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The March 2023 Equinox New Moon at 1 Aries Pt. 1
- Details
- Written by Robert Wilkinson

- What’s Happening in March-April -
New Moon coming soon! The next month features new beginnings, new growth, and the emergence of a new way of “doing our Being.” This takes us into the future, with new initiatives directly ahead!
This Lunation introduces a new focus wherever we have 1 Aries, which brings another actional-material focus as we launch into a new sphere of activity we may not have previously anticipated. The next few weeks propel us into the future. Just remember last months’ theme of the need for protection as we close some things out and “lift ourselves to surer foundations” is still in play with Saturn occupying last month’s New Moon position.
An Overview of the New Moon
Today we’ll do an overview of the Lunation and some of its primary qualities. In part 2 we’ll cover Sabian Symbols, aspects, distributions, and patterns.
This powerful activating, initiating, pioneering, and “future in the now” oriented New Moon at 1 Aries occurs at 10:23 am PDT, 5:23 pm GMT on March 21. With 6 planets and Chiron all clustered in Aries and Taurus, we’ve shifted out of the old and into the new. Mars continues to extend its distance from the outer planet occupied zone. As all the inner planets are concentrated between 1 Aries and 6 Taurus, that’ll be the focus of the next month.
The Aries energies set into motion last May when Mars conjuncted Jupiter in Aries are now in full blossom! Jupiter crossed that conjunction degree a few weeks back and is speeding up by the day! Mercury crosses it just before the New Moon, and the Sun will transit that degree in a couple of days. This month the Lunation semisquare Uranus shows the need to take the initiative as we counter material inertia with active spiritual force.
We’re still directly dealing with last year’s Taurus and Scorpio eclipses which are removing everything in our “garden of life and mind” past its expiration date. We’ve finished our training “to pick up and deliver spiritual power,” and now can emerge from our chrysalis and fly free into our broader role to play. Just remember that one of the major themes for 2023 involves realizing old answers can’t solve the current questions.
This New Moon will jumpstart Aries energy wherever it falls in our chart as we accelerate the Aries energies wherever they are in our chart. As Aries will be a focus of activity, remember you don’t need permission to act right here right now, or move in a new direction if the old isn’t working out as it should. Saturn in Pisces is now teaching us there are many fears and ghosts in the collective field which shouldn’t be taken personally. This is showing us the need for mature compassion for ourselves and others while concealing ourselves from overly assertive or aggressive people.
A Look Back - The Great Compression of 2020 in Capricorn Still Affects Us
We’re now in the fourth year of a long term new focus wherever we have late Capricorn and early Aquarius in our charts. In the first 90 days of 2020, we had a “Great Compression” of planets involving Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto all making conjunctions in the last decan of Capricorn, setting off a number of Saturn cycles, one of which will last 33 years! We then began an accelerated phase of our collective spiritual evolution which will take us from the threshold of the Age of Aquarius into the Age itself.
You can find out more about the very powerful Sun, Mercury, and Saturn's conjunctions with Pluto by revisiting The Great Compression of January 2020 – Mercury, Sun, Saturn and Pluto all Conjunct in Capricorn. That lays out the long wave patterns set into motion then.
Because of the Capricorn conjunctions set in motion in 2020, we reorganized our lives wherever we have late Capricorn in our charts. These cycles will impact all of us for some time to come. Especially with three Jupiter conjunctions with Pluto that year, it’s easy to see that for better or worse things were “expansively purified.”
When Mars conjuncted Saturn at 1 Aquarius on March 31, 2020, it set a cycle into motion which began to expand into a global system at the December 2020 Grand Mutation. That Jupiter/Saturn conjunction launched both a new 20 year Aquarian cycle AND a new 200 year era of Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions in Air signs. That means less materialism than the past 200 years, with more focus on our commonality and ability to share ideas over the next 200.
Saturn in Aquarius has been leading us to understand a more timeless role to play to help create a better world. What is your purpose? What structures and self-disciplines do you need to fulfill the ideal of that purpose? We began work on those structures in 2020 which led us to a greater vision in 2021. With Saturn now completing our Aquarius lessons in maturity, structure, discipline and understanding, this will bring major changes to those who are affected.
Occupied Signs and Oppositions
Because of all the planets being within a span from late Capricorn to late Gemini, there haven’t been any non-lunar oppositions since last year’s Scorpio oppositions to Uranus, and there won’t be any more until Mars opposes Pluto from 1 Leo to 1 Aquarius during the gigantic T-square with Jupiter in Taurus coming this May! That’s going to bring an intense focus to any planets we have in the last 3 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, as well as the first 3 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. Something big’s coming around the third week of May!
