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Horoscopes: January 6th Thru The 13th

Horoscopes: January 6th Thru The 13th

For the week of January 6th thru the 13th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well: 


Mars is slowing to a dead stop on January 12th. And as it does so it could feel like you are being put on pause. But unlike the station before its retrograde phase, this pause is the preparation for the launch that is about to occur, when Mars finally picks up normal speed. Shortly after it first stations next Thursday, many an Aries will be feeling anxious to move forward as well. But this momentum is still a little dodgy as it first comes out of the gate, and it will take several weeks to get back into full gear. What you can do in the mean time is use the current pause setting to readjust your inner gps system, making sure that you are on the correct trajectory. Use the Full Moon on January 6th to reorient yourself. Pay attention to what is coming to the surface: Old memories, a well of emotions, and even some old wounds. They are trying to tell you a story about where you are now, and where you might hope to go from here. And within that context, ask yourself, what are those things that you would most like to see yourself accomplishing over the year ahead? What vision for the future would you like to take hold? 


The holiday seasons are something of a mixed blessing each year. Hopes for the future mingle with nostalgic reminiscences and reflections on the past. Many a Taurus has been seeing their lives evolving and growing in ways that are sometimes unfathomable. So it is with mixed blessings that we both hope and cautiously anticipate what is yet to come in the New Year. What you don’t want to lose sight of at this liminal time, is the present moment. There can be something of a burst of activity with the Full Moon on January 6th, filled with pleasant surprises and moments of illumination. But once that all subsides, take whatever opportunity you have to slow down and honor what the present moment is bringing you. There is meaning in even the most subtle of events. So seek peace, and surrender to what is. Breathe deep, and take stock of your surroundings, focusing not on what should have or could have been, but on what is. For this is the foundation for what is yet to come. 


The synapses are clicking, and the air waves are crackling this week. Out of the recesses of your mind, the hope of possibility is arising. And out of these possibilities all sorts of alternatives can rise up. Like messages flashing into your mind in an instant, you see that you don’t have to keep doing things the way that you have been up until now. We are at the dawning of a new Mercury cycle, planting seeds of practical possibility. Looking forward to the year ahead, you may even want to ask yourself: How can I make the most of my valuable time, talents and resources? Are these currently being used to their fullest advantage? Is my time being used wisely? And are my talents and abilities being fully appreciated? And further, What commitments to myself might I want to make as I move into the New Year? Mars is stationing in your sign next week, followed by Mercury on January 18th. And once they begin to pick up speed again, the light will be turning green, and you’ll be ready to take that first step out on to the rest of your life. 


The Full Moon in Cancer is always an important time of the year for you. It is a culmination, not only of the year that was, but for all that you’ve been hoping to accomplish. It stands as a turning point, as you reflect on where you’ve come, as well as looking ahead to what you have yet to accomplish. And even as you are brushing of the dust and cobwebs of the year that was, there is also a certain anticipation for what may come. The Full Moon on January 6th will be especially strong for those Cancers born between the 5th and 9th of July, or who have 13-19º of Cancer Rising, but all Cancer will be resonating with this Full Moon. Full Moons can be very emotional, so don’t be surprised by to find yourself swimming in an abundance of feelings that are coming to the surface. And with these are also coming the results of decisions and causes already set in motion, and any decisions that you’ve been kicking down the road, can no longer be avoided. The dreams and hopes of yesteryear are giving way to something new and different. Even if you don’t seek it, it will end up finding you. So if you were to make some adjustments going forward, what would that look like for you? 


As we leave the old year behind, many of us are being asked to pause even so, and look in the rear view mirror, while girding ourselves for the year to come. For many a Leo, this may be one of those years that you would prefer to see in the rearview mirror. And so looking back could open up some old wounds. If that is the case, know that the Full Moon in Cancer on January 6th is an opportunity to heal some of those wounds. Give yourselves that much deserved hug you are all craving. Don’t skimp. Even if that includes chocolate and ice cream, while you are curling up with your favorite feline friend. Whatever works! But then dare to revive that wistful child-like anticipation that Leo is so known for. The sort of anticipation that comes with new things, new experiences, and new hope. New paths are opening up. Be open to it, and it will find you. Just keep asking yourself: Are we there yet? And eventually you will be. 


You do not need to look for miracles. They are there all around you. You just have to tune in to them. And they will find you. Miracles come in all guises. And sometimes just by opening yourself up to possibility and/or having a conversation at the right time in the right place can bring you this sudden and inspiring illumination. Like an awakening, or a flash of insight, there they are. The miracle you were hoping for. Full Moons can be like that as well: revelatory and insightful. Like a light shining over the ceremonies, this Full Moon on January 6th is daring you to align yourself with your hopes and dreams. And that even includes those dreams that you abandoned and left to rust and corrode on the back burner of your life. These too can be given a miraculous revival. You just have to have a little faith, insight and patience. Or maybe they just need to be watered. Whatever it takes, the planetary gods are awakening you to new possibilities. 


