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The Pineal Gland: Its History, Symbolism And Physical Functionality

The Pineal Gland: Its History, Symbolism And Physical Functionality

The pineal gland is located deep within the centre of our brain and has been revered for thousands of years by ancient civilizations for its functionality and spiritual significance to the human experience.

​​Jesus said that the lamp of the body is the eye and the philosopher and scientist Descartes said that the pineal gland is the seat of the soul.

We now scientifically understand more about this incredible piece of technology that we are each gifted upon birth and this science matches beautifully with what the ancients believed about the pineal gland, also known as our third eye.

The pineal gland is an incredible tool our brain uses to regulate our circadian rhythm, but it also is responsible for our physic abilities and visions making it a profound spiritual centre in the body.

In this post, learn the history of the pineal gland, its symbolism as well as the fascinating physical properties and functionality of the pineal gland. I also share how the pineal gland becomes calcified, which impairs its functionality and our intuitive abilities, and what you can do to decalcify it.

The fascinating history of the pineal gland

The pineal gland has been talked about for thousands of years by ancient civilizations. The pineal gland is often represented as a pinecone which you can see on the head of the buddha and on Egyptian carvings where they are holding a pine cone in their hands. There is also a fountain in Italy with a massive pinecone between peacocks.

The Pineal Gland: Its History, Symbolism And Physical Functionality

It is so interesting to observe that all throughout history, so many different cultures, religions and shamanistic traditions all share similar knowledge.

Jesus said, ‘the lamp of the body is the eye, therefore if the eye is sound your whole body will be full of light’. The pineal gland is literally the third eye, deep within the brain. If we can connect with that eye and open it fully then our whole body will be filled with light.

As we will see, science has now shown that this is literally the case with how the body has been built. We can start tapping into different frequencies that are going to allow us to literally see more light and colours as we fully activate our pineal gland.

When we go into deep meditative states, we can experience pure light inside of us which is a full-on pineal gland activation. 

Descartes said ‘the pineal gland is the seat of the soul’

Descartes is a philosopher and scientist. There have been so many references throughout history to the pineal gland and its spiritual significance. The pineal gland has been really studied all throughout our human history. 

The Eye of Horus 

If we take a cross-section of the brain, we can see that inside the brain the pineal gland looks just like the eye of Horus. The dot in the middle of the Eye of Horus is actually the pineal gland. 

This is an amazing representation of the pineal gland in Egyptian culture. The Egyptians understood the Pineal Gland as the third eye which is beautifully represented in the symbolism of the Eye of Horus. 

The Pineal Gland: Its History, Symbolism And Physical Functionality

Fibonacci Spiral 

Another amazing symbol that is perfectly reflected in the pineal gland is the Fibonacci Spiral, also known as the Golden Mean or Ratio. The Fibonacci Spiral spirals all the way around the structure of the brain and spirals in towards the centre, ending right at the centre, at the pineal gland.

This spiral is self continuing and constantly moving, like a hypnotic spiral. This Golden Ratio is round all throughout nature, in flowers, shells, pinecones, vegetables etc and in the galaxies in the universe. This is a symbol for all of creation that is present everywhere, including in our brain!

The Pineal Gland: Its History, Symbolism And Physical Functionality

Physical Properties of the Pineal Gland 

The pineal gland is very small located deep inside the middle of the brain from the back of the skull. The pineal gland is responsible for producing serotonin and melatonin. Serotonin is produced when we open our eyes and are in contact with light. 


In the morning when we open our eyes, we receive light. This light is going to come straight into the pineal gland and the pineal gland is going to start producing serotonin which is the hormone that keeps us awake all day. 


At night as we close our eyes, the process is reversed, and the pineal gland starts producing melatonin which regulates our sleep. Melatonin levels peak between 12am and 4am. This is interesting because very often people report waking up around 4am which is after the peak of the melatonin levels in the brain. If you want to wake up super early, we can be extremely productive at 4am!

Melatonin is an extremely important hormone! It regulates our nervous system so if we are super stressed, we are going to decrease the amount of Melatonin inside our body. 

