Stop Projecting Old Lower Consciousness & Beliefs on the NEW Ascending World/Worlds
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- Written by AndEl

This article is specifically for the people who continue projecting, expecting and applying old lower frequency consciousness, beliefs, tools and solutions on to the NEW higher frequency Earth World because it’s the only thing they’re aware of, and insist all the rest of us who’ve evolved beyond that level of consciousness do the same.
We will not go back down energetically to accommodate your lack of greater awareness, ego and/or negative ego, old belief systems, old habits and so on. Sorry but that’s not what evolutionis all about. You stepping up many of those evolutionary Ascension Process (AP) energy Stair-steps is what it’s all about. And the fast easy answer to all this is that, when you evolve up those different energy, consciousness expanding, body evolving Stair-steps, you will be changed incrementally by having done so and that automatically upgrades your consciousness too. A win-win for not only you, but for everyone above and below you on those evolutionary Ascension Process energy Stair-steps.
I’ve always known how hard, and in most cases impossible, it is for anyone to be able to perceive above and beyond the lower frequency level that has been the old negative 3D Earth world we all incarnated into. I’m not special in this, everyone with a little or a lot of expanded awareness and Higher Awareness knows this about everyone that doesn’t have it themselves. It’s plainly and oftentimes painfully visible to us all, just not to you, not yet that is and we’re all doing our best to Guide you move up these evolutionary AP energy Stair-steps despite the way you fight us, disrespect us, doubt us, and in many cases outright hate us. One thing I’d like all of you who I’m talking to specifically now in this article to do is realize that this lifetime, this evolutionary Ascension Process lifetime has been and still is hard for all of us. It does get easier the higher one goes, but getting there requires some epic personal Work on all of our parts. All as in ALL of our parts!
You know how a drunk and/or high person actually believes that you or anyone else cannot tell that they’re drunk and/or high? You know how people with mental and/or emotional illnesses etc. usually don’t know, see or realize that they’re not perceiving the world in the same ways the rest of us are? You know how all of these people — drunk, high, impaired in any way from any number of causes — always actually believes that they are just fine and that it’s YOU that’s all screwed up? This is no different than all of these other examples and you’re going to have to trust us on this one until you move up a few more energy Stair-steps to the point where you know for yourselves that this is true, which means you’ll get to experience the people below you on the AP giving you attitude and disrespect about what you’re doing, living, being, feeling, perceiving and Working very hard on.
As the high (Ascending) gets higher, the low (Descending) gets lower, so much so that eventually even many of the non-believers and narrow-minded, heartless low-vibe-tribe folks actually startsseeing and feeling the world and escalating insanity, violence, greed, ego and general negativity in every person that’s existing at that frequency around them. Once the Light is activated inside a person, they start the Process of having to honestly and consciously see, feel and know how negative, how bad, vile, corrupt and insane the old lower Earth world and reality was and is currently. Plus you get to see, feel and consciously know those lower frequency things—emotions, thoughts, feelings, beliefs, habits etc.—in yourself too. The Light gets in everywhere and illuminates everything for each person living this AP. “Waking Up” is hard and oftentimes painful in multiple ways for multiple reasons but that is what compressed evolution is, and that is what you are either living yourself at whichever energy Stair-step you’re on today, or fighting against, which will energetically draw you to a Descending Earth world that’s even worse than what has been on Earth for many thousands of years. Choose very wisely now, even if you’re not really sure about what all is going on. Look to the Light and your own HighHeart and follow them both until you know more for yourself.
Timelines, and the synthetic, inorganic TertiaryTimelines. These Tertiary Timelines are Team Dark creations (my terms for this, not Sandra’s) and they have been, are, and will continue going extinct, collapsing and disappearing because the old lower frequency fuel and food energies that Team Dark (TD) parasited off from humanity is no longer available to them. 1) That old lower timeline has Expired and 2) many incarnate in-body Forerunners have Worked on multiple dimensions and timelines for many years since 2012, deliberately shutting down, closing off and dead-ending many of TD’s synthetic Timelines that they created to hide in and perpetuate themselves and their ways and agendas in. We have successfully prevented them from moving into multiple “future” timelines and continuing what they’ve done for so long.
Back to these three Ascending and Descending options.
Those who’ve been living the AP and EP (Embodiment Process of uniting their Lower Self with their Higher Self in their current physical body and incarnation) are the ones that have been in the Primary highest Ascension Timeline. Many more people that are aware of the AP and have been living it for many years are currently existing in one or more of the numerous Secondary Ascension Timelines/Earth worlds. Quite often we shift or jump from one of the many Ascending Earth worlds that currently exist within this Secondary collection as we continue evolving and growing ourselves and our awareness. I’ve jumped from the Primary one to different Secondary ones many times over the years but I always Work my way back up into the highest frequency Primary one because that’s where I want to be. The Tertiary Earth worlds and timelines I do not go to for the simple reason that I’ve lived in one of them for the majority of my current lifetime, and have zero need to see any of them ever again. It took too much Work to anchor this Separation of Worlds & Timelines in the first place!
