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Runes as 4D Symbols
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- Written by Tom

[Originally 2007, revised and published 2020]
My goal in this note is to interpret the Elder Futhark (old Norse rune alphabet, a.k.a. Viking alphabet) from the viewpoint that they are a collection of scientific diagrams pertaining to hyperdimensional physics and metaphysics.
The mythical origins of the Celts and Nordics suggests their ancestors were once a technologically advanced and partially fourth density (semi-4D) race who suffered a cataclysmic vibrational descent into 3D Earth, after which they became ever more divested of their supernatural powers by increasingly taking upon themselves the constraints of three dimensional space and linear time, whether through genetic intermixing with the indigenous population or through gradual acclimatization to the lower vibrational levels.
Now, according to rune mythology, in an act of self-sacrifice the god Odin hung himself upside down from the great tree Yggdrasil for nine days, during which the 24 runic symbols were revealed to him. Comparing this myth to other similar ones (see the book Hamlet’s Mill) makes it evident that the “world tree” is representative of our linear timeline with all its branches, i.e. the multiverse or fractal holographic matrix of spacetime.
When a higher being enters the lower realms and undergoes an act of suffering and sacrifice, that is crucifixion. Odin hanging from the tree, or Christ from the cross, is symbolic of hyper-dimensional consciousness entering and being crucified upon the cross of space-time. So this represents, at one level of interpretation, the semi-4D race falling into the darker 3D realms and being enchained by the constraints of space and time.
That the 24 rune symbols were read by Odin only while hanging from the tree of time suggests they might be the spatiotemporal archetypes of our physical existence seen from outside time itself, e.g. from a state of “timespace” as the Law of One material calls it, or “neutral stasis” as Carlos Allende termed it in the Varo edition of Morris K. Jessup’s book “The Case for the UFO.” Timespace is the inversion of spacetime, per Dewey B. Larson’s Reciprocal System, meaning 3 dimensions of time and one of space, which visually would be experienced as a network of branching, merging, and bending fiber-like timelines.
If there is a purpose and significance to the shape of these runes, then they should be decipherable by first interpreting their simpler key constituent elements. The unique combination of these elements present in each rune would yield a unique composite meaning for the rune itself. Features common to multiple runes would correlate to their having some meanings in common. Here is one possibility:

Below I will interpret the runic alphabet of the Elder Futhark, as presented in the book Runelore by Edred Thorsson. The name “futhark” comes from the first seven letters of this alphabet. Interesting that it synchronistically contains “ark” as in Ark of the Covenant, Arcadia, Arctic, and Arcturus (which figure into Polar Mythology).
The Ark (of the Covenant) plays prominently into the creation of the linear timeline, or at least its latest iteration. See for instance the Nordic myths of the sampo or millstone, the stone or horn of plenty, all of which relate to transdimensional technologies that turn thoughts into things, rotate imaginary to real via a process of vortical translation. The horn of plenty (a.k.a. Horn of Amalthea) is culturally preserved in the form of a cornucopia, which is a woven basket in the shape of a vortex stuffed with fruits. The sampo or millstone is a magical stone with a hole in the middle and grooves spiraling outward that once produced “peace and plenty” before being corrupted and falling into the ocean and creating a giant whirlpool, “grinding out only salt and sorrow.”
Also interesting is that runes, in their original and ideal form, are said to all be derivable from a single diagram called the “world crystal”:

Clearly this is an image of a cube, or a hexagon containing the axes to a three dimensional coordinate system. Either way the idea of “3D” is conveyed, once again tying into “fall from 4D to 3D” as signified by Odin reading the runes while hanging from the world tree. In variations of this myth found in other cultures, the hero is shot and pinned to the trunk of a tree by arrows… (by killing vectors perhaps?).
Another intriguing clue is that the Celts, and the Arabs through their ancient associations with the Nordic civilizations once prevalent throughout the region (in Turkey, Iran, and north of the Levant) both have art decoration heavily laced with knot-work. Why the knots? Curiously, in four dimensional geometry, knots as we know them cannot stay tied. Knots would be a real novelty to any higher dimensional being constrained to a three dimensional world. The Arabic culture also employs hexagon designs, the hexagonal or cubical lattice being important in hyperdimensional geometry and of course figuring into the “world crystal” of the Runes.
