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Restoration of Sacred Sexuality and the Temples of Isis


One of the things I find most disturbing right now is our sacred sexuality being diminished and splattered all over the media. It’s been escalating over the years as companies exploit sex to sell their products. But the blatant disrespect our current commander-in-chief has demonstrated toward women has brought it to the forefront and it can no longer be ignored.

I’m not here to rail about our present day atrocities. There are more than enough voices doing that. I am here to introduce the healing of this wound by taking us back in time to re-member and re-store the ancient teachings of sexuality from within the original Temple of Isis, where I recall a lifetime as a High Priestesses.

I now invite you into the most revered of all temples of ancient times, the Temple of Isis. According to Isis and the Black Madonna, sexual energy is sacred. It is the blood flow of the Divine Mother, be it in nature, through the lay lines of the earth, or that which flows through our physical bodies whether you be male or female.

The Temple of Isis is where the High Priestesses were originally trained to utilize the pure sexual energies of the Divine Mother as nurturance for all physicality. The High Priestesses of Isis honored the sacredness of sexual energy by initiating, engaging, enjoying and utilizing sexual energy in multiple practices and rituals.

The most potent practice was the simple pleasuring of the human body to go deeply into sensuality. This is an intimate way of communicating with the Divine Mother within, who is available to each of us. The most exalted teaching of sexual energy was the awakening and raising of the kundalini. Sexual energy was stimulated to spark the fire to awaken the kundalini. This fire was then breathed upward spiraling through all the chakras of the body, through the portal of the crown chakra to unify with the Divine. This union stimulates the release of the elixirs of life. Modern science has referred to this primary hormone as oxytocin, commonly known as the love hormone. This hormone, which is the nurturance of regeneration, then descends throughout the body bathing all the cells with this elixir of life to return to the root chakra while activating the totality of the DNA which is in constant communication with the Divine.

This practice has totally vanished from our present day sexual experiences which are focused on the culmination of orgasm and ejaculation. Our current bodies have become programed to escalate the sexual energies to the point of an explosion and release, throwing these energies “from” the body, squandering rather than utilizing these potent energies which were originally intended for reproduction, not only for procreation but for the constant regeneration of all the cells of our body. Thus our current bodies are on a downward spiraling path of degeneration rather than regeneration. As a result, many strands of our DNA have become inactive, no longer in communication with our original Divine blueprint.

Although there are some tantric practices that emulate this practice, they are a mere fragment of the origin of this practice. In order to reawaken and reactivate our original sexual pathway one must love and honor one’s body. It is the loving stimulation of all the cells of the body, not just the sexual organs that activates the true spark of kundalini. Instead of fixating on orgasm, one savors the pleasuring of the human body, activating all the cells to be in the receptive mode to receive the elixirs as they descend through the body. Although orgasm can be a part of this practice, it is not an explosive action. It is a savoring, a sacred union with the Divine in body soul and spirit. It is true “love making” for it proliferates the Love of the Divine. And thus we embody the Divine, unifying us with All That Is through our multidimensional DNA.

The High Priestesses of Isis were a sect of women who bore the purity of our original crystalline encoded DNA. These women were housed in the Temple of Isis and taught the sexual mysteries in order to maintain the purity of them. However, these High Priestesses recognized young women who carried the ancient light codes and invited them to train as a particular sect of priestesses who in turn instructed the lay people how to use sexual energy as a practice in their daily lives.

All women were instructed in these sexual practices as well as the intricacies of procreation, pregnancy and birthing children. They were also advised how to connect with our Mother Earth. They adhered to the cycles of the moon by pouring their menstrual blood into the earth to fertilize her crops. Pregnant women were brought to the temple to birth their children and tended by the priestesses. Each newborn infant was loved and honored with a naming ceremony to anchor their spirit into the body before they returned home to mingle with the general population.

