Wounds of Christ Healing
- Details
- Written by AndEl

Dear Ascending Family,
Those moving onto the ascending timeline will experience a more intensely amplified awakening experience, as they directly connect into the new phases of the Galactic Zodiac, a 13 constellation Universal Time calendar. Currently we are in the height of the 13th stage of the Piscean Alchemical Laws, which ignite the divine firewater within to merge the inner male and female, and bring through the spiritual archetypes and blueprint of the perfected Christos-Sophia, Krystallah and Ascension. Thus, time and space are being reorganized as these alchemical principles activate and transmit their stellar intelligence from the Cosmic and Universal planes into the planetary body. This resets the planetary clock shield networks to synchronize to the consciousness blueprint of the Cosmic Clock of the Aeonic Pair(s), or Universal Time Calendar. Consciousness evolution throughout time and space is organized through Universal quantum mechanics, which obey multiple instruction sets and morphogenetic fields that translate into what is manifested in this realm.
These instructional fields are an architecture, made upon the many frequency waves and of dimensional layers that exist within the holographic blueprint matrices. The instruction sets can be inserted artificially in a person or object, to bend the laws of time and space, or remain in the original template design. An artificial design to bend the law would be the example of an alien implant that changes the instruction set. This week we are going up against some of these artificial instruction sets that were placed in the planetary body that have been used to manipulate the masses into the social engineering of the counterfeit Christ, the storyline used to accept the crucifixion, martyrdom and blood sacrifice of another human being, Jesus Christ, as God’s will. As a result, this is an intense and important time, as we enter the religious narrative of the Holy Week, which details the descent into the underworld and total darkness in Christ’s Crucifixion, the torture of Christ in the stations of the cross and then leading into the Resurrection and Ascension, celebrated as Easter. The NAA have used holographic inserts and technology to further promote the Archontic Deception narrative in the timelines on the earth, in order to generate the false white light or false Christ consciousness that is utilized by the interdimensionals on the astral as a consciousness trap.
For some of us that are energy healers or gridworkers, we may find ourselves processing the intensity of the planetary miasma and related timelines. For those of us on the Christos mission for the reclamation of the Diamond Sun body, this may be an intense and challenging time on the physical self. As we entered Palm Sunday, Guardian teams are observing the hologram and the AI technology used to perpetuate the false Christ story of the largest religious organizations on earth, along with many levels of the story's permutation that resulted from the use of this kind of mind control technology to pervert the Christ Consciousness. At this time our planet and group identities stationed in time are undergoing stages of the Deconstruction of the Cross in our physical body, spiritual bodies and other matter life forms, that have been impacted by planetary crucifixion. This is effectively the Great Remembering, to see the truth of what has happened to us, and thus the release and erasure of the memories of death through blood sacrifice and spiritual vampirism from the past, present and future timelines.
To support our ascending family, the following is a clearing treatment to help assist in the release of alien technology, holographic inserts that are especially relevant in the events of this week ending on Easter. We recognize the religious indoctrination that has been used to perpetuate the enslavement of humanity through the salvationistic ideals which promote the acceptance of torture in the crucifixion, and that martyrdom and blood sacrifice are necessary to worship God. This is painful and difficult content to address and process, so be gentle with yourselves. Take good care of your body this week, as the gravitational force behind this mass blood sacrifice hologram is like a massive oceanic wave of force that occurs when megalithic structures fall down, and this can have strong impact to the physical body, some of us will need to be still and recover from the impact. Bless our family in Christos-Sophia, may peace be in your heart, mind and body during these transformative times!
Meditation, April – May 2014: Wounds of Christ
When we understand holograms of refracted Light, we can begin to understand the holographic architecture placed in the consciousness fields of the planet to bend or control the refraction of Light and Sound within an inorganic state of being. An inorganic stage is defined as the state artificially built by an extra dimensional entity with the aim and goal of subversion, infiltration and enslavement of the being subjected underneath its realm to its own reflection of Light.
This evening we are addressing a specific inorganic architecture which we call “Wounds of Christ” and “The Stations of the Cross,” which are substructures of the Planetary Crucifixion Implants that have subverted the 7th Dimension, and therefore the Crown Chakra and Planetary Brain.
All of these mind control structures or implants are examples of inorganic refractions of holographic architecture that were artificially built in dead energy structures through frequency manipulation. By superimposing these refracted Light spectrums to be directed at the whim of a controlling entity through a hidden agenda, the entity can create overlays of perception, overlays of identity and this is a means of alien mind control of which has been discussed many times in this Guardian body of work. By controlling perception of identity, one can control the consciousness of the identity and eventually through subversion of the original identity, possess the being’s body and mind to become subservient to an agenda that is not organic, nor natural to the soul.