In some ways the Full Moon in Cancer on January 6th allows you to take a peek into the future. Things can open up with this Moon, illuminating a path that is gradually unfolding before you. Full Moons show us the results of decisions and actions made in the past. And this particular Full Moon focuses on things like your current position in life, your work, your status, your goals and your future. And how you are feeling right now about what you have or have not accomplished over the past year can reveal both confirmation and consequences. If you are happy with what you are doing, you are likely to receive positive feedback, and thereby feel confirmed. If problems or conflicts arise, you may want to reassess your current role. and may even feel the inclination to make some changes in your plans. Either way, you may not be ready to do much of anything until after Mars and Mercury station direct again on the 12th and 18th. But what it does do is afford you the opportunity to see with greater clarity, this path of yours that is unfolding before you. 


Since the end of October, your ruling planet Mars, has been on hiatus in its retrograde phase. On January 12th, that is about to change, as Mars stations for the direct phase to follow. It’s not quite time for the green light. But it is in its preparatory phase. And as it comes to station, it can literally feel like a pause button has been pushed, making it difficult to proceed or move forward. At least not quite yet. It takes a bit for Mars to achieve its normal momentum again. However, many a Scorpio will be agitated to get moving once again. Know that nothing is achieved by trying to push things before they are ready. Rather use the conjunction of Mercury which coincides with the Full Moon this weekend, to create a plan for the future. This week is about getting yourself into alignment with your goals for the future. The New Mercury cycle begins in the middle of its retrograde phase, so the process begins by focusing within, and envisioning where you see yourself 4 months, or even 12 months from now. And then use the momentum, courage and motivation of Mars in its direct phase to bring you where you need to go. 


We’ve all been on a temporary pause since the end of October, when Mars entered its retrograde phase. This coming week, Mars will station for its direct phase. This can feel like a full stop. But a full stop just before we are allowed to then regain our momentum. Don’t expect it to happen right away. It will take some time for Mars to pick up speed again. So allow things to come together as they will. But do know that Mars is strong whenever it appears to stand still as it is this week. People get agitated. Things appear to simmer and boil. Ultimately what Mars is trying to do is to get us motivated again. And with your ruling planet Jupiter having just entered Aries in December it could feel like a vision for the future is beginning to be kindled. Even if it’s only in its infancy stage. The Full Moon on January 6th, could help to shine some light on a situation. But you will need to be open to it, in order to recognize an opportunity for what it really is. 


Following the New Moon in Capricorn on December 23rd, the Full Moon on January 6th can bring you some further illumination and conclusions to whatever new starts you have planned for 2023. In the mean time, many a Capricorn may have been busy tying up some loose ends, clearing out the cobwebs of the previous year, and creating a better foundation for the year to come. And this can include nursing any old wounds, shoring up close personal relationships, and making your current living arrangement as safe and secure as possible. When these foundations are all in place, then you will be able to proceed with confidence. Saturday begins a New Mercury cycle, which lasts through the month of April. This cycle which always begins during the retrograde phase, falls this time in the sign of Capricorn. Use it to envision and plant seeds for your future self. Imagine yourself 4 months from now, or one year from now, having achieved certain goals and aspirations. Set the tone, and turn on the gps. The New Year is gearing up. 


A lot of people do a lot of cleaning just before the New Year. This way you don’t bring the soiled remains from the previous year with you into the year to come. With a retrograde Mercury in Capricorn many an Aquarius is ready to tie up some loose ends, and sweep out the cobwebs of the past. In this way we prepare the way for what will be. And cleaning out the cupboards of your life can be something of a metaphor for releasing what you no longer need, or fixing what had become broken, and healing old wounds. You are readying yourself for the New Year to come. By now, many an Aquarius is ready for something new to make its way into your life. And even if you don’t think you need it right now, and even if you aren’t looking for it, know that it just may find you instead.  


Even if the week begins with a bit of a hullabaloo with the Full Moon on January 6th, and maybe even a flash of lightning here and there, allow yourself to lean into a more subdued week after the weekend. Full Moons can bring its own element of emotional excitement. And the Mars station on January 12th, can also kindle a few sparks. However all else points to a temporary pause in order for you to align yourself with what might seem like a larger, or perhaps better vision for the future. And if you were to align yourself with your hopes and wishes for the future, what would that look like? What are your dreams, hopes and plans for the year ahead? And how can you make these a realistic and achievable reality, with the resources that you currently have at your disposal? Full Moons are often times in which we see the results of decisions already made. They can also be illuminating. And this one brings just enough light to be able to see the diverging roads ahead. Should you stick with the path you are on? Or consider an alternate route to get there? 


Astrology By Lauren
A Level IV Certified Consulting Astrologer, in New York City. 

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