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My Personal Journey "Re-Entering" Other Dimensions To Observe, Experience And See


How All Relates And Plays Out Multi-dimensionally. Quite Interesting And Wow

For the first time in almost 3 1/2 years, I visited my family to spend time with my new grandson, my awesome son, his beautiful wife and my 7 year old grandson too. It had been soooooo long and I spent every moment present, inJOYing and observing a multitude of physical realities (tis how we roll). 

I'll share some sweet photos as soon as receive the family photos from my son. Traveling to/through different densities and through multiple timelines/realities was an interesting experience for sure. 

December's activations and anchoring as Gatekeepers/Gridkeepers was not like my previous years. The whole year of 2017 actually was beyond awesome, as always, December was to be dedicated to Gatekeeper Duties, and it was, yet this year will filled with peeps, beautiful exchanges, traveling and also intentionally consciously breaking down & clearing out any old linear/matrix programs still held within my own cellular body/template too. Anchoring the Plasma Grid in December gave us new Quantum Linear capabilities that are soooo very easy. (I'll share more as we go.)

This last year for me went a completely different directions than I perceived. It was a year of simplicity, ease, anchoring the expanded Chakra System into my physical body. I'll be sharing on this as I write a new "manual" for our how our "New/Expanded Chakra Systems" work as we Embody Avatar Consciousness and fully anchor our OverSoul/Monad Consciousness from within. 

The previous years were more physical and demanding, yet less physical each year as we embodied our Universe(s), Galaxies, Multi-Dimensional Aspects and merged all fully through Unity-Love-Consciousness from within. The more carbon-based human (linear) we are, the more physical our realities are too. The more Light/Etheric/Conscious/Quantum we are, the less physical all is, as all just becomes Energy and as we become Quantum Light BEings, our existence is fully Quantum too. This brings through simplicity, ease and no BS. As we become our Divine Aspects, marrying all within us... our physical realities vibrate easier and faster to match us. Our "return" is through peace, harmony, joy, simplicity and ease too. We learn to cut everything out that no longer serves/doesn't support or represents lack realities of the old. We do not continue Karmic timelines. We see them as they present, clear the program within ourselves, dissolving the "need" for a physical experience here. Only open to highest consciousness realities, where each is their own Universe too, in our personal lives, there's zero tolerance for anyone not standing in their power as love, sharing and stepping up to contribute equally too. This makes reality easy... and it leaves us more "time" to do what we love, supports us/others and contributes to higher consciousness for all on each Earth. The old self-involved human tactics of separation/duality consciousness, manipulation, greed, guilt, blame, victim, lack, dis-empowered anything won't fly. Not one iota. Quashed right out of the gate and handed back to each to see/deal/clear within themselves. We all do not "need" to be in the same physical space anymore. It's quite freeing and beautiful indeed! 

Traveling gave me the ability to observe, as it did 3/12 years ago when I went to open portals, activate and anchor the Crystalline Grid in other mainland areas in. This time was to submerge myself while maintaining full consciousness, to activate and anchor the Plasma Grid and I was shocked at what I observed in "other dimensional realities". Pleasantly and not so pleasantly alike. It's sometimes necessary for us to re-enter alternate dimensional timelines for many reasons, this time was no different.... 

Traveling was "weird" and I observe everything. Every detail. Every reality. With the current embodiment phase I'm in, my body experience is very different than it was when I was expanding and my whole body was intensely being "re-calibrated/rewired". These years of acclimating and anchoring within my physical body, expanding so far beyond my body, then to anchor fully in again (2016-2017)... the last 6 months have been like being back into a "normal body", maintaining expansion yet my body finally starting to shrink back down. I even bought jeans and was much smaller than I "thought" I was. We have to get used to spandex/stretchies and skirts for years as our bodies "contort" and birth photonic realities on a daily basis here. 

The first thing I noticed was that there were no gravity shifts inside of my body on the plane. I was able to maintain gravitational alignment no matter what altitude, which was pretty cool. With the 12/21 Gateway Week, I "graduated" and the message was a firm "You've completed Ascension. Completely. You are done." It had to repeat because, as with other gateways/initiations before, I could not believe (like when I arrived on NEW Earth in 2012 then more in 2013) and cleared Galactic Karma and "was done" in 2015 to then shift into easier roles then too. It takes awhile for our heads to wrap around all and for us to align our physical. So I just kept observing as I experienced.... It appears that full Avatar Consciousness Embodiment (which took me 2 years to accomplish once I entered this phase, through a barrage of initiations as well), completes the entire Ascension process. Who'da thunk it. Now we move into the vastness our next phases/roles here. 

What does that mean now? Many things. This last year has been moving me more into "having a life", instead of working 24/7 in-service like before. I'm still 24/7 in-service, yet how I do this is much different than before. I spent 2017 in "waiting" (which means we are unifying inside, clearing any old programs intentionally, completing initiation processes continually and checking to see if each reality is fully-aligned and of a higher consciousness or if it represents and old one to resolve/dissolve/move beyond and accomplishing a ridiculous amount of service roles while collectives awaken/unify and step forth to fulfill their roles through Unity-Love-Consciousness too). Most everything that came forth in 2017 was of a previous state of consciousness, which meant letting go as fast as a reality would present. Trying out a few to see if they were able to fully-sync-up/align or if there was still unconscious programming within the reality. The "test" each time was to see if each was truly ready to come together to do their part and could synchronize on a Soul Level to be in the same physical space for very long. Human aspects are unaware that everything is a test to prove ourselves.