Of course, those with planets in very late Cancer, early and late Virgo, mid-Libra, and mid-Scorpio are going through some VERY long wave outer planet oppositions, with potential for very high awareness of how to ground new ideals, new public expression, and new ways to related to your larger spiritual group. The various types of the “Tension of Opposites” involved in those signs will come to the fore as the recent Eclipses take away old Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Sagittarius, Capricorn and now Scorpio patterns, allowing newer ones to take shape.
The Sun/Moon Sequence and Its Shifts
There are two patterns: one with the Sun in the same sign as the Sun in the following Full Moon (New Moon between 1-15 degrees of a sign), and one with the Sun in a different sign than it’s in at the following Full Moon (New Moon between 16-30 degrees of a sign). I term these the “Natural” pattern and the “Alternate” pattern, since the Natural pattern shows a continuity of the Light, whereas the Alternate pattern bridges the Light across two signs.
Seventeen months ago we began a new pattern of the New Moon Sun being in the same sign as the following Full Moon Sun. Each pattern has its importance in the Soli-Lunar sequence, and now we no longer “bridge the Light” across two different Light signs in the Lunation cycle. This month’s New Moon is at 1 Aries is the last one of this pattern, as the coming Full Moon will be at 17 Libra/Aries, indicating the Light of the seed forms of the New Moon will be illuminated in the same sign energy two weeks from now.
That will shift at the New Moon Solar eclipse at 30 Aries on April 19/20, since the following Full Moon Lunar eclipse at 15 Taurus/Scorpio on May 5 has the Full Moon Sun in a different sign as the previous New Moon. This indicates that while the seed forms of the New Moon are Aries, the fulfillment in form at the Full Moon illuminates Taurus energy.
The New Moons and Full Moons are “God’s footprints in time.” Each shows the next in the 12 phases of how things come to be each year. The cycle could be described as follows: Life energy is initiated in Aries, substantiated in Taurus, explored in Gemini, grounded in Cancer, renewed and creatively expressed in Leo, refined and ordered in Virgo, balanced and made pleasing in Libra, purified and focused in Scorpio, expanded in Sagittarius, organized in Capricorn, solidified into a vision in Aquarius, and ended/perpetuated in Pisces.
Jupiter and Saturn
This is the first New Moon of the Saturn in Pisces era. We are now at the front end of the fourth year of the cycle set into motion at Saturn’s rare and very powerful conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn in January 2020, with a current Aquarian influence due to Saturn.
Taking a look back, 2020 brought us a “cosmic visitation” which “galvanized us into action” to “escape from adverse conditions.” That year Nature challenged us to listen, look, and learn that we are not separate from Her, and evaluate what parts of our Self-disciplines and duties work and which ones didn’t. The lesson of 2021 involved learning a technique of spiritual acceleration by getting a vision, a plan, and a short cut to expanded awareness and effectiveness. Saturn taught us “the way within to outer success,” with a promise of “direct accomplishment” after the emergence of “new mutations based in Cosmos” coming forth in late 2021 and all of 2022, unrelated to past or local conditions.
We hit a threshold in our emergent Aquarian work in June 2022, when we began to learn how to administer “spiritual power” effectively. That took us through the trials which forced us to "rise to some emergency" and overcome something which threatened "to burn out of control" in the Autumn up to now.
One of Saturn’s divine qualities is understanding as a prelude to wisdom. With Jupiter’s transit through Aquarius leading the Saturn transit, Saturn tracked what Jupiter opened. As Saturn traverses the span where Jupiter has danced, it will crystallize its understanding of what that span of experience is about, and how we can use it wisely if we find the right structure and discipline. This year and next Saturn structures what opened when Jupiter was in Pisces.
Jupiter in Aquarius gave us a new level of awareness, which we learned to feel more deeply in Pisces so that the new initiatives we’ve launched since May 2022 will take off like rocket ships the first few months of this year! We’re definitely on a 20 year journey into Aquarius experiences based in the two 2020 conjunctions of Mars/Saturn and Jupiter/Saturn at 1 Aquarius.
So What Rules the Lunation?
This New Moon in Aries has Mars as its worldly ruler and Pluto as its spiritual ruler. As Aries is in the axis of the Archetype of the Lover/Relator, it puts the focus on relationships and how to be genuinely ourselves when interacting with others. So this begins a new dance of internal and external relating these next four weeks.
