Crossing the Threshold
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- Written by AndEl

For over a week now, I have been receiving clear visuals about bringing our new “baby” Earth home. Like any newborn, our baby Earth is filled with the new energy of possibility, spiritual strength, and fullness of life. This baby Earth really isn’t a baby at all, but represents a world of new energy and possibilities to us. As I write this, the visual shown to me is new parents (humanity) waiting to step across the threshold, bringing baby Earth home. The front door had many locks to disengage, but those have all been unlocked. The door opened fully and fairly effortlessly, and now we are waiting to step through our front door.
As we wait, we notice that the light from inside the home appears almost blinding, and is a bit disorienting. So, here we are waiting to cross the threshold. Waiting for our eyes to adjust to the new frequency that has been here all along, but now can be anchored as our baby Earth is brought home. How long we will be waiting to cross the threshold is not clear, but it is the next and only step left.
How you experience that process will be unique to you. Some are feeling these energy changes intensely in the body, others feel calm and peace. Some won’t feel anything at all. Everyone’s body will attune to the shift in energy differently. Many will experience a bright light, but one not too much different than intense lightening (without the thunder). The light will bathe the entire planet, and will come and go quickly. Others will see their surroundings go through what feels like “A glitch in the Matrix,” very much like what Neo experiences in The Matrix when he has déjà vu. Many will talk themselves out of what they see or experience. Most are feeling hopeless that this Shift will even happen at all.
How will we know without a doubt when we have crossed that threshold? We will wake up to broadcasts of big truths being revealed. There will be day after day of different truths being shared, full disclosure leading from one topic to the next, until everyone is aware of the truths about humanity’s history, origins, politics, galactic assistance, and how we have been manipulated for so long. There will not be one area that is left untouched. These truths will be shared in such a way that is both complete and compelling, healing and revealing.
At this same time, we will experience abundance in healing, finance, opportunity, education, and many areas of life. It will feel as if any perceived limitations of the past have been lifted. We will feel expansive and free to live our soul mission, to trust and know that we will have all we need, and even more to share.
Practice what it feels like to be in that expansiveness, in a world full of possibilities, in a world where competition for resources gives way to cooperation, a world where fear of lack gives way to love of sharing. We are crossing the threshold; it is a moment of celebration, a moment of true victory for all, a moment of living history. Even as we get closer to this moment, you can feel the shifts in your own life occur, whether spiritual shifts, physical ones, or even shifts in your perception of life. Everyone will be provided for, despite whatever you are seeing in your life at this moment. Think about how you would like to manifest your soul mission, what does it entail? Who/how would you help if money and health were no objects? What does your ideal life look like? How will you share your mission with others? How will you feel upon carrying baby Earth across the threshold home? We are poised to step through.
Karen Downing is a Soul Mission Facilitator, here to guide others to living an empowered life.
Please share this material as you feel guided. It is requested that copyright information and the URL are always included. Thank you. Copyright 2015 Karen Downing
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