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Super Full Moon and Pluto Shift Into Aquarius

Super Full Moon and Pluto Shift Into Aquarius

November 15th ~ 22nd

Here’s to the bridge-builders, the hand-holders, the light-bringers, those extraordinary souls wrapped in ordinary lives who quietly weave threads of humanity into an inhumane world. They are the unsung heroes in a world at war with itself. They are the whisperers of hope that peace is possible. Look for them in this present darkness. Light your candle with their flame. And then go. Build bridges. Hold hands. Bring light to a dark and desperate world. Be the hero you are looking for. Peace is possible. It begins with us. ~ L.R. Knost

This is the last of the 4 Super Full Moons we have had this year. The first of these, on August 19th was square the planet Uranus. The Full Moon on Friday, November 15th is conjunct the planet of chaos and change. At 24º Taurus 01’ it is only 1º away from culmination. You can just feel the electricity crackling as we approach this Moon. These super moons are magnificent and powerful. Creators of the King Tides, they also have influence over the affairs of the earth as well as humankind. 

Just a few days after the Full Moon, on November 19th, Pluto will enter the sign of Aquarius, where it will remain until 2043 when it will begin to enter the sign of Pisces. We are in this for the long haul. Uranus is considered by many to be the modern ruler of Aquarius. So it almost seems appropriate for this Uranian Full Moon to escort Pluto into this next era of our lives. 

With Uranus in the spotlight holding court for the Full Moon, it could feel as if we are standing on the threshold of something both awful and awe-inspiring all at the same time. As an agent of chaos and change, we are all going to have to be flexible over the next few days, riding the wild tail winds of this Super Moon. For once we step over that threshold, it could feel very much like there is no turning back, and things will never be quite the same again. 

Not all changes are welcome. But in many ways we were and are being asked to ride this wave of change, first off with the Great Conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn at 0º of Aquarius in 2020, and now with the ingress of Pluto into Aquarius this week. It could feel unsettling. All the more so right now. And we can and will see a few more twists and turns before all is said and done. Full Moons are times of culmination. They can bring things to a conclusion, or bring revelations out into the open. Uranus weather is unpredictable, surprising and often riddled with all sorts of extraordinary outcomes. 

The Full Moon in August, was exactly conjunct the US Moon, and was the day of the Democratic National Convention when Kamala Harris was officially nominated as the Democratic candidate. This Full Moon follows the election in which Trump appears to have won handily. But note that there could still be a few twists and turns to this story over the months ahead. Interestingly, Taurus is a sign that has to do with currency and the economy. Uranus is alternative, digital and so leans into the whole crypto-currency world which has just been given a huge boost, tossing us into the roller coaster techno currency world with a whoosh and a bang. 

In our own personal lives we should also be prepared for some surprising twists of our own. Plans can change. Circumstances change. We learn something that has this capacity to change our whole perspective. And it would not be surprising if many find themselves at a juncture in their lives in which they find themselves adjusting to sudden changes in their lives. These could be changes that already occurred, are occurring, or that you are planning to make. The retrograde phase of Uranus is when we are asked to make those internal adjustments that allow us to adapt to what change may come. 

Full Moons are magical. Each month the Sun, the Earth, and the Moon come into alignment, bringing all of our hopes, feelings dreams, values, and emotions to the surface of our lives. This allows us to connect with what has been there all along, just waiting to be realized, understood and seen. 

The Full Moons are usually strongest the night before they culminate. So this one, at least here on the east coast of the United States, was strongest Thursday night. This is potent weather for reading the tea leaves, for dream casting, and divination. It is also a prime time to ask important questions of ourselves, such as:

  • In light of recent circumstances, what changes are you now needing to adjust to? And how have these impacted your life?
  • What are you learning and discovering in the light of the Full Moon? 
  • As a result of what you have learned, what adjustments might you want to make? 
  • Is there something in your life that is either coming to fruition, completion or ending? 
  • In what ways do these impact your values, your sense of self, and self-worth?
  • In what ways can you incorporate certain behaviors and actions that you consider to be most valuable for the healthy functioning of society in your daily life and interactions? Perhaps things like kindness, charity, manners and good will?  

Full Moons are illuminating. And knowing who you are, and realizing what your true priorities are, and honoring them, will help to guide you through the twists and turns ahead. This will be different for everyone. But by honoring what is most important to you, and reveling in your own truth, this will also help you to find your place in this crazy, changing and unpredictable world. 

Pluto enters Aquarius on November 19th, where it will remain for the next 20 years. Pluto tends to bring out the very best and the very worst of the signs as it dives deep down into the foundations of what that sign represents for us. And as it emerges for the last time from the world of Capricorn it looks forward to the vast possibilities of Aquarius while bringing us along for the ride. 

Whereas in Capricorn, all the power (Pluto) was being concentrated at the top, in Aquarius the power is from the bottom up. And whereas in Capricorn we cling to laws, the hard and fast infrastructures, traditions and the past, in Aquarius we look to the future, understand that sometimes we need to change and evolve our structures in order to accommodate an evolving society. 

But we also realize that we don’t want to throw the baby out with the bathwater left over from the Pluto in Capricorn era. There are infrastructures that do need to be reorganized and rebuilt on better standards. There are things that need to be updated. But you don’t want to get rid of the ones that work. There are laws that can be oppressive and discriminating, but you don’t want to want to get rid of the laws that keep us free from harm, and support our freedoms. 

You know there are deep wounds to heal when Pluto in Aquarius is expressed as selfishness and indifference. When it seems too difficult to change your own behaviors in order to benefit the larger whole. When rather than uniting with others in common cause the power of the people devolves into tribalism, scapegoating, zealotry, a vapid mob mentality, and populist fascist regimes. These are the Pluto in Aquarius red flags.

You know you are on the right track with Pluto in Aquarius, when you hear words like liberty, equality, and brotherhood; when your tent is big enough to hold everyone without exception, and recognize the strength that comes from shared ideals put into application, and technological advances in service to the greater good of humanity. You know you are on the right track when you recognize the meaning of the words from Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address: that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth, and if anything, will only be improved.  

For this week’s horoscopes, click below: 


Image: CrystalWind.ca

Astrology By Lauren A Level IV Certified Consulting Astrologer, in New York City. Source

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