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Weekly Rune & Moon for 26 January - 1 February 2020

Weekly Rune & Moon for 26 January - 1 February 2020

As a new week begins, let’s take a look at the upcoming esoteric influences. As always, I’m looking at each day’s numerology, Elder Futhark rune, and Moon information derived from both traditional astrology and Human Design’s use of the I Ching. The runes appear below.

Sunday, 26 January

  • Numerology – 26/8 – practical matters, leadership, responsibility, Saturn, Libra, judicial power, intellect, universal harmony, justice, regeneration
  • Day – Sunday is a day governed by the Sun reflecting success, joy, protection, power, confidence, and health
  • Rune – Kenaz (6) Fire element, torch, light, illumination, clarity, revelation, healing, well being, love, intuition, transformation, creativity, awakening
  • Human Design (I Ching) Moon position – Gate 13 Line 5 The saviorsuggesting rising above challenges to meet the collective’s needs; creating the space for all to participate.
  • Astro Moon Position – intellectual Aquarius until emotional Pisces at 3:43 PM PST describing a split energy day with intellect giving way to emotions and compassion. Seek refuge in the afternoon or evening if feeling stressed

Empathic awareness may relieve the constraints felt with intellectual expression in the afternoon when the Moon enters Pisces. If stress becomes too much in the afternoon or evening seek solace at home. Meditation may be useful to align and re-center, but if energies become overwhelming or erratic, shielding may be necessary.

Monday, 27 January

  • Numerology – 27/9 – completion, endings, Scorpio, Mars, Theta, Ennead, endings, 9 Muses
  • Day – Monday is a day governed by the Moon and involves healing and intuition along with feminine magicks
  • Rune – Tiwaz (17) – Air element, spiritual warrior, faith, justice, idealistic male, oaths, self-discipline, Tyr, legal matters, sacrifice
  • Human Design (I Ching) Moon position – Gate 55 Line 1 Cooperation involves principled action via cooperation with forces greater than the self
  • Astro Moon position – Pisces – emotions may still be in flux and boundaries may be fluid.

We may experience a sense of endings or completion today but whether or not we’re pleased with the result may involve how much integrity we expressed during the process. A greater truth may be at the heart of the outcome and compromise or cooperation may be required to see it through. Stay true to your own sovereignty and strengthen boundaries that may have become fluid over time. This is a day for sacrifice and self-discipline, of oaths and principled action.

Tuesday, 28 January

  • Numerology – 28/1 – Sun, Leo, new beginnings, wholeness, unity, self, intuitive knowledge, Monad, First Cause, Aleph, Alpha, A
  • Day – Tuesday is governed by Mars and is filled with passion and energy
  • Rune – Raidho (5) – Air Element, soul journey, partnership, process over goal, harmonious movement, integration, rhythm, cycles, justice
  • Human Design (I Ching) Moon position – Gate 63 Line 1 Composuredescribing that ability to accept both achievement and continued growth
  • Astro Moon position – Pisces – emotions may still be in flux and boundaries may be fluid. Security is derived through retreat and seclusion.

New beginnings are possible today with the awareness that the process is more important than the outcome or goal. Integration with others is key as is even progression. Allow intuition to guide.

Wednesday, 29 January

  • Numerology – 29/11 – illumination, Master Number, soul-level awareness
  • Day – Wednesday is governed by Mercury and involves communication, reason, and intellectual expression
  • Rune – Dagaz (23) – Water element, new day, dawn, endings and beginnings, conclusion, daylight, awakening, all doors open, all options available
  • Human Design (I Ching) Moon position – Gate 36 Line 2 Support suggests selective assistance to others during difficult times; Channel of Synthesis (49/19) – a design of sensitivity
  • Astro Moon position – Pisces until Aries at 3:51 AM PST – empathy gives way to assertion in the early hours of the morning.

Inner strength may be more readily available today as the Moon travels into Aries promising a more independent focus although retreat is still possible if under stress. But in this case, we retreat to accomplish whatever task that’s being interfered with.

We’re experiencing a transition today with the appearance of Dagaz and the end of one phase and the beginning of something powerful and new. The Channel of Synthesis is also active for the next three days suggesting an underlying sensitivity exists and coupled with today’s Master Number 11 energy of soul-level illumination, it appears that the new journey we take will be based on reason and taken in harmony with others.