We are able to change, alter and adjust refracted Light patterns used to control identity through the compassionate witnessing of these patterns, thereby applying God's pure love presence throughout our spiritual body consciousness to remove harmful frequency devices.
Thus, this evening we call upon our Krystal Star Family, the Double Diamond Sun body, Aurora body, and the Krystal Waters of pure Christ's bloodline. Beloveds, we welcome you and thank you for your support, protection and foundation for each and every being representing our group field to deconstruct the cross architecture.
Please prepare for meditation.
Beloved Holy Presence of God, in pure love please open all channels of Light. Clear all Light fibers to be fully connected and resonant with the Eternal and Living Light Code.
We call upon our Group Avatar of Ascension, the Guardian families, the Aurora and Guardian Mentor Band of Mercy, serving the Law of One mission. May we all work together in the highest capacity of God's infinite Light, love and power in Divine right order and harmony.
Declare your intention: My declaration of intention is to serve my God source. I commit to serve my highest God power, fully, completely and totally.
Now intend to connect your inner spirit and activate and amplify your core shield. From within your 12th Dimensional field, create the hub handshake with Unity Intelligence, the Krystal Star.
As you take a nice inhale – now exhaling your breath, sending your spiritual Light into your space. Command your space with a boundary test, as you send the Spirit Light from your heart, moving counterclockwise in your mind: I am God. I am Sovereign. I am Free.
Command your space in the sacred sovereign Light. And feel yourself connected, sustained and nourished within your own Light source.
Again, we hold the intention now to build strongly the inner spiritual foundation and core to house our entire inner spirit Krystic Light presence.
Beloved Guardians of the God Force, may we assist each person's integration process in Divine perfection and sequence of God's will for each being.
Our intention is to break the bondage of the subconscious mind programs of the False King of Tyranny, Wounds of Christ hologram, and Stations of the Cross hologram, and their links into crucifixion implant memories and their control over the body, to free the core spirit to unite with the Father Principle of God, with God's Holy Spirits, and the Spirit of Christ Sophia, in love, peace and harmony.
And as you take three, deep breaths, saying to yourself inwardly: I am relaxed now.
We intend to identify, locate, remove and repair, the subconscious mind aspect, which inflict negative ego delusion, inflict mental bondage of pain and suffering, in any part of the spiritual and energetic layer from the False Father mind control program, related to the Wounds of Christ, Stations of the Cross through the entire course of this treatment.
We intend to remove all refracted and distorted holographic architecture placed in our consciousness field, any architecture placed in our mental body field of the Stations of Cross or Wounds of Christ, which are used to impale and hold down crucifixion implant in our human Lightbody and crucifixion implant in our planet body.
We call upon the Master Christos Collective, our Family of Krystal Star, to help each individual and our collective group to identify, locate, remove and repair the Wounds of Christ from impacting or influencing our body or consciousness. We ask to apply these clearings, healings to this landmass of which they have been associated, if in harmony with God's will and God's Divine right timing.
Our goal is to collect the false hologram in our Lightbody, in our space or region and shatter them, dissolve them, and eliminate them from being used against our body, against our mind, against our Sovereign, Freedom and Right to connect directly into the Godhead in all timelines. We only accept the ascension timeline of freedom, sovereignty and ascension for all, as God's will.
This sovereign right and decree is taken at the behest of the Holy Father, the Holy Father Presence of God, which is the true source of infinite compassionate love in action. Holy Father and the Rishic Suns of Christ will dispense grace and blessing to dissolve these wound artifacts from the past, present and future timelines.
We will take a moment to register the crucifixion memory and implant area.
Taking your right hand, and we intend to register the memory located in areas in your body, we want to acknowledge these areas as they refer to the physical body location, by touching these areas of your body consciously.
With your right hand and with your middle three fingers, place on your physical body the left side and top of your skull.
Now again locate your pineal gland, which is in the center of your third eye. Placing your right hand and your middle three fingers on your pineal gland.
Now with your right hand and middle three fingers, place on your left shoulder.
Now place it at the base of your skull.
Now with your right hand, place it on your left lymph nodes on your neck.
With your right hand, now feel your left neck and bring it down to feel your artery, your aorta, which is the largest vein in the human body. The largest artery in the human body, originating in the left ventricle of the heart and extending down into your abdomen. The aorta distributes oxygenated blood to all parts of the body through the systemic circulation. Again register your aorta artery.
Now again with your right hand, connect to the area of your left lung and heart.