So below, accompanying each rune symbol is its Norse name in bold face, literal translation in parentheses, and traditional meanings. Then follows an attempt to interpret these according to the above key, which itself is constructed in context of timeline dynamics and realm dynamics.
1. Fehu ( fee ) – active force, power, wealth, or abundance that increases with responsible use.
(Making consistent freewill choices to deviate off the default “most probable” path toward more positive timelines again and again).
2. Uruz ( aurochs ) – raw transformative energy of manifestation, pure will that shapes things.
(Pathway of linear time being bent. That is, if a single act of freewill creates a sudden change of direction, meaning a sharp bend or branching in the timeline, then the continual application of freewill would create a rounded curve instead of a sharp bend. Willpower is the continual application of freewill. Here, one person is being acted upon by another exercising his will).
3. Thurisaz ( thurs ) – thorn, upheaval, sacrifice, pain, karma, action and reaction.
(Taking a detour to a longer path, but arriving at the same destination in the end. Branching off the most probable path through act of freewill (which is what incurs karma) and meeting an equal and opposite reaction that creates a necessary return to the primary pathway. Can mean learning tough lessons, hard journey for a higher good, universe kicking you in the ass because you’re stuck and won’t get there any other way).
4. Ansuz ( ase ) – higher consciousness, or the medium that facilitates elevation of consciousness.
(Influence that comes from the future, from the higher self, from divinity, that acts in a grace-like manner. This, versus Fehu where it’s you making the choice to deviate to a positive future. Here, it’s the positive future or divinity reaching down to you.)
5. Raidho ( riding ) – journey, companionship, progress, synchronicity, destiny.
(A foreign influence enters one’s timeline, whether it’s crossing paths with another person or experiencing intervention by higher forces. This interaction sets into motion a destined sequence of physical experiences that bring one close to spiritual completion).
6. Kenaz ( torch ) – knowledge, illumination, making malleable, reshaping, impressing a pattern or form.
(The essence of metaphysical transformation and the non-physical factors that engender it. Similar to Thurisaz except instead of transformation through physical hardship and upheaval, this is solely about inner change to a different state of being via inner processes. Associated with etheric energy and revelatory wisdom. Etheric energy, in that physical matter can be acted on physically to change it (the Thurisaz way) or, as in this case, it can be crystal wind acted upon “from beneath or within” at the etheric/spiritual level to dissolve its form and reconstitute it in a different configuration. Revelatory wisdom in that the fire of new understanding can change your very being through illumination, dissolving your old state and reconfiguring you to a new higher one).
7. Gebo ( gift ) – gift, exchange, returns for sacrifices made.
(Crossing of paths, meaningful interaction that leaves both parties changed. Unlike Raidho, this occurs without further karmic entangling or destined journeying together. The shape implies two lines crossing like two paths crossing, as well as two Kenazes meeting at their corners as if bouncing off each other).
8. Wunjo ( joy ) – joy, harmony, perfection.
(Similar to Thurisaz, except the Kenaz is at the top closer to the divine instead of the middle 3D mundane world. This means that instead of evolution through hardship, it’s transformation through joy, voluntary raising of vibrations, and attraction through vibrational resonance. The higher path of learning through harmony instead of suffering. Transformation, the easy way to a higher state).
9. Hagalaz ( hailstone ) – Catastrophic change, upheaval, disruption, obstacles.
(Timeline alteration. Third party interference. Two parallel linear timelines with a metaphysical transition between them, being transported from one to the other in a regressive way. Artificial synchronicity, hyper-dimensional manipulation).
10. Nauthiz ( need ) – friction, inertia, resistance, fire from friction, effort.
(Coupling between physical and metaphysical. Physical impeding the will of the soul, or soul applying effort to overcome the resistance of the physical).
11. Isa ( ice ) – stillness, contraction, singularity.
(Physical world and linear time. The quantum wave function collapsed into a single, manifested, tangible world via observation by the conscious mind. Conscious mind here means the narrowed, filtered, focused part of our being that is concentrated on 5-sense reality. So the Isa aspect of our being is what tunes into the singular Isa aspect of the otherwise fluid multi-spectral multiverse, hence why our conscious awareness freezes in place what we anticipate).
12. Jera ( year ) – reward, cycles, return, harvest, millstone.
(Opposing metaphysical agents of transformation locked into cyclical interaction. Entanglement and tension between STS and STO influences. This tension isn’t static, but produces motion, cycling, the fluctuation between darkness and light, the transition of the Ages. Associated with the millstone and vortex, per Polar Mythology).
