Prayer for the Angelic Activation Of The Golden Spiritual Armour
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- Written by AndEl

My Beloved Family,
I share with you a prayer available to All who are walking in their Heart for the Highest Good of All.
Throughout numerous written instances in religious histories across the world, there is often mention of a Gold Spiritual Armour worn by those warriors in the Light which walk in service, in such dense places where such shielding is needed. Those that walk multi-dimensionally in Their Heart in Service for the Highest Good of All, boots on the ground, the Warriors in Their Heart of The Light.
The Angelic Golden Spiritual Armour resonates at the frequency of Unconditional Love from Source and while it acts as a shield against all lower consciousness, it transmutes and catalysts all lower consciousness as per the Law of Resonance in physics. This principle, which is the reason a tuning fork can be used to tune musical instruments, causes all at Unconditional Love Frequency to be magnetized into one, and all other frequencies are either discordant and must rise and become one, or separate, disperse and fragment to be recycled into the Void.
This is an organic, duality ascension universe. Ascension can be achieved through conscious or unconscious life expressions of Source. The quantum physics of the holographic universe allows for separation of timelines in the Infinite Time Creations by magnetism of light and dark and continues free will without one affecting the other, after the discordance and separation becomes too great.
I offer a prayer to assist in the permanent Golden Ray Armour Activation for all Angelic races, which allows for movement on this magnificent earth across all dimensions with ease and grace to all those in The Heart Collective as we begin to exit embodiment and begin to physically walk multidimensionaly across all grids without outside interference.
We are One yet Separate.
The phase of spiritual awakening,(3d and 4d), has ended for the Wayshowers as they anchor to the multidimensional grids of 5d and higher and walk in service across all ascension/descension dimensions due to the clearing of DNA interference.
Spiritual awakening is a different process and chakra/grid system than becoming multidimensional and finishing the embodiment process which activates all “The Clairs” and makes us consciously multidimensional with multidimensional gifts.
Multidimensional embodiment begins to anchor fully at 5d+ for the Wayshowers in the crystalline grids of 5d+.
The Heart Collective has quantum jumped from the duality grids of 3D(human spiritual awakening and past timelines), and 4d(galactic spiritual awakening and future timelines), and have fully anchored into 5d+(Individual Heaven and multidimensional ascension timelines of now), and can walk where ever called in service for the Highest Good of All in Love as per our Hueman Birthright.
As always, take what you need and leave the rest and Filter ALL through YOUR HEART.
Surround Yourself in the Light and Love of Source and Become One IN YOUR Heart and declare: I AM SOURCE.
Cut all energetic chords to and from You and heal by filling Yourself with Source Love and declare: I AM SOVEREIGN.
Open your Heart Fearlessly and surround Yourself in The Golden Ray of Unconditional Source Love that flows from your Heart and declare: I AM FREE.
Envision your High Heart opening and Liquid Source Gold flowing from It. It envelops and surrounds all of You like a second skin and looks like a Golden Armour which is connected and flows from Your Heart like a breath, or like a wave. It is an extension from Your Heart of Source Love, like an umbilical chord,which is permanently connected and allows all in the Heart Collective to walk in Full Heart Service in lower consciousness and grids and matrices, without interference.
Physical symptoms may ensue. Stay centered in Your Heart.
Declare: I chose To Walk in Service for The Highest Good of All in Love and in My Heart, across all dimensions, fully activating my Golden Ray Spiritual Armour as per my Divine Birth Right as Guardian of this Earth and as per The Law of One, and also activating all aspects, gifts and clearing all genetic interference of my Angelic Self.
In Faith, I Now release All That I Was.
I fully anchor to the Higher Dimensions of Heart Consciousness and Infinite Ascension Timelines which are for The Highest Good of All in Love and which will fulfill my soul purpose and evolution.
In Faith, I Now call forth All That I am.
And So It is.
Please do whatever is needed for your self as we anchor and assimilate in preparation for the solar eclipse and the shifting/flipping of grids which is affecting all grids and matrices already. Big time.
Follow Your Heart❤️Shine Your Light
I send my love to All.
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