Now with your right hand, touch your left knee.
Now with your right hand, touch your left thigh, upper thigh.
And again as possible, now touch and register with your left buttock.
And we want to acknowledge all of these areas in our body, as they refer to the physical body location of crucifixion memories and holographic implants of those memories in our body and in our consciousness.
Now we bring our focus to the “Wounds of Christ.”
In the Christian religious tradition, there are five Holy wounds, five piercings suffered during the crucifixion of Jesus. Each of these wounds hold pain and false holographic memory that is referred to one of the crucifixion implants on our left side axiatonal line that we have just acknowledged in our physical body.
As we now focus on the area of each of the five wounds, we will be asking conscious questions of that wound in order to recognize it and to clear and heal it.
We will focus first on the center palm of your right hand, for this is where the first nail was impaled in the right hand.
Focusing your attention on the center palm of your right hand. Beloved Holy Presence of God, please reveal to me through these Wounds of Christ to be aware of the memory of this implant in so that they may be cleared and released from me forever.
Beloveds, locate the area of the cellular memory imbed, residue, and debris in the core template and aura. Beloveds, I request to observe its causation in false reality, artificial insert, mind control program or memory imprint. I allow this to be revealed in order to release and clear the pain.
Please correct the cellular memory and collapse the timeline. Holy Father, please apply the core soul protection for release and retrieval. Beloved Holy Father, please apply unconditional love in forgiveness and forgetfulness.
Now focus on the center palm of your left hand. This is where the nail was impaled in the left hand.
Beloved Holy Presence of God, please reveal to me through these Wounds of Christ to be aware of the memory of this implant in so that they may be cleared and released from me forever. Please locate the area of the cellular memory imbed, residue, debris in my core template or aura.
I request to observe the causation of the false reality, the artificial insert, the mind control program or memory imprint. I allow this to reveal in order to release and clear the pain. Please correct the cellular memory and collapse timeline.
Holy Father, please apply the core soul protection for complete release and retrieval. Holy Father, please apply unconditional love in forgiveness, and forgetfulness.
Now focus on the center area of your right foot. This is where the nail impaled the right foot.
Beloved Holy Presence of God, please reveal to me through these Wounds of Christ to be aware of the memory of this implant in so that they may be released and cleared from me forever. Please locate the area of cellular memory embed, residue, debris in my core template and aura.
I request to observe the causation, false reality, artificial insert, mental program or memory imprint. I allow this to reveal to remove and clear pain. Please correct the cellular memory and collapse the timeline.
Holy Father, please apply the core soul protection for release and retrieval. Holy Father, please apply unconditional love in forgiveness and forgetfulness.
Focus on the center of your left foot. This is where the nail impaled the left foot.
Beloved Holy Presence of God, please reveal to me through these Wounds of Christ to be aware of the memory of this implant in so that they may be cleared and released from me forever. Please locate the area of cellular memory embed, residue, debris in my core template or my aura.
I request to observe the causation, false reality, artificial insert, mental program or memory imprint. I allow to reveal the release in order to clear the pain. Please correct the cellular memory and collapse the timeline.
Holy Father, please apply the core soul protection for permanent release and retrieval of parts. Holy Father, please apply unconditional love in forgiveness and forgetfulness.
Now focus on your left side, the bottom rib cage. This is your spleen. This is the piercing of the Spear of Destiny or the spleen implant. Again focus on the left rib cage, on your spleen. This is where the Spear of Destiny or the impale to the spleen has occurred.
Beloved Holy Presence of God, please reveal to me through these Wounds of Christ to be aware of the memory of this implant in so that they may be cleared and released from me forever. Please locate the area of cellular memory embed, residue, or debris in the core template or my aura.
I request to observe the causation of the false reality, artificial insert, the mind control program or memory imprint. I allow to reveal this in order to release and clear the pain.
Please correct the cellular memory and collapse the timeline.
Holy Father, please apply the core soul protection for my bloodline for permanent release and retrieval. Holy Father, please apply unconditional love in forgiveness and forgetfulness.
We now intend to remove distorted holographic architecture placed in our consciousness field of the Stations of the Cross. The Stations of the Cross refer to artistic representations, often sculptural, which depict the Christ carrying the cross through and to his crucifixion. This is also called “the Via Dolorosa,” or the “Way of the Sorrows.”
The Stations of the Cross typically are placed at intervals among the sidewalls of most churches. They are small plaques with reliefs or paintings. The tradition of moving around the Stations of the Cross were to commemorate the crucifixion of Christ, which began with St. Francis of Assisi and extended throughout the Roman Catholic Church in the medieval period. It is most commonly done on Good Friday. These stations are embedded in the planet as false holographic memory timelines to promote the story of Christ crucifixion for the negative alien agenda religion purposes.