13. Eihwaz ( yew ) – life and death.
(Entering and exiting linear time. The Matrix, World Tree, or Axis Mundi spanning infernal and divine endpoints. This grand illusion we are living within).
14. Perthro ( lot cup ) – probability, chance, luck, fate, nondeterminism.
(Linear time under the influence of opposing metaphysical factors engaged in a tug of war all along it. Means things can go either way at any time, progressing or regressing. Snakes and ladders).
15. Elhaz ( elk ) – divine guidance, safety, protection.
(Divine influence entering the timeline, coupled with freewill choice to reciprocate it and move in a positive timeline as a result).
16. Sowilo ( sun ) – success, victory, achievement, hope, vitality, empowerment.
(Higher metaphysical agent of transformation getting a leg up on an opposing one. Similar to Jera except instead of being disconnected and locked in cyclical struggle, here the lower serves as the stepping stone or foundation of the higher, hence the concept of victory).
17.Tiwaz ( Tiwaz ) – law, justice, responsibility, sovereignty, leadership, sacrifice.
(Metaphysical emanations directly from the divine/future. Implies Nous, Logos, Demiurge. The sacrifice-aspect has to do with the divine projecting a portion of itself into this realm to help save it, thus Christ/Holy Spirit).
18. Berkano ( birch ) – birth/life/death/rebirth, becoming, renewal, growth.
(Personal cycle of incarnation. Similar to Eihwaz but having to do with our individual lives here. Consists of destined sequence of physical experiences that bring one closer to spiritual completion, starting with the lowest and roughest and progressing to the highest and most harmonious. Physicality as a matrix of growth).
19. Ehwaz ( horse ) – harmonious symbiosis, partnership, love, trust.
(Two beings joined in higher purpose, or two paths that are divinely orchestrated).
20. Mannaz -( man ) inherited divinity, manifestation of divine potential within humans.
(Divine influence entering the timeline in the form of spirit within a person, leading to outward actions that affect another person right here right now, and vice versa. Mutual spiritual interaction through the physical vessel. What makes us different from the average animal).
21. Laguz ( water-lake ) – lake, waterfall, source of ice, medium of life-containing forces.
(Influence that comes from the future, from the higher self, from divinity, that acts inwardly from a very deep level to inspire and elevate. The subconscious or unconscious, the wellspring of our consciousness).
22. Ingwaz ( seed ) – gestation during withdrawal, hidden transformation.
(Metaphysical agents of transformation in mutual tension, stasis, potential, not yet physically expressed. Un-manifested template).
23. Dagaz ( day ) – daylight, achievement, completion, fulfillment, end and beginning.
(Macrocosmic completion of the spiritualization of matter. Shows two world-lines, the end of each connecting with the beginning of the other. That means, the divine/spirit of each touching the matter/primeval origin of the other. The fulfillment of purpose of this grand illusion, the end of the Matrix, dawn of a new day. Macroscopic analogue to Mannaz).
24. Othala ( odal-land, or homeland ) – property, estate, enclosure.
(Realm, per realm dynamics. The X is Gebo: “crossing of paths, meaningful interaction that leaves both parties changed” but instead of going on their way they are bound by a shared destiny similar to Raidho. The top is an enclosed diamond like Ingwaz, meaning potential/template. So Othala implies beings interacting due to shared destiny according to a particular potential/template. That’s what constitutes a realm, per the participants sharing a common sphere of interaction due to having overlapping soul resonance spectra).
The correlation between geometry and meaning in the Elder Futhark is strong enough that the runic alphabet doesn’t seem to have originated in a casual and organic way. Instead, there appears to be a deeper consistency hinting at intelligent design by something that knows metaphysics and hyperdimensional physics.
Tom (Montalk) is a fellow truth seeker on a quest to expose the dark and empower the light. His primary goal is to help others arm themselves with knowledge to better fulfill their evolutionary potential.
After studying physics and electrical engineering for four years, he left college to pursue more independent research.
His interests include spirituality, alienology, alchemy, gnosticism and hermeticism, quantum and scalar physics, experimenting, forbidden history, military tactics, and composing symphonic and epic doom metal. His true passions are science and music.
Tom and his girlfriend currently live in Florida.
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