her garden. 

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