At the time of adolescence, both girls and boys were brought to their respective areas of the temple for their “raising”, which was in fact the raising of their sexual energies.

Girls were brought to the temple at the time of their first menstruation. They were tutored in how their bodies function to safely birth children and how to honor the earth with their menstrual blood. In addition, they were initiated into the mysteries of their feminine bodies, ministered to by the priestesses in sacred sexual ritual. After their bodies were cleansed and purified with spring water, they were anointed with sacred oils initiating physical pleasure to discover the sensory depths of their bodies. They were subsequently stimulated to spark their sexual energies to awaken their kundalini. The seal of their hyman was then pierced with a crystal wand to allow the rising of their kundalini through all the chakras of the body and through the portal of the crown chakra, before descending back down to the root chakra after bathing all the cells in their body with this divine elixir of love. This was practiced by all women throughout the remainder of their lives.

Boys were also brought to their respective place in the temple at a similar age to initiate the raising of their kundalini in the same manner. They were taught how to pleasure a woman as well as their own physical bodies. It was important that a boy get in touch with his divine feminine energy to maintain balance before he went out into the world of men. The rising of the kundalini was considered necessary at the point of conception so the seed would take root within the womb with the highest frequency possible to continue to evolve and expand the human race. It was also important that men learn to honor and respect the place women hold as mothers and nurturers of the community.

With the passage of time the patriarchal religions not only forbid these practices, they equated them to prostitution. As a result women took the rituals underground and continued preforming them in secret caves for many years until they feared for their lives, branded as witches and often burned during the inquisition. Eventually these sacred practices died out completely. Sexually became tainted and taboo.

Although long forgotten, the symbology of this practice is still seen today in artwork depicting a pair of serpents spiraling upward surrounding the human body. This represents the ascension of the kundalini energy passing through the portal of the crown chakra to open and awaken us to our GodSelf.

Present day medicine still uses a version of this symbology called the caduceus, a winged staff with two entwined serpents. Although the true meaning has been lost over the centuries, kundalini energy is vital for the regeneration of the physical body, thus a symbol for health and vitality.

It saddens me when I realize how far we’ve erred from the realization of the beauty, wisdom and sacredness of the human body, be you male or female. We spend years in school leaning useless facts but we are never taught how to access and utilize the secret mysteries hidden within the flesh of our physical bodies.

We bring our children into the world, separating them from their mothers, placing them in sterile boxes, never anchoring their spirits into their physical body. In ancient times adolescents were sent on a vision quest as a time of discovery, for the physical body, the realization of the unique gifts they had to offer the community and their spiritual growth. Today we throw our youth out into the world to find their own way amidst chaos and turmoil. Shame on us. We can and should do better for our children and for the world they will be inheriting. [see my prior blog “Midwifing a New Legacy for our Children” ]

Humanity is in the thick of transformation and we’re in the chaos of emotional overwhelm as everything comes to the surface. The current energies bathing our planet are initiating the transformation of our physical bodies from a carbon to crystalline base structure to return to our original Divine blueprints. As a result, all the chakras in the body are in the process of cleansing themselves of the old stuck emotional energies. This is necessary in order for our kundalini to fully engage to restore our original sexual pathways, reactivate our DNA and nurture our regeneration. There is no need to deplete our bodies to the point of illness in order to die. There is another way and we all have this ability.

I most humbly share these memories as High Priestess of the Temple of Isis with the intent of stirring the ancient memory encoded within your DNA. May it spark the fire within you to clear your physicality, bathe you in the elixirs of love, and revitalize your DNA that you may live a long and joyous life of well-being.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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Sharon Lyn Shepard is a modern day mystic and visionary. Her mystical writings and music transcend our minds, expand our consciousness and awaken us to our innate divinity to celebrate life in all of its forms. Sharon lives “heaven on earth” and invites all of us to join her in embracing a new world of love, joy and harmony. Learn more about us @ www.sharonlynshepard.com
Source Here


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