Our goal is to collect these false holograms in our Lightbody, in our space or region and shatter and dissolve them, eliminate them from being used against our body, against our mind or against our Sovereign Freedom and Right to connect directly into the Godhead in all timelines.
These Stations of the Cross consist of 14 stations. Most of these stations are located in the Earth grid and are held down on the martyr’s blood, which has begun its reclamation in the Holy Jerusalem Second Dimensional stargate. Each of these stations may be located in a part of your Lightbody instruction set.
Our goal now is to locate that memory, remove and eliminate its governance over your body and consciousness.
Station One: Jesus is condemned to death.
Locate area of cellular memory embed, residue, debris in the core template or aura. I request to observe the causation of its reality insert or programming. I allow the reveal to release and clear the pain and trauma of this station.
Please correct the cellular memory and collapse the timeline.
Holy Father, please apply core soul protection for release and retrieval of parts. Holy Father, please apply unconditional love in forgiveness and forgetfulness.
We now focus on Station Two: Jesus carries his cross.
Locate the area of cellular memory embed, residue, debris in the core template or aura. I request to observe the causation of its reality, insert, programming or imprint. I allow to reveal to release and clear the pain.
Please correct the cellular memory and collapse the timeline.
Holy Father, please apply the core soul protection for release and retrieval. Holy Father, please apply unconditional love in forgiveness and forgetfulness.
Focus on Station Three: Jesus falls the first time.
Locate the area of cellular memory embed, residue, debris in the core template or aura. And we request to observe the causation of its false reality insert program or imprint. I allow to reveal in order to release and clear its pain. Please correct the cellular memory and collapse the timeline.
Beloved Holy Father, please apply the core soul protection for release and retrieval. Holy Father please apply unconditional love in forgiveness and forgetfulness.
We now focus on Station Four: Where Jesus meets his Mother Mary.
Locate the area of the cellular memory embed, residue and debris in the core template or aura. I request to observe the causation of the false reality insert program or imprint. I allow this to reveal in order to release and clear its pain. Please correct the cellular memory and collapse the timeline.
Holy Father, please apply the core soul protection for release and retrieval. Holy Father, please apply unconditional love in forgiveness and forgetfulness.
Now focus on Station Five: Where Simon helps Jesus carry the cross.
Locate the area of the cellular memory embed, residue and debris in the core template or aura. I request to observe its causation as a false reality insert program or imprint. I allow this to reveal in order to release and clear its pain. Please correct the cellular memory and collapse the timeline.
Beloved Holy Father, please apply core soul protection for release and retrieval. Beloved Holy Father, please apply unconditional love in forgiveness and forgetfulness.
We now focus on Station Six: Veronica wipes the face of Jesus.
Please locate the cellular memory embed, residue and debris in the core template or aura. I request to observe its causation of false reality insert program or imprint. I allow it to reveal to release and clear its pain. Please correct the cellular memory and collapse the timeline.
Holy Father, please apply core soul protection for release and retrieval. Holy Father, please apply unconditional love in forgiveness and forgetfulness.
We now focus on Station Seven: Jesus falls for the second time.
Please locate the area of cellular memory embed, residue and debris in the core template or aura. I request to observe its causation of false reality insert program or imprint. I allow this to reveal in order to release and clear the pain. Please correct the cellular memory and collapse the timeline.
Holy Father, please apply the core soul protection for release and retrieval. Holy Father, please apply unconditional love in forgiveness and forgetfulness.
Focusing on Station Eight: Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem.
Please locate the area of cellular memory embed, residue and debris in the core template and aura. I request to observe the causation of false reality insert program or imprint. I allow this to reveal in order to release and clear its pain. Please correct the cellular memory and collapse the timeline.
Holy Father, please apply the core soul protection for release and retrieval. Holy Father, please apply unconditional love in forgiveness and forgetfulness.
We now focus on Station Nine: Jesus falls for the third time.
Please locate the area of the cellular memory embed, residue and debris in the core template or aura. I request to observe causation of false reality insert program or imprint. I allow this to reveal in order to release and clear its pain. Please correct the cellular memory and collapse the timeline.
Holy Father, please apply the core soul protection for release and retrieval. Holy Father, please apply unconditional love in forgiveness and forgetfulness.
Focusing on Station 10: Jesus is stripped of his garments.
Please locate the area of cellular memory embed, residue and debris in the core template or aura. I request to observe its causation, false reality insert program or imprint. I allow this to reveal in order to release and clear its pain. Please correct the cellular memory and collapse the timeline.
