The New Epoch – Accelerated And Immense Shifts
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- Written by AndEl

This year is a crucial year in that we truly are now starting a totally new epoch in planetary history.
I have said this before – but I have been told time and again, that we now are stepping into accelerated shifts in consciousness, but also in vibrational frequency bands. This literally means that planet earth has been reborn, and is with that is accelerating her ascension to such an extent that she will now is already operating in the 5th dimensional state and will move into the 7th and original dimensional state within the next hundreds of years, within the 7000 year cycles.
In my book “Why I was born in Africa: the untold and previously unrecorded history of Elysium and the Lion Kingdom” (available for pre-orders from my website I have recorded the whole history of the first two civilizations on earth, and how the INNER world, Agartha was first created, and then many thousands of years later, the OUTER earth, the one we are living upon now.
With this, I recorded, which was never written down before, but also had to open the massive Lightning Rod of the Earth, reactivate the Crystal Pyramid Temples, the Crystalline Pyramid Grids, and with it, then assist with the rebirth of the earth’s immense energy centres, which were laid down with the earth was first created!
I also devote a whole chapter on the Crystal Pyramids, and how they were constructed, especially the Crystal Pyramid Temple of the White Flame. With it then the activation of the Sun Discs in Antarctica and the original link of this planet and galaxy to the 7th Central Sun of Illumination.
In my book, I go into details, about the 12 Master Galaxies involved with the co-creation of the earth, the first volunteer colony, and then what happened as the Wars of Heavens broke out. More than this, I go into the whole history of the first Master Galaxies and the 13th – the latter being the Dark Force of the cosmos, and therefore the instigator of the Wars of Heavens.
In this book then the first ever detailed history of Elysium, and in the aftermath of the Wars of Heavens, the Lion Kingdom.
I have shared this information in my two overseas seminars, in both Mauritius and France, and from the reaction I got, there is a great hunger to know more and with it, a deep inner understanding of how much of the truth, has been deliberately obscured and eliminated from the human teachings – yet is deep down remembered by the souls currently incarnated on planet earth. (My next book, to follow on, on this one will be on Avalon, the third, then Lemuria and finally Atlantis)
In my soul readings, I have come across many souls who are now incarnated who had lifetimes in the Lion Kingdom and therefore then are here to assist with this massive shift and to help humanity back to its original greatness and the depths of knowing.
Everyone reading this book will have immensely powerful keys and codes activated within them, which will assist them to step into the New Epoch with relative ease. It will also give them vital tools to equip them for the massive energy shifts ahead and the 5th to 7thdimensional state we are entering now.
This is essentially the birth of the New Golden Age, when we will finally reclaim our truth heritage as the Sons and Daughters of the Divine, as we were in the original Garden of Eden, which was Elysium.
I cannot stress how important this information is.
I had to literally take massive leaps of faith, and raise my consciousness levels ten thousand times, to tap into the Super consciousness energy fields in which this information is stored in the 7th Central Sun and to do the massive energy work I have done since 2009.
This is not about me – it is about Planet Earth, and ultimate Glory we once had, the immensely high technology and knowledge, which we lost through self-destruction, and now at last can finally step up and back into.
I dare you to read this book, and not feel your heart and soul open to higher levels of consciousness, and to the ultimate remembering to what you know, deep within your own soul, as the truth.
The greatest Epoch of the new humanity, the 7th Adam Kadmon Race, has now begun.
This year is a year of dramatic changes, and this will continue to accelerate in the next 50 to a hundred years so that all who cannot raise their vibrational frequency bands to the 5thand 7th dimensional state, will start to disintegrate and all life will disintegrate who cannot hold form in the much higher vibrational frequency bands.
We now can have the opportunity to truly allow ourselves to be upgraded and therefore to fully step into highest service and assist this process of massive changes, which are to be welcomed from the depths of the heart and soul, and not feared.
Allow the heart centres to fully open – the soul can expand within the heart centre to expand cosmically…. More than the mind ever can. The mind will short-circuit for it cannot stretch that far, yet, but the soul can.
Therefore, the shift is HEART/SOUL centred and then activated the dormant higher mind, which is now being reactivated.
Judith Kusel
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