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Today's Angel Message: A Window Opens

Today's Angel Message: A Window Opens

Cat’s Angel Message for October 18, 2024

October’s Theme:  The Universe is sending us messages that are important for us personally, emotionally and spiritually so work on staying open to the information that you receive!

Remember that when we allow ourselves to embrace growth, we are making the statement that we are ready to move forward! Cat

Today’s Message:

1018: Today the Universe is letting us know that a small window of prosperity is opening and that it's time to spread your wings and allow some needed growth. By embracing this personal transformation, we are opening the doors and pathways that will usher in new blessings in areas like relationships and abundance. Dust off the Welcome mat and invite them in then use your powers of positive manifestation and creative thinking to make things happen. While this window will come around again make use of this one to set things in motion. Stay open to any messages that you receive especially the ones that tell you to take immediate action as it will be in your best interests. Remember that when we allow ourselves to embrace growth, we are making the statement that we are ready to move forward!

Today’s Spirit Helpers include:

  • Archangel Haniel showers us with stardust, illuminating our thoughts and memories so that we can remember what magical beings we truly are, which assists us in the creation process. In turn this shows us how to receive with grace and gratitude. This process accelerates when we allow beauty and harmony to surround us. It' helps us to enjoy ourselves which makes blessings easier to receive.

  • The Ascended Master Solomon helps us to take what we are given and make the most of it. He teaches us how to do things more efficiently as he guides us through difficult situations. Focus and efficiency help us in our quest for personal evolution and help create the necessary steppingstones we need to move ahead.

  • The Welsh Goddess Cerridwen uses her cauldron “Amen” to help provide us with knowledge, wisdom, personal rebirth and inspiration. remember that change brings us the transformation that we need. She reminds us “The opportunity for your own transformation lies before you. It provides you the chance to spread your wings and grow. Look into my sacred cauldron and see the vision of your path unfolding before you.”

Today’s Sacred Stones include:

  • Peridot brings new levels of awareness as it promotes growth and necessary change as it helps to sharpen the mind and enhance our self-confidence. Peridot can teach us to look back at the past and find the gifts that are hidden within our experiences and then shows us the path to forgiveness and moving forward.

  • Blue Quartz helps us to understand our spiritual nature and gives us a spiritual boost as it brings hope as it calms the mind and helps us to become more self-reliant. Together these things promote happiness and feelings of wellbeing. It also cleanses the energy of our outer environment as it supports peaceful interactions with those around us. Blue Quartz also promotes clarity and eases any fear we may experience as we continue to explore. It works with both the Throat and Third Eye Chakras and helps us to speak our truth and promotes being heard and positive communication.

  • Black Tourmaline helps to clear away negative energy and offers protection. It also helps to stimulate both creativity and practicality. Both of which will help us to achieve our goals.

Bright blessings for a magickal day!


I’m Cat from Grand Jct. Colorado. I’m married, pagan, owned by a “clowder” of cat’s and enjoy crystals, tree hugging, books, belly dancing, photography and numerous outdoor activities.
I am the owner/ jewelry creator of Cat’s Treasure Trove (found here on my WP site!) and  the group Sacred Spirals: The place where all paths meet, on Facebook. In my spare time I am a  part time caregiver for my mother who is entering the realm of dementia.

I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:

Sacred Spirals on Facebook: The place where all paths meet  

The Desert Path: The Dusty Ramblings of a Desert Pagan

Cat’s Treasure Trove: An eclectic  collection of jewelry & gifts
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