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Ascension Breakthrough: Effortless Evolution for Joyful Living!

Ascension Breakthrough: Effortless Evolution for Joyful Living!

As the Earth continues to expand into higher frequencies, it can draw us upward with it, if we let it.

This is done with the greatest ease, if we cultivate states of joy and positive expectation.

As way-showers and frequency holders, our role, is to embody this higher light. To let it transmute and transform our entire human energy system -- spiritual, mental, emotional and even physical. The physical changes are deeply underway now and they require so much self-love and inner listening in order to be accomplished.

I recently was guided to make a huge shift in my diet. I have made multiple adjustments as I feel the inner knowing of what serves my energy system now. As I've listened and adjusted things are coming together in a new way.

I feel this happening with other aspects of my life too, but the digestive aspects have been the most pronounced. With so much pain and difficulty, before I had the realization of the new way of being that was calling to me and I released the old patterns.

Many things in life will serve us for a season, but not go the distance. Our body may go through different stages as it evolves into a field of energy clear and capable of being a wide-open conduit of higher light.

This includes changes to our ideas and beliefs. It includes learning to be unconditionally loving and really letting others be as they are, without resistance or trying to rescue them, or change them. Only when we really see that every person, all Life IS ALSO DIVINE and being impulsed and led from within... And dare to trust that each person is having their own perfect experience, can we freely let the light flow into us and emanate from us.

There is ultimately, ONLY LOVE and our ability to see with love, love ourselves unconditionally, love others and honour their unique and perfect journey and see ALL LIFE as ONE.

These understandings would have felt like ideals to me in the past. But they don't anymore. They feel like natural ways of being! I can feel how much my relationship with my Divine Self and higher light has changed me. Changed my consciousness. Lifted it. Evolved me past the me vs them ideas so prominent in our past.

We're evolving faster than ever now. The Earth is expanding into higher frequency expression and if we cultivate these loving, positive states of trust and well-being, we can ride that ascending wave of energy and light and experience ongoing expansion with greater ease and a deep sense of connection.

I, for one, am so appreciative of knowing all this and being here now, consciously co-creating with the Infinite Oneness, and knowing myself (as I think of it) as both the wave and the water.

May your journey be blessed.
Sending you so much love.

Expect Wonderful with Ailia Mira
One Love. One Life. 


My name is Ailia Mira. I am a writer, artist, conscious channel* and solopreneur. I'm  exploring the ways of living that are in alignment with who I truly am. In addition to living this way myself, I am also an experienced coach, facilitator, teacher and guide. 
Message from Archangel Michael, Hermes & The Council of Radiant Light Channeled by Ailia Mira

 Posted on CrystalWind.ca ©2024. All rights reserved. Reproduction of content is prohibited without written permission. The article's title was created by CrystalWind.ca.

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