Mars in Gemini is ruler of the Lunation, and is therefore ruled by Mercury in Aries. Mercury in Aries is ruled by Mars. With Mercury and Mars in each other’s signs, they create what is called a “Mutual Reception,” which is a very powerful closed circuit of energies which reinforce each other.
Besides the planets we’ve discussed, Venus in Taurus is again a “final dispositor” as it’s in its own sign. Jupiter is ruled by Mars, Saturn is ruled by Jupiter, Uranus by Venus, and Pluto by Saturn. So this month we have the mutual reception ruling the Moon, Sun, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto. We have Venus ruling itself and Uranus, and as usual Neptune still occupies its home sign continuing as a long wave “standalone” dispositor of itself, ruling the fogs and mists of the current collective consciousness.
So this month we have two planets in their home signs, or “final dispositors,” and another two ruling all the other planets. You can find out more about dispositors in general, chains of dispositors, and mutual reception by going to dispositors and Mutual Reception at the link.
Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend
Because Saturn has begun its voyage through Pisces, showing the planet of discipline, knowing healthy boundaries and the value of self-discipline, we now confront the need to be mature in the face of vast or vague feelings. Though no longer dominating the stage of Life from its home signs of Capricorn and Aquarius, it’s still a powerful force wherever we have early Pisces in our chart. This begins a Master Class in compassion and forgiveness practices, and learning a sober view of the collective human condition.
As this is the first New Moon in 5 years where Saturn hasn’t ruled itself, Pluto, and sometimes all the other planets except Neptune, take a moment to reflect on what you’ve learned since 2018 and how you’re more spiritual effective than you were. Saturn is our wise friend and guide who brings us out of ignorance and fear into understanding and “response-ability.” Making friends with our inner Saturn is the most important thing we can do to fulfill our spiritual destiny. If you want to know more about your power to throw off oppressive chains, limitations, and fears, please give yourself the timeless gift of my book, Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend. We all need to make friends with our inner Saturn if we would claim our power to fulfill our higher purpose for being alive as Spirits in the material world.
This book shows you the way to take command of your power to steer your life in a conscious way, using Saturn’s strengths and skills to be led to mastering life on our own terms. As Saturn is such a dominant energy at this time, by owning our ability to manifest the best of Saturn's virtues in our world, we take command of our destiny and become the living purpose we were born to make manifest!
It was written for both astrologers and non-astrologers, and will assist your understanding of how your life experiences assisted your Soul growth and power to turn away from unhelpful karmic cause and effect patterns. Each time you re-read any part of it you’re sure to find undiscovered gems of insight helping you throw off attitudes which frustrate your ability to live your higher Purpose on your own terms.
Is the Grand Irrationality A Factor in this New Moon?
Because this section is so long, I created an article which explains what it is, how long it’s been in effect, and which signs have been most impacted and when. You can find all you need to know about this configuration associated with widespread irrationality and hard-edged “forks in the road of destiny” we’ve all confronted at various times by going to The Grand Irrationality. (I’ll be updating it soon, since we’re rapidly moving out of that configuration which has dominated the past 30 years.)
In this Lunation, the Grand Irrationality is not activated as no planet makes a septile-series aspect to Uranus or Neptune, the planets anchoring the configuration. This evolutionary configuration is triggered by any planet making a 7th harmonic irrational aspect to either Uranus or Neptune from any of the 7 “hot zones” activating this configuration. It will next be triggered when Mars transits 7-10 Cancer and makes a septile to Uranus and biseptile to Neptune.
The configuration is also activated when the Moon transits any of the 7 “hot zones,” as well as when planets make 7th harmonic angles to Uranus and Neptune. This configuration is associated with the 7-pointed “Star of Destiny” active at this hard edge in history. Because at this time the off-again, on-again Uranus septile Neptune is a constant factor in the configuration, it keeps non-rational energies in play for those with a planet or point in any of the 7 affected “hot zones” near 1-5 Aquarius, 23-27 Pisces, 14-18 Taurus, 6-10 Cancer, 28 Leo-2 Virgo, 19-23 Libra, and 10-14 Sagittarius.
Neptune in Pisces and Chiron in Aries
In this chart, Chiron is moving forward at 15 Aries. Jupiter’s recent conjunction with Chiron began a very long wave healing and mentoring cycles wherever we have mid- Aries. Because its last direct station was at 12 Aries, those themes will be extremely important through the Summer. This means Chiron is mentoring and teaching us how to heal into our Higher Self through seeing the trajectory of “the flight of our Soul” linked to other Souls sharing our flight path. This month is about growing through remember all the realizations and powers we cultivated in the past.
