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Walking On NEW Light

light nature path pathway

A short note about how some may have been bodily registering the April into May 2018 amplified Light energies radiating from Earth and running through the NEW grids. This does not mean we’ve reached the brightest, highest frequencies coming from these locations, only that they’ve recently been energetically stepped-up yet again (Stair-steps). Those more sensitive have really been feeling these changes fairly dramatically, and mostly in the bottom half of their physical bodies throughout April.

We’re more used to getting pummeled from overhead—cosmic, galactic center (GC), solar etc.—and those energies entering through the tops of our physical heads and traveling down into our HighHearts and all that continues, but now we’re also getting pummeled from below our feet from very high frequency Light energies coming from Earth’s core and circulating through the NEW grids. Feels like a much higher NEW physical-level frequency circuit was reached in April, which is great, but it’s been rather painful too but nothing new about that. Hurt a little or a lot at the start, acclimate to the latest NEW Light energies coming in from wherever, then do it again and again and again and each time at a higher and higher frequency energetic Stair-step. You know the evolutionary routine.

Other side effect of these higher Earth core energies and grid energies side effect is that they’re making the energetically unprepared, unaware, ego based, left brained, more dense people extra unbalanced, ill-tempered, “crazy”, careless, heartless and mean and nasty in general. Existence in the old dense 3D Earth swamp energies crawling one’s way over skulls and skeletal remains of others is more familiar and comfortable to most of these people, so having the Earth suddenly radiating (much more) NEW higher Light energies and them being circulated through the NEW matching grid system has been painful for the unaware and unprepared too at their levels of development. Said another way, these much higher frequency Light energies emanating from Earth’s core and running through the grids now are making the already unstable much more so. Heads up everyone as they’re affected by these latest NEW energies and systems running them, some people are not coping well at all. Some are and act like nothing has changed which is great for them and the aware actually, but many other people are coming further unhinged by these global evolutionary energy “upgrades”.

Soles & Souls

As usual your mileage will vary. For me these NEW Earth core and grid Light energies suddenly made the bottom heel bone of one foot hurt like holy hell in April. Still hurts now but not as severely as last month. Also I’m feeling these NEW Earth energies coming up into my physical body from the bottom up into my feet and bones, legs, hips, pelvic floor, tailbone, bottom few vertebra etc. and many of those areas hurting from Embodying and circulating those NEW energies within my physical body. Earth does it, we incarnates do it, this solar system does it, this Milky Way galaxy does it and on and on. Ouchy evolution. OMG, I just created another NEW Ascension Process term! We’ve gotta keep our sense of humor with all this otherwise it can feel overwhelming at times. The moments of bliss are fewer and far between in comparison to the weeks, months and years of physical level evolutionary transformation that continue.

As the bottoms of my heel bone and foot bones have felt like they’re broken, and my hips feel like they’re out of alignment up/down and forward/back which they physically are, it’s been so severe since the start of April that at times it’s been very difficult to walk. Again, your mileage will vary, I’m just sharing how my physical body as been reacting to these latest NEW energies radiating from Earth. Those physical pains plus periods where it’s almost unbearable to have to deal with people who lie, manipulate, cheat and do evil deeds because that’s all they know. That gets old real fast in this much NEW Light which makes Souls hurt too. Such is our Ascension lives this time around, and we couldn’t wait to get in here and go through all this!

Lower body pains in new never-before-experienced ways and parts and the occasional Soul pains from living all this surrounded by people who don’t even know it’s happening, haven’t done any Inner prep Work for it, like the old negative 3D patriarchal “swamp”, do their best to perpetuate the old lower ways in the NEW higher ascending Earth world out of sheer habit, and those of us continually overriding it all energetically as best we can and as quickly as we can. It’s May already, can you believe it? I have no memory of getting here, only that in this Now Moment I’m here and know that it too will soon be replaced with another Now Moment, and another, and another…

Good job everyone and get enough rest and horizontal silent alone time as needed each day/night. ❤


Copyright © Denise Le Fay & HighHeartLife, 2017. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this article so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL https://highheartlife.wordpress.com and Copyright Notice is included.

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