When this happens, we struggle to sleep properly. When we are fully awake and in a stressed response, the brain responds as if we are in physical danger. The brain can’t distinguish between real stress and danger and the type of stress we can experience in the modern world. This stress response in the body puts us on high alert constantly so at night we can’t fall asleep as the brain keeps us awake so we can survive.

It is very important to learn to manage stress so when we need to sleep melatonin can be produced to regulate stress. If we are very stressed, we can take a melatonin supplement to help the pineal gland regulate melatonin. 

The Pineal Gland: Its History, Symbolism And Physical Functionality

Piezoelectric Crystals 

There is water and fluid inside the pineal gland and inside that water, there are very tiny little crystals stacked on top of each other. Those little crystals have piezoelectric properties and are also transducers.

These two properties are important to all the functionality of the Pineal Gland.

Pineal Gland Decalcification 

Very often, the pineal gland will have calcification. This happens as a result of fluoride consumption. Many countries add fluoride to the tap water, and it is also included in many brands of toothpaste. This calcifies the pineal gland and can block it from being fully activated and cannot regulate the hormones it produces. 

This affects our circadian rhythm with the disruption of the production of serotonin and melatonin. This will become unbalanced when the pineal gland is calcified with fluoride. 

We need to work on removing these toxins from the body. There are a number of things we can do to help this process. These include:

  • Fasting and intermittent fasting
  • Avoiding fluoride water and toothpaste 
  • Supplementation  

Fasting and intermittent fasting

Fasting is a very healthy practice and allows our cells to go through a process of regeneration and detoxification. Fasting can really help to expand intuitive and psychic abilities by helping to cleanse and decalcify the pineal gland, which plays an extremely important role in our intuition. 

Since I have been practicing fasting, I have found I have constant clarity of the mind and my intuitive abilities (which were already very good) have become even more powerful. 

Avoiding fluoride water and toothpaste

Invest in a water filter that removes all fluoride from the water or purchase your own water that comes from a clean and pure source without any fluoride added to it. Only purchase natural, fluoride-free toothpaste 


We can supplement with various vitamins and minerals to help decalcify our pineal gland. One of the best supplements you can start with is melatonin. I highly recommend you do your own research on the best supplements to take or see a professional herbalist or naturopath.

Pineal Gland Recoding

Pineal Gland Recoding is my free coded Masterclass. We study, in great depth, the Pineal Gland and how important it is to our health, our intuition, and also our spiritual expansion. 

We learn how to consciously activate our Pineal Gland, so we can experience higher states of consciousness and deeper connection to our soul.

A lot of the content is science-based. It is enhanced by some breathing techniques and deep spiritual concepts. The transmissions from the Arcturians’ Healing Council bring the learning to the next level of our evolution. To dive even deeper into the pineal gland and to receive a pineal gland activation from the Arcturians, watch this masterclass for FREE here!

Cendrine is the Founder of Fractal Alchemy, 5D Quantum University, a new pathway of spiritual evolution, running online worldwide. She is also a Trance Channel to the 9D Arcturians Council, an advanced psychic and an ascension and mission mentor. She was born awake and learned to embrace the journey of self-empowerment through experiencing many contrasts in her life. She always knew she came to earth for a very special mission that would shift humanity forever. That deep inner knowing was her anchor as she experienced the many waves of living a human life in the 3D Matrix. Now, her mission templates and soul alignment are fully activated so she can share a new body of work with all her students and fellow humans. These revolutionary teachings are here to completely regrid the earth and establish the templates of the neo-humans, anchoring a new wave of human evolution in Love, Freedom, Abundance and Connection. This body of work is channeled and co-created with her Galactic team. She shares many codes in her free offerings, fulfilling her heart calling to serve millions of souls in the ascension process. The most advanced teachings are shared in her University, where she trains Light Leaders, Healers, and Channels. She is a mother of two daughters, loves exercising and swimming in the sea even when it’s very cold, chocolate and coffee, and closing her eyes, dancing in the quantum with her Galactic team, earth elemental friends and her three dragons.


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