This continues our adventure related to Chiron’s healing and mentoring energies in the second decan of Aries. We now have two major Chironic themes in play: one was set into motion when Mars conjuncted Chiron in Aries last year, which I explained in Mars Conjunct Chiron at 16 Aries, and the other was just set into motion when Chiron went stationary direct, which I wrote about in Astrology Healing Cycles - Chiron Stationary Direct at 12 Aries. So Aries continues to dominate the Mars/Chiron cycle and the coming Jupiter/Chiron cycle.
Neptune now approaches the end of its depth immersion in its home sign of Pisces, and now is in its long term stay in the last decan, ruled by Scorpio with an added dose of Mars. This is “the end of the end” of the 360 degree “Whole Cycle,” and so encompasses all of the ghosts and unfulfilled mysteries of this past 150 year cycle since it was last here. It also allows us to purify and forgive much of the past and move into a deeper compassion regarding suffering humanity.
Having “taken a walk with our wisdom” and received nourishment “at the end of our day of labor,” we’ve earned new ways to “touch and be touched,” whether physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. Since last Summer, we’ve all been awakened to an expanded tactile awareness, giving us more of a kinesthetic experience of learning. You can learn more about the primary and secondary methods of how we learn all we learn by going to The Seven Different Types of Learning Styles – Pt. 1 and The Seven Different Types of Learning and Teaching Styles – Pt. 2
This New Moon shows Neptune at 26 Pisces, a degree it first transited in April-May 2022 and then went stationary retrograde on in June. At that time it occupied 26 Pisces from mid-May through early August, with the themes of that degree in play since then. So this is our third exposure to the themes of that degree, which will continue to be a major part of the collective field when Neptune goes SD at 25 Pisces in December 2023. This degree is one of realizing the “fallacy of totalitarianism,” and not expecting others to respond to things as we would (which often means saying goodbye.) The end of Pisces allows us expanded “non-local knowing.”
Summing Up - The Big Picture
The Capricorn conjunctions of early 2020 continue to condition the long wave cycles unfolding since then even as we simultaneously build a new Aquarian social-spiritual ideal. Jupiter raced through Pisces after its time in Aquarius and opened infinite potentials which will be actualized over the next 20 years. What Jupiter opened in 2021, Saturn has crystallized in 2022 with major transitions happening over the next few weeks.
We are now on a new adventure! Having set a lot into motion since 2020, we now get to take a new look at the karmic leftovers from the past, and now rapidly accelerate the pace into the new with Jupiter speeding through Aries en route to Taurus in May. We’ll experience a much more comfortable pace coming after the major T-square happening the third week of May. And we’re just hours away from the dawning of the Pluto in Aquarius era, so things will be very “transitional” from now through 2025.
All of us have been learning to listen to the inner voice and finding things to be grateful for. We’ve had several months of a new spontaneity resulting from cleaning out our mind’s attachments to perceptions and interpretations, and now are in a year when the old answers will not be adequate “to confirm the new conditions of existence.” The old ways and explanations no long apply, and soon we’ll all be called to mobilize to embrace the new life adventure which has opened since last Summer. We have completed our training to use spiritual power effectively, and as per the Solstice chart, have been learning to apply the power of gratitude and appreciation since December.
Since Jupiter began a two year cycle with Mars when they conjuncted at 4 Aries, and as it just transited that degree a few weeks back, embrace the new with enthusiasm and courage. With Jupiter in Aries, it’s time to Flame On! This one opens new initiatives, so advance or withdraw as you see fit, since burying the past helps us find allies with whom we can build bridges to tomorrow.
Summing Up – The Immediate Picture
This Lunation brings extraordinary new openings coming at a rocket’s pace! This month will be totally “NOW” oriented, so whatever it is, just do it. Saturn continues to show us the way to find and use the protection we need from “unnecessarily aggressive social elements,” and with the quintile from Saturn to Uranus, genius and special conditions are in the air blending the old and the new, the established and the revolutionary, in both practical and visionary ways. Still, because old answers won’t solve problems, use your “inner knowing” to utilize spiritual power in the face of brute material conditions.
This month will bring the death of all which would obstruct our ability to come up out of an old collective state and standing “on dry land,” we can “do our Being” in new ways. Don’t let insecurity make you hesitant, since there’s power in just doing whatever you are called to do, swiftly and on your own terms. This is a time to take the remains of the past and re-weave the viable pieces into your unique song to sing to your world as you stand on the threshold of new directions and new allegiances.
