Lion's Gateway Focus: Old Program Matrix Collapses Individually & Collectively...
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- Written by AndEl

♦ for Convergence on a Higher Plane of Existence - Transcending Your Dis-Empowered State of Mind ♦
Your Consciousness Creates. It created, believed and supported the Old Earth Matrix, through your fears and your beliefs. You believed it all, because it WAS PHYSICALLY REAL at the time, yet it is no longer, unless you keep trying to make it so. Your fears keep you deeply embedded, your dis-empowered states. Your beliefs that you carry around with you, the stories that you tell yourself that keep you in this place. Your human is unaware that these realities are no longer true and that the STRUCTURES that held them in place (your unconsciousness) comes to a close, a conclusion, as your amnesia lifts and the dis-illusion becomes visible both within and outside of you.
There are two matrixes (actually there are more, yet for the sake of this, we speak only of 2). The Old Earth/Program Matrix (the human experience/experiment) and the Crystalline Matrix of NEW Earth. In order for each to come to BE fully on NEW EARTH, the ENERGY of Old Earth, the beliefs, the cellular programs/imprinting, the mentalities, the emotions that hold all in place must collapse/dissolve.... how this occurs will be up to each individual's choices on how to Exit the Old Matrix fully, once and for all. For awhile, many will have one foot in each dimension/world. This can only last for awhile, until all must "jump", get off the fence, step over/FULLY Cross Over/Transition Over to "The Other Side", beyond the Veils of Amnesia & onto a much higher dimensional timeline and choose to let the old completely go....
This takes pure Trust, Knowing, Faith, Surrender and Full Connection... from inside for you to choose. For many, the energy of fear & dis-empowerment is too strong. The emotions are too strong. The beliefs are too strong. The "hold" (holding on out of fear) is too strong, which creates a collapse that is stronger to MOVE YOU/EACH beyond the constructs that your fears hold in place. The CONSTRUCTS OF YOUR REALITIES are built upon VIBRATIONAL ENERGY... yet only full consciousness can see/understand this.
This Lion's Gate is a HUGE marker point in our existence here. It marks a COLLECTIVE CONVERGENCE like no other. It BEGINS (Opens the Gateway) for an entire Collective Shift to a whole new timeline BEYOND THE CONSTRAINTS of the OLD.... where alternate/new realities are able to emerge as each is ready, as each embraces, as each steps forth and reclaims their UNIVERSAL POWER from within, as each is MOVED out of old programs... and how strong this is will be determined by how much programming each still holds, within the physical body and how much their outside reality reflects this back....
Where there are constraints, where there are limits that represent a prison, then these constructs must be dismantled/dissolved. Each of you can EXPAND your CONSCIOUSNESS BEYOND the physical to intentionally collapse/restructure your own realities yourself. This will take your commitment, your meditating/focusing your highest consciousness on the BELIEF, on the MENTALITY and on the REALITY that your head (cellular programs in your body) created & believed ... this will take each one of you shifting your entire body consciousness to a higher plane of existence where these constructs no longer exist and WALKING/BEING IN THIS NEW REALITY with all of you.... emanating your new reality out from within..... paving the energetic path for your physical to start to shift too. It cannot do so, as long as you are holding on out of fear.... (It can, but requires a breaking point, that is much more uncomfortable to experience. You can break this program/energy yourself... from inside of you. Yet, you must realize that you have it to start with, otherwise you are walking unconsciously in an old timeline unaware that there are other realities that NEED TO COME FORTH and materialize all around you/for you....
You will recognize the FEELING of the old dimensional timeline collapses, when you feel pushed, squished into a box, without any way to get out, without any foreseeable outcome, other than one of devastation/loss. This does not have to be, unless you hold out for this reality to occur....
