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Tap into Your Natural Energy Flow with Ease!

Tap into Your Natural Energy Flow with Ease!

I have noticed a recent shift in how effortlessly energy is able to flow through our bodies and enhance our lives.

I’ve observed that when I’m attempting anything aimed at the final result, plowing ahead with an agenda just to get ‘er done, rather than being fully present in the moment, energies do not typically flow very efficiently. Getting caught in attempting to manipulate and perfect the details rather than allowing the natural flow, things have a tendency to either go awry or take much longer than necessary as the mind wastes time shuffling through its antiquated data.

But when I’m fully present in the moment, energy flows with ease and grace, as does the current project. Whether that’s something as simple and mundane as washing up the dishes or as complex as a new creation.

I used to wonder why my supreme answers were always found in the quiet stillness rather than my accumulated intelligence. That never made sense to my human mind. I now realize this quiet stillness hovers beyond the machinations of the mind that’s caught in recycling the old stories which interfere with finding the true answers I am seeking.

The same applies when I’m attempting to “get things done”. For example: If I put washing my car on my to-do list, my mind jumps in trying to figure out when to fit it into my schedule, whether I have all the tools necessary, when it’s going to rain, etc., etc., etc. Or repeating of the usual dread of doing the least favorite things like weeding the garden or mundane things like cleaning the house or doing laundry. It’s within our human mind that our energy gets entangled.

The other day, on my way from the garden to my front door, I noticed my car was covered with pollen. I immediately turned on the hose, grabbed a bucket and began washing my car. I enjoyed every swipe of the sponge that removed the sticky pollen to reveal the shinny green paint underneath. Because I was in the moment, there was no angst about washing my car. I was done in a heartbeat, resulting in a clean shiny car, tools put away, and me relaxing in my lawn chair moments later. When I walked by my car that evening, I admired how shinny it looked but had no immediate memory of washing my car because my mind had not stored all its usual taxing stories. I simply enjoyed the effortless result.

THIS is how we’re innately meant to live!! I’m allowing My Energy to effortlessly flow in service to ME!! Rather than me in constant service, working hard to gain and store energy in order to live (whether that be money, housing, food, sleep, etc.).

When living in the moment, I experience a quiet stillness that makes space for life to intuitively flow with effortless ease and grace. All the answers are available and new potentials await to enhance my life.

What a joy life becomes when we return to our natural state of being by allowing energy to be in service to us!

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~

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Sharon Lyn Shepard is a modern day mystic and visionary. Her mystical writings and music transcend our minds, expand our consciousness and awaken us to our innate divinity to celebrate life in all of its forms. Sharon lives “heaven on earth” and invites all of us to join her in embracing a new world of love, joy and harmony. 
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