Because everything’s compressed in 149+ degrees, the area in our charts where we have Pisces, Aries, and Taurus is the primary focus for the next month. The wide conjunction of Venus and Uranus will bring new initiatives wherever we have Taurus, and with Neptune “leading the Light” of the Lunation, this one requires we embrace a vast compassion for what’s being left behind as we accelerate into the future!
Past eclipses are helping us eliminate all which limits our ability to enjoy ourselves and our freedom. Life can be a delight when we're living our truth, so release all within which blocks your experience of happiness. We’ve all contacted a “seed knowledge” which will serve us in 2023 now that the review of methods and approaches is complete. Scorpio seeks to venture into the unknown, but as the North Node is in Taurus, remember to enjoy the journey (even if it means burying the past in some way.)
Because of several extraordinarily favorable aspects, this should be a very fortunate 4 week period if we can find the right combination of “imagination and engineering,” allowing an inner magnetic transformation to shift what we attract as we commune with “the spirits of our ancestors.” Mars will soon leave Gemini where it’s been since last August, promising an entirely different way of “attacking the problems of life.”
Final Thoughts
We’ve now finished our tests of using spiritual power and/or magnetism wisely. Those who learned the lessons now have new heart strengths as a result of “spiritual linkage through emotional stress” and “the blessings which come forth after the death of useless things.” We’re now living new roles in new relationships as we play our part in the Aquarian energy field growing stronger by the month. Continue to ride the waves of a gigantic future opening to you wherever you have Aquarius and Aries in your chart, welcoming the new, the promise, the protection, and the adventure. Remember enlightenment is a verb, not a noun, and our connection with the World Soul allows us to act in harmony with “All That Is.”
Because of our total immersion in Aquarian energy in 2021-2022, we’ve received innovative ideas and know who our spiritual allies are. In the past 2 years we’ve broken away, broken free, and broken through whatever used to block our flow. We approach a new cooperative era, and the next few weeks continue to accelerate our evolution considerably!
We’re still becoming more conscious of our interrelatedness within the spiritual field and moving through an immersion in a new sensitivity to the generic human condition. The new era dawning will show us that we are in fact individual sparks of Light within an infinite ocean of Light. We are not separate from any other thing, since all things are Light and therefore we are one with All.
This is the beginning of the beginning of a new 200 year era. The powerful forces being released at times may be chaotic, violent, intractable, and irrational, but there is power in our unified vision of a better future. Stay clear about what your vision is, and let go of all which prevents you from flying free with your Spiritual Brothers and Sisters into a better future. Keep the course steady despite the compressed tensions of this time, and know we’re on our way into the future together!
And now, a word from our sponsor!
Because Venus occupies 6 Taurus in this Lunation chart and is conjunct the North Node and Uranus, it’s phenomenally important in how we’re stabilizing the new energies sweeping us into the future. Venus is now helping us meet other bridge builders and allies with whom we can bridge some gap or assist the evolution of a greater work. As Venus is quintile Neptune, it’s a great time to receive unique flashes on a harvest or an ending, and it’s septile to Mars brings the Aries, Taurus, Libra, and Scorpio sectors of our charts at a crossroads based in whatever’s happening in early Taurus and late Gemini in our lives.
These dynamic period are excellent for examining who we are attracting and why, and changing the patterns of attraction so they are more fulfilling in the future. If you want to know more about your Venusian power to attract better relationships and friendships in the future, I’d like to recommend you get your copy of my newest book, The Magic of Venus: Friendships, Soul Mates, and Twin Flames.
It’s the most comprehensive book on Venus ever written, and If you want to know more about Venus and why we like or don’t like the people and things we do, this is the book for you! It explains why we attract who we do, why things take the turns they do, and how to create better relationships in the future. You will understand what it takes to create long lasting personal relationships and friendships, why Soul Mates come into our lives, and how to know the difference between a Soul Mate and our Twin Flame.
It has chapters on the qualities of each sign’s natural mate, the qualities of Venus in each sign, and when crucial choices and changes are made, affecting who we attract in the future. It was written for both astrologers and lay people, and as it has a thousand gems for better relationships, with self, others, and Source, please consider getting your copy by going to the link above! (And when you’re done, please leave a review on Amazon, since it helps the book and all other books on astrology as well!)
See you soon with part 2, which will cover Sabian Symbols, Jones patterns, element distribution, and a whole lot more!
Reprinted on with written permission from Robert Wilkinson. Copying this article to other blogs is strictly prohibited. It is copyright protected.
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