My point in elaborating on this current Separation of Worlds aspect of the AP is to hopefully let you reading this better understand that you can intentionally jump timelines, can intentionally Shiftfrom any of the numerous Secondary Ascension Earth Timelines/Earth worlds. You can and do jump, shift from one to another and then another and maybe go back to one that you felt more comfortable in and so on. I want you all to also know that you can intentionally jump or shift from any of the many Secondary Ascension Earth Timelines/Earth worlds up to the highest frequency Primary Ascension Timeline and Earth world. Again, the choice is and always has been, yours, mine, each of ours. Like attracts like and is attracted to like. The frequency you are now, your rate of energetic spin (your Inner Vibration of your Lightbody) determines which of these three options you choose based on your own frequency, consciousness, HighHeart, development and focus. Needless to say, be very heartmindful of what you’re focused on and entertaining mentally, emotionally, energetically, physically, psychically, etherically etc. because it really counts now and will carry you somewhere you may not really want to end up at.
When I’m at HOME/home in my physical house I’m in the Primary Timeline. When I have to leave my house and property to say go shopping for groceries or whatever, I do my energetic best to bring the highest Primary HOME station with me. Some days doing this is easy while other days it’s nearly impossible for me for different AP reasons. Those times I jump or shift from the Primary Ascension Timeline, down into one or another of the Earth worlds that exists within the Secondary Ascension Timelines to get my shopping or whatever else I need to buy and/or have done. After that I go HOME to my physical house that exists with the Primary Timeline Earth world where I then need to recuperate from my having jumped Timelines and dimensions.
Even many people that have and still do exist within one of the many Secondary Timeline Earth worlds jump, shift between some of them within that frequency range, meaning they are jumping Timelines too but within the same frequency and dimension, but jump you do and often more times than you’re even consciously aware of! Are you starting to better understand what being a Multidimensional human is who can and does intentionally and knowingly, and many more who unintentionally and unknowingly jump Timelines and probable Earth worlds and realities all the “time”?
So when someone who exists in one or another of the many Secondary or Tertiary Timelines projects their current level of awareness, expectations, projections, habits and belief systems on to me or any other person existing in the Primary Ascension Timeline Earth world, we SEE you and we KNOW you and we RECOGNIZE you and where you’re at currently. You however cannot do this or see or feel or know beyond the frequency range and level you’re at in that moment. That will however change dramatically the second you make the constant effort to increase your spin-rate (vibrate faster and higher due to Embodying more and higher frequency Light energies into yourself and your physical body) and go even higher vibrationally. And, this never stops for any of us no matter which of these three options each of us is currently existing within that’s a frequency match to us at this time.
Because those people that currently exist within the Primary Ascension Timeline can easily feel and are consciously aware of others that currently exist in the Secondary Timeline Earth worlds, when you try to project your current level of awareness on to us, it’s pretty much like a drunk or high person trying to convince you that they’re not drunk or high. Tap dance as hard as you want but it won’t change what we already Know, See and Feel from our current frequency, dimension and level. In case anyone is thinking that I’m sounding profoundly arrogant with all this, know that I’m well-aware of the fact that there are great numbers of higher frequency Beings than me that perceive me from their even higher dimensions and levels of frequency and awareness. “One mans ceiling is another mans floor…”
Recap: You cannot haul old lower frequency stuff, beliefs, habits, thought-forms, emotions, structures, systems, laws, governments, expectations etc. into the NEW highest Primary Timeline. It does not work that way because, as Karen Bishop very correctly said over a decade ago, “Higher and lower cannot co-exist within the same space.” Thank You Karen.
You cannot contaminate higher frequency spaces with lower frequency junk from the lower frequency, lower consciousness past. Period. So stop even trying and wasting your and our time trying to do so. It’s pointless, irritating and simply won’t fly at higher levels of existence. Oh you can remain in any of the many Secondary Timelines and continue trying to replicate old lower patriarchal beliefs and anything else but eventually even the people at those levels won’t allow it there either. Again, this is compressed evolution happening right now, right here to all of us and with more kick to it than ever before so, like I said earlier, choose wisely which Timeline you honestly want to find yourself in today, tomorrow, next month, next year etc.
Be wise enough right now to know that you don’t know more than you do know, then be wise and brave enough to travel up more energy Stair-steps so that your point of view becomes so much better and more expansive as will your options to continue to even higher and higher. Said with LOVE Light because every day of every month for the rest of 2017 is going to push each of uslike we’ve all never been pushed before to move our much-loved, Sacred Divine backsides up a whole lot more energy Stair-steps!
Copyright © Denise Le Fay & HighHeartLife, 2017. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this article so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL and Copyright Notice is included.
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