Humans Rise Beyond Control: Pleiadian Channeling Dec 30 - Jan 5
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- Written by Anna Merkaba

Greetings My Beloved Masters of the Universe!
This week, December 30 – January 5th, we are invited to step into a profound new reality as the energies of the Aquarian age bring breakthroughs in consciousness, innovation, and personal empowerment.
In this channeling, the Pleiadians share insights into how these energies will illuminate new pathways and help us embrace the magic of simply being.
To support you during this transformative week, you can download your free Cosmic Alignment PDF guide, which includes a day-by-day forecast of the energies and how to best align with them in love, health, spirituality, career, and family. Inside, you’ll also find a sacred ritual to anchor these powerful energies and step into your highest potential.
If this message resonates with you, please share it with others, as together, we uplift and inspire those around us. Thank you for being here, and may this week bring you clarity, peace, and infinite blessings. Now having said this here is the channeling that I have received:
Aquarian age is in full bloom, the blossoming vitality flows of illuminated pathways. The energies rise to meet the expectations of the beholder to witness pure simplicity, pure magic in the simplicity of being. The Aquarian age of acquisition of immortality principles of Being in the moment of your creation in full bloom and blossoming brightly for all to see, experience, and be. For the Aquarian age of the acquisition of immortality of Being brings with it innovations unseen prior in your world. Innovations of the highest degree of consciousness, which shall allow you to fully and cohesively understand that which you are.
For the intricate societal structures of your world are crumbling, while a new reality of Being emerges from the scientific exploration, if you will, of your world. Through said scientific exploration, through the unraveling of mysteries of your universe, much becomes clear for you in your cognition, and many ancient secrecies and mysteries are coming to light. For the time has come for humans as a whole collective consciousness to understand exactly that: that you all are a collective consciousness. Based on your quantum computers, which are your brains, and the coherent rhythm of your hearts connecting you to your higher selves, to your soul’s essence, you are able to compute, you are able to create, you are able to create a playground for you to experience being in human form in a matrix from which you can consciously create a desired reality of your choosing.
What we are trying to say to you, dearly beloveds, is that the innovations in your sciences, such as computing, quantum AI, and so forth and so on, are tools given to humanity—”downloaded,” if you will, by the great minds of YOUR species, by the great minds of YOUR kind, the humankind. Brought to life on your shores, these innovations are for one and one reason only: to help you understand the workings of your universe, the workings of your bodies, the workings of your mind, and the coherent limitless abilities that you possess, which you bring through with you from the ethers as a soul to experience being in a physical reality of your choosing.
And whilst many seek to control you with the newly equipped discovered energetic manipulations, the coherent code of your soul, the signature of your soul, and the heart rhythm of your creation shall not allow said technology to be used against you. For you are all refusing said technological innovations to be used against you instead of their original purpose, which is to help you see the world in a different light, to experience the lightness of being, to experience freedom, and to experience the true power of all that your soul is capable of.
And so, and thus, the week of your December 30 – January 5 marks a new beginning in innovation on your planet. Many discoveries will be announced to your world this week; many innovations in sciences, medicine, and aerospace shall become more coherent in their understanding to you. Many more energetic uplifts await you this week as you step into a new platform, a new foundational reality of your choosing. For the light of Alcyone in the Pleiades is rapidly intensifying and “blasting” your planet and all its inhabitants with particles of creation, allowing you to see that which you have not been able to see prior to said time, allowing you to welcome and understand new signatures of the cosmos, new innovations, new technologies, and truly see that they are nothing extraordinary.
For the most extraordinary creation in your known world is YOU. For you, you are a compass, a driving light, a vehicle of your chosen momentum. Your bodies are spectacularly, divinely crafted and guided vehicles of time and space, allowing you to partake in this magnificent reality of your planet. Your souls are your true essences, and you are here to not just bring through a new age, not just witness it, but experience it, be in it, marvel within it, partake of it, participate in it, and be present, be in the now, all the while knowing that it is but a glimpse in the time and space continuum in which you are presently finding yourselves.
And so, the week of your December 30 – January 5 marks a fascinating time filled with awe and wonder, illumination and upliftment, benevolence, and co-creation of a new world.
Decoding the Channeling
In this channeling, we are told that we are living in a time of incredible transformation, where the energies of the Aquarian age are blossoming and opening pathways of illumination for all of us. These energies are rising to meet our own expectations, inviting us to witness the profound magic and simplicity of simply being. The message speaks of a moment in time when humanity is being called to embrace the present, to live fully in the now, and to awaken to the limitless possibilities that this age of innovation brings.
The Pleiadians tell us that the intricate structures of society, as we have known them, are beginning to crumble, giving way to a new reality. This shift is supported by advancements in science and technology, which are not here to separate us but to reveal the profound interconnectedness of our minds, hearts, and souls. These tools, such as quantum computing and artificial intelligence, are described as gifts from the higher realms, designed to help us understand the workings of the universe and our own incredible potential. They remind us that while some may attempt to misuse these technologies, the unique rhythm and signature of our souls will ensure that they are ultimately used for the highest good—to bring clarity, freedom, and lightness of being to our human experience.
This channeling also speaks of cosmic energies from the Pleiades intensifying on Earth, filling us with particles of creation that expand our awareness and open us to new discoveries. It is a reminder that we, ourselves, are the most extraordinary creations, divinely designed to explore and co-create within this reality. We are here not just to witness the dawning of a new age, but to actively participate in its unfolding, to marvel at its beauty, and to remember the infinite possibilities that lie within us.
As we approach this powerful time, marked by the light of Alcyone and the cosmic blessings it brings, the Pleiadians invite us to embrace the awe and wonder of this transformation. This is a moment of co-creation, a time to step fully into the roles we chose for this incarnation, and to experience the joy and freedom of living as awakened beings. Let us move forward with love, curiosity, and a deep knowing that we are exactly where we are meant to be.
Greetings, My Beloved Masters of the Universe,
As we step into the threshold of a new year, I am filled with profound gratitude for the light, love, and courage each of you brings to this ever-expanding journey. The energies of this time remind us of the incredible potential within us and the divine support surrounding us as we co-create a reality rooted in truth, purpose, and love.
This year invites us to rise above limitations, embrace the wisdom of our soul’s blueprint, and activate the innate gifts encoded in our being. The cosmic energies are aligning to illuminate your path, calling you to release what no longer serves and step boldly into your power. Remember, the most extraordinary creation in this universe is YOU.
Let 2025 be a year of clarity, renewal, and transformation. As you set your intentions and walk forward, trust that the infinite love of the Universe is guiding and supporting you every step of the way. Together, we rise beyond the chaos, anchoring love and divine purpose into this new chapter of evolution.
May this year bring you boundless joy, radiant health, deep love, and an unwavering sense of your infinite potential. Thank you for sharing this sacred journey with me if only for a moment.
I love you all and am sending you a tsunami of love, light, abundance, health and joy! ~Anna Merkaba
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