THE CRYSTALLINE MATRIX ENERGETIC GRID SYSTEM OF NEW EARTH: Is already in place. It strengthens every moment of every day, due to the Intentional Gatekeepers & Gridkeepers on your Earth here. There are many, too many to list and all you have to do is LOOK FOR THEM, not for relying upon, yet as a guidance as to what YOU ARE TO BE/DO here. There is a NEW EARTH GRID awakening inside of you, crystals in your body forming, new energies of LOVE and HOPE waiting to come forth too. NEW EARTH is already here, it's all around you, it's inside of you ... begging to be acknowledged, begging for you to open up/listen/embrace and embark on a JOURNEY where your own Higher Self/Spirit/Soul inside of you LEADS THE WAY, where you surrender your human fears, doubts and inability to believe, your need to continue to claim being a victim to anything and TAKE YOUR POWER BACK FULLY FROM WITHIN.....
THIS LIONS GATE activates YOUR INNER POWER, YOUR COURAGE, YOUR ROARING LION, your EMPOWERED YOU TO EMERGE..... it's another step to freedom, where you CHOOSE TO EXIT FULLY and leave the old, stop supporting the old, stop feeding your own energy/resources/time/money into it... You are the ONE that must make THE CHOICE. You are the ONLY ONE that can do this, for you are the ONE that holds those constructs in place, you are the one that re-constructs your own realities through LOVE, UNITY, PEACE, KINDNESS, COMPASSION, ACCEPTANCE... not accepting the old, yet the new... accepting the old has played it's part and that play now concludes.
Your participation, your contribution.... you being fully active and engaged.... in your own inner journey, in your external reality, in everything you do... must be focused on YOUR NEW EARTH EXISTENCE, not your old one..... The ONLY ONE that will exist is your NEW EARTH ONE... for the Vibration of Ascended Earth will only support this now.
For those of you watching the Play of OLD EARTH externally to determine your reality, you will see increased chaos, destruction, bizarre realities that blow your mind to further wake you up, increased drama, increased oppression/suppression, because this is the old Matrix you are watching, which continues until it fully dis-integrates itself. Implosion of those systems increases substantially with the increasing frequencies flooding your planet to MOVE EVERYONE FROM ONE GRIDWORK TO THE OTHER.....
Open your hearts, open your minds and INTENTIONALLY LOOK FOR NEW EARTH to now reFOCUS ALL of your ENERGY on this. LOOK for the NEW that is emerging, LOOK FOR THE NEW TO REBIRTH INSIDE OF YOU.... look for that spark of light inside and embrace it for it to FULLY IGNITE. There is an IMMENSE FLAME of your SOUL that burns within you. You can feel the heat in your cells. The Electrical/Electromagnetic currents COURSE THROUGH YOUR VEINS and activate your STAR PARTICLES/CRYSTALS under your skin, in your organs, in your flesh, in your brain, in your glands, heart, spine, feet, hands... you can feel the ENERGY, the tingling/numbness as your Crystalline LightBody awakens INSIDE OF YOU... as your own Higher Consciousness/Universal/Cosmic DNA activates at an exponential rate. Your Body is evolving, yet your heart must open fully (and pouring out of it all of your lack/less/victim at first, which is necessary for awhile, so honor this), your heart/mind must come too. Your mind must open, you must stop fighting your SOUL-BODY from inside. You must choose to surrender your resistant/stubborn/insistent human aspect of yourself to your higher/highest aspect of you. There must be at least 2 of you INSIDE, not just one anymore. Eventually there will be many more (multi-dimensional). Your human will take you down a path of devastation, destruction, loss, heavy pain and suffering. Your higher/highest self will "save" you from all of that, if you will allow. Where you keep CREATING A PHYSICAL that is so strong that you cannot seem to break free, you will have many choices to make, and at first, no, these are not easy. For the energy you hold is so strong... WORK WITH THE ENERGY INSIDE and allow your outside to re-align for you.... this is how existence is now..... as the outside is a RESPONSE to you.
