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The Vibe Report for May 2018



A lot of people have been talking about “The Event” that is supposedly coming. Indeed there is big change in the air, but the feeling I get about “the Event” (it’s always capitalized!) is that it’s like waiting for “the Aliens” to come and rescue us, or waiting for the great Solar Flare to enlighten us. We are alive right now – we are multidimensional – we are powerful beyond our current knowing – and we are going through a deep process of embodying our deepest Soul essence, which is why we’ve been clearing, releasing and filling for so many years. This waiting for an event to save us or shift us is not in integrity with us Human beings living in our power! If we need or want change in our lives it is up to us to create it. We need to walk our talk like never before. Treat one another with kindness and compassion, and especially stop judging and criticizing ourselves and others!

I tuned in and asked my Soul family – Arcuturians and the Vastness of Being – for some guidance on this issue of expectation of a Big Event – now lined up for summer of 2018 during the eclipse cycle in July and August. Here is what they have to say (I include a few of my own comments in italics). Take what resonates and leave the rest behind.

The Vastness of Being

You have been going through a “slow” unfoldment of the shift, which reached a turning point in the beginning of 2013. The frequency has been accelerating of late, like an energetic tsunami, dismantling structures in people’s lives, which can be seen in the global picture and in the local picture. 

Many people are experiencing sudden change in their lives and many others are looking around them with feelings of disassociation, a dreamlike quality of floating within structures that feel like they are dissolving – maybe not actually dissolving in physical reality, but there is an aspect of dissolution taking place as one’s ability to stay attached to the way things have been begins to dissipate. (So it’s actually our attachment that is dissolving, giving us the feeling of walking through a dream at times.) This non-attachment will serve you well as you expand into the moment of now. 

You find that you have difficulty projecting yourself into the future when making plans and you can’t remember what you did yesterday, let alone this morning. You are realizing your place of focus is in the moment of now – the present moment truly being the only “reality” there is. Of course you need to plan ahead a little bit, but you find that structures of daily life are loosening. Plans made will most likely be changed as all flows together organically. Even in the structure of corporate life, if you allow plans to shift, you will find an even better grouping of cooperative energies and an ability to accomplish tasks in a more fluid way with little effort. The difficulty may lie, when working with others, in other people’s inability to let go and allow the flow. But this is simply Humanity waking up, growing up, becoming sovereign co-creators. We all “awaken” in our own time and as we co-create and flow with the change, even the most resistant will begin to experience a feeling of release, like taking off a shoe that is too tight, when plans change, shift and realign.

As far as changes in the future, of course there will be change. It is part of a grand re-structuring of the way humanity lives on this planet. Sometimes it will be messy, but that also depends on people’s ability to let go and allow freedom and joy to enter in. Within the falling apart is a feeling of freedom.

Many people at this time are clearing out their homes, purging the accumulation of stuff and releasing the energetic clogging that comes with holding onto things from the past. The preparation for change and freedom is happening organically. All anyone needs do is listen to their hearts and make choices that feel expansive instead of restrictive. It is a paradox, living in service to others and practicing listening to our hearts and doing what feels best for us, but it all lines up in a harmonious blending of co-creation. People have been clearing their outer world and their inner world.

We will not attach a timeline to any change because it is not possible to do so. Just know that you have been preparing and continue to prepare by doing what feels right to you at any given time and as long as you can guide yourself into love, and grow the love within you, fear will dissipate along with the structures that no longer serve your highest good. 

You (Humanity) are embodying your multidimensionality incrementally, embodying your unique Soul energy and Soul consciousness. This is changing your physical body as well as your outer physical world. As you cooperate and co-create with one another, you will thrive more and more. So ride the wild surf and love one another. Waiting for something to happen is not the path of empowerment. Living with integrity, in service to others, practicing compassion and embodying appreciation for all you experience opens your heart and your life. 

With love,

Leilah and the Vastness of Being

Nancy Leilah Ward

Copyright © 2018 by Nancy Wallace Ward and Smote Hill Press. All rights reserved for IMAGES and written material. Permission is granted to freely redistribute this article as long as it is kept intact and the author’s name and websitehttp://www.soultransitions.com are included.

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