The Real Heroes
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- Written by AndEl

There are all types of heroes in life. But most of them are characterized as being strong physically and saving others’ lives at the expense of their own life and limb.
While those types of heroes need to be honored, there are other kinds of heroes that no one acknowledges.
Those heroes that I am speaking of came forward long ago and volunteered to represent their spiritual families from the kingdom back home. They said they would take on all of the human challenges, and to integrate their own aspects, in order to be better teachers.
They volunteered to remove themselves from the safety, love and comfort of home in order to give the greatest gift to this planet and to their spiritual families.
They volunteered to forget who they were so that they could immerse themselves so deeply in the human experience. They gave up their beloved connection to their soul so that they could dive deeply into the density of the third dimension.
These brave souls and brave humans are who I am speaking to now. Those reading this who resonate with this post.
It takes the bravest of souls to allow themselves to feel on such a deep level all of the darkest of feelings. If that were not true, there would not be so many humans on this planet reaching for medications and drugs and other substances to dull their pain.
Most people run from their emotions. They can use relationships, sex, alcohol, work and all sorts of things outside themselves to hide from those emotions.
They simply do not yet have the capability of dealing with the darkest parts of themselves. And that is why when we look out into this world we see that dark side projected onto others.
We see it everywhere. We see it in our family, our community, our politicians, our churches, and the list goes on. What they refuse to see and accept within themselves, they blame on others,. Other races, genders, religions, nations, or the devil.
It takes a brave soul to let go of so much. To let go of their story, their heritage, their ancestors, their spiritual family back home, and the collective consciousness. And then to be dealing with so much on an emotional and even physical level. So much discomfort in this transformation.
Losing an old identity and not yet having a new one. Being in a no man’s land. And not having the support of even those closest to them much less the rest of humanity.
They feel weary. They feel discouraged. They wonder often why they’re even still here, in a world that does not recognize or acknowledge them. In a world in which they don’t seem to fit anymore.
A world that seems to be getting more mental, and not very interested in the soul.
They don’t really expect statues erected in their honor, because they know they are pioneers, and all too often pioneers work in obscurity. The work they do is quiet for the most part. It’s the inner journey. Others may see their lives initially as falling apart, and those others think they are not doing something they should be doing.
They may offer advice that could work for someone still immersed in 3D, but no longer works for the advanced soul.
So the heroes in this story can feel quite lonely. They know there is so much more, yet they are still establishing that truth, still not yet trusting fully.
If it weren’t for their entourage of like souls here and in the other realms, they probably would not stay here. It would be far too difficult. Even now they question it. Stay or leave?
And yet they know that this process takes total commitment. Straddling the fence won’t do. It’s being here fully, sensually, and whole heartedly, or leave. They want to want to be here. They want to feel their soul and feel exuberance toward life.
They have felt that, and while it’s not nearly enough of the time, it’s delicious. It’s what keeps them going.
Everything they are coming to understand seems counter to everything they were taught. Allowing being the most important. To allow instead of pushing and efforting.
In this world it seems insane.
Another is being selfish. On this planet humans are trained to be selfless. To put others first. It’s considered the ultimate service. And yet, the pioneer of change knows in their heart that being selfish is the only way it works. The only way to move into the new paradigm is to be selfish. And there is nothing wrong with that word. SELF-ish.
It could be called self-loving, but selfish comes first. One needs to be selfish enough to begin the process of self-love.
And self-love, as the pioneers knows, is the only solution for world peace, for peace and co-operation that transcends ethnicity, gender, religion, sexuality, race.
So let’s take a moment to honor the real heroes. There are very few of those heroes on this planet at this time. But that does not mean that their impact is not great. In fact if they were not here at this time, this planet really would not have much of a future.
© Copyright 2017 Maria Chambers, all rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others but maintain the article’s integrity by copying it unaltered and by including the author and source website link: Maria Chambers.
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