GATEKEEPERS & GRIDKEEPERS, you are one of these too. Gatekeepers & Gridkeepers hold the highest timelines in place, activate the higher timelines and intentionally collapse the old. This is just one of the POWERS EACH HOLD through FULL CONSCIOUSNESS HERE. The ability to reconstruct REALITY THROUGH CONSCIOUSNESS at WILL. This POWER is available to each of you, this POWER IS AMPLIFIED with this STARGATE Activation, this power is inside of you, it is a natural POWER that you HOLD when you allow your SOUL to Expand Fully from within you and "take over" to RUN YOUR SHOW.....
Embrace your highest you, embrace the freedom that this brings, embrace the power that you hold, do not fear it, as you are only granted access when your hearts and minds are PURE. Embrace your NEW EARTH EXISTENCE and be okay with letting go, be okay with not knowing first (as a human), be okay with change or your resistance will/can create suffering, which is necessary when this is the only option to break through those walls/amour/protection mechanisms/fears that you hold.
KNOW that there are ALTERNATE TIMELINES available all of the time. Open up to THOSE, call them forth, claim them, SEE THEM from inside.... enVISION your NEW EXISTENCE and then focus your efforts on this. It doesn't matter what it is, as long as LOVE, PEACE, JOY, HARMONY, MAGIC, KINDNESS and NEW EARTH ENERGIES of full openness, sharing, contribution and support are the basis. Discard the "lack realities" of "less", of expecting the worse to happen, for these are scenarios you CREATE that play out for you as you do. CREATE A NEW SCENARIO and bring all of you into that. Use your pineal gland to SEE, use your inner vision, your imagination to open portals to NEW REALITIES and you do what it takes to ANCHOR THEM IN YOUR PHYSICAL ....
Focus on THE COLLECTIVE that you are allowing yourself to be a part of ..... SHIFT/CHANGE COLLECTIVES.... There is an "I" collective of Old Earth or a "WE" Collective of NEW. WE Consciousness is UNITY, LOVE and it's the only reality that's "true".
This is your illusion, your dream (or hellish nightmare if you are holding on).... This Gateway is a POWER UP like nothing you've ever experienced before. These months to come are to move everyone "over" from Old Earth to NEW.... those who are choosing this, whose Souls are this expedited trajectory...
Your DNA is in RAPID EVOLUTION now.... your body-consciousness dictates your reality, so in order to ASSIST YOU WITH THIS DRAMATIC SHIFT, your DNA is transforming and re-configuring at an exponential rate now. ONLY NEW EARTH EXISTENCES are supported....
This Gateway has already opened. The "Plans" have been in place all along. This is a part of the BIGGER PICTURE/GRAND PLAN for your NEW Earth Project that's been coming online all along. Now the vibrational frequencies to further IMPLEMENT this have been activated to come through and move all further into their Soul's Purposes/Galactic Missions here. You have many purposes and this will change all along the way. Focus your energy on what is truly important and how you fit into this, instead of separating off. Come together, step up where called. You are not to wait for others, for that is the old human way. Your Soul inside/Higher Self/Universe "above" (in your own Energy Field) will guide you/show you the way.... All you have to DO is open up fully to listen and honor what you are shown and realize when your little human has issues with this. You have to choose which "you" you are being in order to have a choice in HOW you EXPERIENCE ALL here.....
Do not fear your emotions, do not fear the energy that emerges from within. The emotions now "triggered" (activated) for cleansing can be a powerful driving force, can cleanse your body of old hurts and pains, can free you from any old grief, blame, shame, judgment and fear you were holding for so long. Those are "surface" emotions that seem deep at first, as they "hide" who you truly are. They hide and suppress your beauty, the magnifience, the magic, the brilliance of the LIGHT OF YOUR SOUL, your DIVINE ESSENCE and your POWER... it's buried beneath all of that that you held onto out of a misplaced/distorted everything.... The KEY (KEYCODE) is to do this CONSCIOUSLY, to honor the release of these emotions so that your body can re-tune onto a higher dimensional plane and shift to a NEW TIMELINE easier. The KEY is your Conscious Awareness and the realization that these feelings will not kill you to honor their safe (and often huge) release, yet they can if you keep trying to hold them/suppress them/keep them bottled up/hidden.... they can/will "kill your body", as it cannot sustain all of the hurt/hate/pain anymore. It needs to be FREE, it needs to thrive, come alive, come online and it needs for your SOUL to be able to weave the Light of your Divinity through your every fiber, particle and cell.... Weaving a whole new reality of LOVE, KINDNESS and INFINITE ABUNDANCE too.... yet it needs to release all of that compromise/suppression so it can "do" what it "needs" to do to INTEGRATE your purest/truest/real you INSIDE OF YOUR BODY and bring your body through too. (Physical Body Ascension).
