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You Can't See the End Until It's Done: The Art of Recreating Reality

You Can't See the End Until It's Done: The Art of Recreating Reality

Can you see any of your creations until they are finished?

Can you see the final product before it is a finished product? You cannot. You can only see parts of the final product until it is completed.

Can you hold the book in your hands before it is finished? Can you see the painting before you, before it is completed?

You can only see the final product when it is finished. So everything that you see is a final product of something that has already been created. Everything in your life.

By final is not meant unchanging, because you know you can create another book, another painting, another product… it is never final, just one creation out of many.

Your reality is the same. It is the clay out of which you mold your reality.

Therefore even the final product when it is completed can be remolded into a new product because you are working with the substance of creation, not with solid things.

If everything you see before you is the past, then you have an opportunity to create something different. And you get to see it before your eyes, experience it, when that creation, product is complete. When you are no longer adding to it.

Say it is a relationship you want to recreate. As long as you keep adding to what you want, you are still in the process of creating that final product. When you know for sure, this is exactly what I am wanting, now the product is ready to show up.

That is why those who are very specific about their relationships attract them.

It doesn’t matter what is, what is, is really the past, what has been created and has shown up.

If you can see it, then it is over, it is done. You cannot wrestle with it and change it anymore. You need to create something new.

Nothing is final because you keep recreating.

You are a creator, whether you see that evident in art, in music, in literature, in things, in games, in movies, you are one that creates. And you do so beyond physical things. You create experiences for yourself, you create environments, you create set ups for scenes to come.

While you may not have control over your entire creation, as far as the how and when it unfolds, you have complete power and choice over what you create.

And when you are convinced, when you are certain that you are the one creating in your life, then it won’t matter what shows up anymore, because you will recognize you have created using old tools, old concepts, old ideas and you get excited to recreate it all anew, create something new in its place.

You know you are creating different when you no longer see it as something to change, when you understand it is already done, already over. You know you are creating something new when you take from it what you no longer desire to create and fixate your attention on what you prefer to create. You know you are creating something new when you step outside of the beliefs that got you creating the final product you see in the first place.

You see you cannot create something if you don’t believe you can. No one will invest large sums of money in a project they think is a failure or impossible to achieve. You will only create what you believe you can create. You will know you are creating something new when you begin to believe different. To create the impossible, you must believe in the impossible, you must believe even the impossible is possible.

And this is the time to recreate it all.

Submitted to CrystalWind.ca via email. 


Nadina Boun, self published author and fitness trainer, shares in this blog some of the messages she received and channeled from her Higher Self and Higher Council of Light, to help us better understand ourselves and the world we live in, in these times of ascension and change. Hope you enjoy these and the wisdom they bring.

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