Thursday,  30 January

  • Numerology – 30/3 – catalyst, triple aspects, mind/body/Spirit, imagination, Jupiter, Capricorn, Triad, Gimel, Gamma, G, the middle, analogy, virtue, past/present/future, Hecate, triangle, Norns, Aum
  • Day – Thursday is governed by Jupiter and involves expansion and benevolence
  • Rune – Inguz (22) – Earth element, sudden release of energy, male fertility, DNA structure, gardening, inclusion, the seed, potential, genetic inheritance, grounding, inner focus
  • Human Design (I Ching) Moon position – Gate 17 Line 3 Understandingdescribes the awareness that fact-based decisions are sometimes not the most interesting, but are required nevertheless; Channel of Synthesis (49/19) – a design of sensitivity
  • Astro Moon position – Aries – emotional security is derived through action and independence.

Following an 11 energy day, Inguz, the 22nd rune from the Elder Futhark guides us today suggesting an energetic alignment between the Cosmic Builder and Jupiter’s expansion energy. Dagaz promised yesterday the beginning of a new phase, a pivot or resting point if you will, and today Inguz provides its genesis.

Friday, 31 January

  • Numerology – 31/4 – sun, Sagittarius, foundation, structure, sensation, materialism, Tetrad, Daleth, Delta, D, divinity, masculine resonance, robust Hercules, Mercury, Vulcan, Urania, justice, Tetragrammaton, Aum mani Padme hum, elements, seasons
  • Day – Friday is governed by Venus and involves love, balance, and harmony
  • Rune – Mannaz (20) – Earth, humanity, integration, mind/body/Spirit connection, individual within society, thought rune, memory
  • Human Design (I Ching) Moon position – Gate 51 Line 3 Adaptation describes the ability to create opportunity from challenges; Channel of Synthesis (49/19) – a design of sensitivity
  • Astro Moon position – Aries until Taurus at 4:28 PM PST – independence and action until a more steadfast and routine-oriented focus begins

Issues of foundation or security may arise today with the split energy of action giving way to a structured approach later in the afternoon. Use the bulk of the day to initiate new projects which will settle into a routine by the end of the day. The Aries influence will create opportunities from challenges that the Taurean energy will then implement.

Saturday, 1 February

  • Numerology – 1 – new beginnings
  • Day – Saturday is governed by Saturn and involves binding, slowing, and resistance
  • Rune – Nauthiz (10) – Fire Element, Norn (Skuld) rune of the future, friction within, inner fire, goals, protection, overcoming restriction, binding, positive change, need
  • Human Design (I Ching) Moon position – Gate 3 Line 4 Charisma suggesting the ability to attract nurturing from others
  • Astro Moon position – Taurus – emotional security derived through structure and routine and the known versus the unknown. Artistic, but when stressed can be self-indulgent.

Saturday’s numerology of one or new beginnings aligns well with the inner friction of Nauthiz, another one energy, suggesting the nurturance of whatever was begun on Wednesday. We take stock today of what we’ve discovered and the new direction taken, the friction within propelling us onward as we embrace integration and wholeness with others.

Overall Thoughts

Kenaz…Tiwaz…Raidho…lead to the end of one phase and the beginning of another with Dagaz…leading to new beginnings, unity with others (Mannaz), and the inner friction to create anew (Nauthiz). Well, as is often the case, the runes describe the entire week.

We’ve all been through it, haven’t we? But it really feels like an end of one phase is here with the genesis of something profound firmly in sight. Those who wish deception will find no purchase for their manipulations because a soul-level experience is upon us.

A 22 year coupled with and reinforced by the same energy with Dagaz, it’s easy to understand how the energetic flow this year bends toward our fundamental unity with others. The Cosmic Builder is a soul-level manifestation and it will surely take such to heal and rebuild our relationships with each other.

Until next time…

Cosmic Blessings to all!

Jan: Witch, Empath, Herbalist, Author, Reiki Master, Kenpo Black Belt, Beekeeper, and Goddess Blessed


About Jan Erickson
Jan Erickson is an empath and a witch in her Crone years. She has a BA in Psychology, and facilitated her two sons' homeschooling efforts. Jan earned her Black Belt in Kenpo Karate in 1991, after which she taught along side her husband in their dojo. Herbalism has always been a part of Jan's life, and after suffering with rheumatoid arthritis for 13 years, she became a cannabis patient and healed. Living on the High Desert of Central Oregon with her husband of 40 years, Jan writes the blog, Stepping Aside, gardens, is a mom to bees and two sons, and continues to study herbs. And in July, 2017, Jan and her husband became grandparents!

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