Release your fears of death, of suffering of pain, release your beliefs of loss, less and not enough, release your fears of the UNKNOWN and the ones you've created/believed thus far. Open up to a whole new existence where none of this applies anymore. Open your heart.... fully.... completely..... relax your mind.... breathe... and trust your own higher self/universe, for it IS YOU.... in a higher dimension that you cannot yet see, that has already occurred, that HAS TO MERGE into this timeline here.
Observe the external to identify which matrix you are watching and participating in. Observe the external and the internal to see what's truly going on. Observe your inner reality to understand the outside one.
As all now move fully from linear realities to non-linear ones, realities are very different than before. Everything is VIBRATIONAL and it takes a while to "get this" fully, for you must be fully in-tune with all from within, all of the time. Yes, this is a "full-time job", as you don't RECEIVE a whole new existence with anything less.....
HAPPY LIONS GATE LOVES.... WHICH HAS OPENED as we now transverse the new that provides the OPPORTUNITY for each to shift collectively into much higher timelines now. Just because you are provided the opportUNITY, doesn't mean you will take it, which means you still hold something that you are allowing to "get in the way", that you have energy inside of you that must first be cleared/transcended fully before your body can shift into the timeline you know already exists. OpportUNITY (Portals & Gateways) will open exponentially, yet will/can also close too. They will "pass by", dissolve and your human will have to wait until you've cleared/resolved the energy before another opens for you. The space between the first portal and the next one is called "your own separation/doubt/not-ready-ness" that you must work through yourself. These spaces become smaller as you do, until it's portal after portal opening up for you to jump/walk through. These spaces dissolve eventually (line between dimensions), as you no longer hold this separation within you. Eventually all exists within this same space, all of the time... and you open these portals yourself. You walk through them, travel through them to "come out on the other side". Eventually, you (learn) REMEMBER how to open these INFINITE PORTALS yourself and no longer are bound by the old anymore.....
On the "other side", beyond the Veils, REALities are much different here. Magic fills the air that we breathe, crystalline does too, every exchange is beautiful, supportive and deeply sacred, with the occasional old program thrown in to observe and resolve/dissolve/clear/transcend fully from within. These old programs represent "hell", for our natural state is HEAVEN ON EARTH and our physical DOES REFLECT THIS BACK, our external DOES MATCH THIS.... We recognize old programming, loudly/blatantly, which gives each of us the ABILITY to intentionally shift/tune the vibration back to love, shift/tune to a higher vibrational timeline, shift/tune/expand into a much higher timeline, so that the old can dissolve on it's own..... and all can RETURN to our NEW Earth Existence again.... clearing old timelines exponentially in our sleep state and intentionally the moment they become visible in our waking one.
This is one of those huge times ..... We've all entered into now.... INFINITE POSSIBILITIES FOR ALTERNATE REALITIES to CONVERGE in this space/plane of existence here.... now. All of August is THIS.... ♥
Let's anchor these highest timelines in .... Let's DO this... Your Consciousness and mine, all of ours... this is what DICTATES REALITIES....REMEMBER... ♥
Immense Love, Gratitude and appreciation for all of our service here.
Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼
Avatar Consciousness/OverSoul Embodiment/Gatekeeper, GridKeeper & Guardian/Multi-Dimensional Mastery
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