Holy Father, please apply the core soul protection for release and retrieval. Holy Father, please apply unconditional love in forgiveness and forgetfulness.
We focus on Station 11: Crucifixion. Jesus is nailed to the cross.
Locate the area of cellular memory, its embed, residue and debris in the core template and aura. I request to observe its causation of false reality, artificial insert mind control program or memory imprint. I allow this to reveal in order to release and clear its pain. Please correct cellular memory and collapse timelines.
Holy Father, please apply core soul protection for the bloodlines. Please provide release and retrieval. Holy Father, please apply unconditional love in forgiveness and forgetfulness.
We now focus on Station 12: Jesus dies on the cross.
Please locate the area of cellular memory embed, residue, debris in the core template or aura. I request to observe causation of false reality, artificial insert mind control program or memory imprint. I allow this to reveal to release and clear its pain. Please correct cellular memory and collapse the timeline.
Holy Father, please apply core soul protection for release and retrieval. Holy Father, please apply unconditional love in forgiveness and forgetfulness.
Focusing on Station 13: Jesus is taken down from the cross. This is called “The Lamentation.”
Please locate the area of cellular memory embed, residue, debris in the core template or aura. I request to observe its causation of false reality, artificial insert mind control program or memory imprint. I allow this memory to reveal to release and clear its pain. Please correct the cellular memory and collapse its timeline.
Holy Father, please apply the core soul protection for release and retrieval. Holy Father, please apply unconditional love in forgiveness and forgetfulness.
Now focus on the final station, Station 14: Jesus is laid in his tomb.
Please locate the area of the cellular memory embed, residue and debris in the core template or aura. I request to observe its causation in false reality insert programming or imprint. I allow this to reveal in order to release and clear its pain. Please correct the cellular memory and collapse the timelines.
Holy Father, please apply the core soul protection for release and retrieval. Holy Father, please apply unconditional love in forgiveness and forgetfulness.
Beloved God, thank you. We also ask to apply to the seven sorrows of Mary Sophia, as the clearing of the cursed trauma, which is carried in the female bloodlines, the matriarchy aspects from the Crucifixion of the Christ.
Clear all memory and influences permanently, totally and completely.
Set Free.
Sovereign Zero Point.
Beloveds through all time, we apply the Simple Triad Sweep.
Collapse all time fields.
Seal the aura, and seal this Sacred and Holy session.
Through my inner spirit, Avatar Christ Sophia, I request that which is my eternal nature and Holy Self to be commanded in the natural laws of God into which I resign and renounce all unnatural laws and unnatural structures that have been intentionally or unintentionally made within my entire living existence, throughout all time and space.
I choose to be made whole. I choose to be made in the highest expression of God. I ask my Holy relationship to Father God to be revealed to me personally, in truth, in love, in Eternal Light and nature, that I believe and know with all my heart – it’s the only thing that is real.
Holy Father, please consecrate my body, mind and spirit. Please deliver my inner Christ Sophia from the bondage of the pain and suffering of the Wounds of Christ and the Stations of the Cross.
With all of my heart, with all of my might, with all of my mind, I pray to be released and relieved of the bondage of the False Father, the False King of Tyranny. I ask with all my heart to be shown directly whom my real Father is in this life on this Earth, and that my relationship to my Heavenly Father, my relationship to the Holy Father Arc, be revealed in my heart in your perfect alignment with Christ Sophia, in the divine right order and harmony throughout all of my Earthly lives.
Now bring your focus back into your physical body. Feeling your consciousness returning back. Expanding back into the full witness presence of your heart. Feeling your heart compass. Allowing the compass of your heart and Spirit to return you back to center, back to core. Returning to present time. Returning you back to your current station in time and residence in your now self.
As we seal and end our session. Beloveds, we thank you this opportunity. It is with great joy and reverence; we are home in the Eternal Light. Our infinite stream of love is with you in all ways.
As we seal our session container. We seal into the Light of Wholeness and Union.
And so it is, Beloveds.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Peace Be with All!
Lisa Renee is a Spiritual Scientist, Energetic Healer, Galactic and Multi-Dimensional Guide, the author of the Hieros Gamos System (HGS). She is an impactful and startlingly insightful educator bringing new wisdom about our Planet's Ascension Cycle, its effects on our bodies, minds, and spirits and how this new energy can be utilized for positive personal and global transformation.Lisa Renee is a Telepathic Channel for the Guardians, an Interdimensional Group of beings focused on the evolutionary purposes of Humankind. Find Lisa on the web at www.energeticsynthesis.com.
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