Humility Always Wins
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- Written by Matt Kahn

Part 2 of 3 in the “Reclaim Your Power” Series.
Best holiday wishes to all radiant hearts in our beloved community.
Before I recall a recent experience I had and the insights it inspired, I wanted to share that it may be a teaching that may apply more to someone you have known, a person you once were, or even a phase you are currently evolving from. I say this so such insight can be used to inspire a more refined nuance of clarity and connection with Source and not as something to use against yourself in any way. I offer this teaching to expand the vibration of unity to all hearts—throughout the complexities of all environments and circumstances. May our differences only bring us closer together in our mutual desire to serve the liberation and well-being of all.
Last week, I had a rather surreal experience. I was in the middle of a conversation when the topic of the Israeli-Hamas war was mentioned. The person said to me, “I just can’t pay attention to that. I’m trying to manifest right now and if I pay attention, it will really bring my vibration down.” As I heard these words echo in my head, I was astounded and heartbroken.
With no judgment toward this person or how they were taught to interpret the law of attraction, it inspired a deeper reflection: how many people have heard, ‘reality grows where attention goes’ and use it as a form of avoidance? As if we can be so afraid of feeling a moment of heaviness and empathy for other people’s struggles that we must protect the fragility of our energy by hiding it from those who may benefit from the warmth of our light. Have we been led to believe that observing the harsh gravity of social and cultural depravity too often somehow has the power to slow our ability to attract what is rightfully ours? Are we under the illusion that turning towards our extended spiritual family members in need might jeopardize our own manifestation plans? Did Jesus ever refuse to heal the poor because he didn’t want to lower his energy and risk not attracting his beloved, Mary Magdalen?
In truth, ‘reality grows where attention goes’ is a commonly misunderstood concept. If the statement were, ‘where judgment goes, evidence grows,’ it would be more factual in its function. In truth, the more often you judge, the more likely you are to perceive life through a lens of judgment. Just because you give something attention, it doesn’t mean you are forced to judge it. To observe through a lens of non-judgment is an opportunity to beam the light of your essence into any person or circumstance for greater healing relief.
Even when an empath doesn’t want to get close to anything resembling discomfort, out of a fear of taking on its energy, the phenomenon of being an empathic sponge to those around you often remains as active as one's tendency to judge themselves. This certainly isn’t the only reason why empaths absorb other people’s energy, and yet, when self-judgment remains an active pattern, you may find yourself taking on energies around you to give you more things to judge and manage. Thankfully, the more often you are able to nurture, embrace, and love ‘the one who judges,’ or even ‘the one seeking some form of control’ the more you are able to feel your own frequency of light without absorbing the emotional density of those around you.
As this new level of empathic awareness expands, you can give all stages of life the fullness of your attention and even help uplift the voiceless population hiding in the shadows of turmoil without it lowering a vibration, and without believing it can interrupt your point of attraction or sabotage what’s meant to be. From this renewed depth of empowerment, you are free to use a lens of non-judgment as a divining rod of transformation for the benefit of all without fear of attracting unwanted energetic residue. This is the often-untapped energetic power of humility in action. Humility, in this light, is the courageous willingness to recognize and embrace the interconnectedness of all beings, acknowledging their struggles as our own. No matter how easy it is for spiritual superstition to be feared and assumed to be true, the new paradigm of heart-centered consciousness is about compassionately dissolving the ego's barriers, allowing us to be present with and for others, even when it challenges our personal comforts or long-held beliefs. It’s about stepping into an authentic experience of life where we have the capacity to witness and hold space for divinity in all its various forms. While many embrace ‘reality grows where attention goes’ as a convenient exit strategy from facing how harsh reality can be, such a concept can be unraveled by one of the highest truths: humility is a win for everyone.
Since ‘evidence grows where judgment goes,’ you are free to honor the life path of all divine beings; including those who may suffer in silence to inspire our world to remember the infinite power it has to be helpful to someone in need. Once you recognize that being helpful, on any level, is the most direct way to ‘raise your vibration,’ you begin to remember yourself as the one eternal spirit living in all.
Whether this teaching reflects a truth within yourself or others around you, it offers a perspective beyond the facade of superstition to create more space for the vibration of love to dwell. Whether lost in fear-based ideas or beginning to glean deeper Universal truths, everyone is always doing the best they can as they evolve along their own unique timeframe. Throughout these emerging times, each of us must decide how much attention to offer the outer world with respect to the emotional needs we are here to navigate, embrace, respect, and nurture. Even when you can’t bear to witness the wounds, patterns, and imbalances of the world around you, there are always light workers ready to deliver healing energy to the collective on everyone’s behalf, while you take the time you need to serve your own personal needs. On behalf of the Universe, we all take turns serving the evolution of Earth, so there is no need to take it on or carry it all on your shoulders. Over the course of many lifetimes—it all gets done as One. May this wisdom help you celebrate how far you’ve come in your journey, offer you more permission to come out of hiding and connect more openly in a heart-to-heart manner—for the sovereignty and liberation of all sentient beings.
May your holiday be as joyful as the light you shine. From all of our hearts to yours, we love you.
All for love,
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