The more human we are, the more we can't follow through/come through in the ways that really count, aren't yet dedicated enough or have self-first agendas that get in the way of working in unison to anchor the bigger picture to be the priority first. This meant I'd have to choose to let them just float away, keep doing my parts and just stay open for new ones that can easier align from a space of being totally responsible, accountable, dedicated, with even more balance, more unity, more respect, consideration, caring and love. To settle for less than unity is not an option. We don't "have to" anymore. (We never did, yet through the years we did, until a few years ago when we stopped this). No more "Universal Surrogates". All step forth fully empowered and already DOING, instead of making all easier for others like we used to. Now it's easier for all who are truly already all in. ♥ Fully anchoring God Consciousness in a few years ago, I completed my couple years of initiatory roles of "being the provider/supporter" for others. Now each must hold this within themselves, without any lack involved at all. Here we all combine our efforts and resources to create and anchor more Heaven on Earth for us all. The NEW relationships formed through offered and balanced sharing, creation and support have evolved beautiful, growing/expanding to encompass even more for us all. We look forward to accomplishing more together as love and through new conscious partnerships too!

For me personally, I see many timelines, and in just the last two days have received TONS to accomplish, implement and get going, yet it takes "others" who are ready to fully invest/commit too. There's no more lopsided realities, out of balance. If all is not fully aligned when they arrive/show up/materialize, in order to support anchoring all new higher timelines together here, then they are karmic timelines that don't even get off of the ground. It is that simple. Meanwhile, we keep doing what is aligned and allow for DIVINE TIMING to rule in Divine Flow. :)

Visiting my family was amazing! It was a beautiful experience through total presence and joy. While visiting I was able to observe many things, unconscious and conscious alike. In every exchange in the home and out & about too, everyone was kind, happy and real. Were things "hidden" and need to be discussed to bring into consciousness? Yes. Was it always appropriate. No. I honor what is appropriate. I speak/share where not projecting/imposing, open up portals/doors and honor the current vibration of every reality that presents. We do not project or push upon others, yet the human aspect does have built in resistance mechanisms that don't yet understand that what we offer is alternative realities that make thing easier and negate the "need" for a "lesson", if each is ready. Often times, they are not. We have to honor the energy of the moment, at all times and just BE LOVE. ♥

Flying there, sitting in offices, flying back... I was virtually "invisible". It was quite interesting to experience so profoundly. On the planes, no one spoke to me, it was as if I didn't exist. (We kinda don't, vibrating at a different frequency bandwidth). It was peaceful and allowed me to get some work done. Sitting in offices for 8 hours, same thing. Great opportUNITY to observe. I spent the entire time "observing" and writing a paper for my Master's Degree on "Observing Unconscious Humans in their "Natural" Habitats". The conversations, even in what used to would have been considered a 3D reality, was totally 5D (kindness, no anger, flowing, happy, light), yet all oblivious to how unconscious they were. It was a weird mix of programming. My multi-dimensional experience (kindness/happy) amongst humans complying with matrix programming, totally unaware that they were. I'll share the paper once I receive it back. I have to finish it and submit it first. lol

Used to be, long travels pushed my body hard and it would go haywire and have a rough time. This time was easy. I could go all day, fly, stay up, do and sleep in unison with Universal Time Flow pretty well. My body didn't go haywire, it did great! The whole week, then I returned and whereas the frequencies had been "quiet" mostly the entire time, as soon as I got back I got whammied, activated huge new realities (will share in separate post) and spent all day yesterday integrating all new MASTER Codes into my template. 

Before I got to South Carolina, I saw that chemicals in the water/air were going to be an issue. My first stop was organic shopping for clean water and food. I'd brought my organic soap/supplies with me. The rest would be easy, yet I became hyper-aware of chemicals prior to leaving and while there. In the food, water, air, soaps and all. (There's more re-educating coming forth on this due to the frequency bandwidths we are now in and how CLEAN all has to be.) Observing others and their mentalities, observing the atmosphere, observing how human's "treat" consciousness when it "threatens" or interFEARS with their current "life". I saw how 900% were unconscious, how they ate, yet worried about being "sick", not having a clue as to how all of this comes to be. I saw the chemicals ingested, used in laundry, in the water used to wash everything, bathing in, the perceptions of what is safe/not, the propaganda inciting fear and accepted by those living in this as okay, along with substantially increased chemtrails being sprayed literally 24/7, sometimes 2 planes side by side, 8-10 layers or more... starting from the time there was any visible light and continuing until dark. Mind-blown was an understatement. To be inside of the matrix again was bizarre! My skin and body totally re-acting to the chemicals being breathed, massive nosebleeds (I don't have nosebleeds), skin and hair issues almost immediately, as all was that strong. I was able to manage for the week, hitting the organic store as soon as I arrived. Pure, clean water to make sure no tap water touched anything, even washing my vegetables pure water too. Organic Soaps and pure Coconut Oil, I minimized as much exposure as I could, even limiting my baths. I observed how oblivious everyone was. Either they could not see or they didn't want to. Probably both.

I observed the presenting of "fear based" realities and how quickly peeps were to accept these as true. I observed totally backwards priorities, yet I also observed realities focused on each other, family and supporting each other too. I observed discomfort emerge every time consciousness was brought to the table as an alternative reality and how quickly it was rejected too. I observed how open communication as love could be heard, if presented in a way that offered alternative options over the old ones and how the human aspect "sees" alternate realities as a threat to fixed realities that fit into the boxes of unconscious realities. I observed our new children and what a gift they are. I also saw how hard it's going to be for many where the parents don't understand Crystalline Consciousness Nervous Systems and how the neural pathways map in every moment according to the vibrations experienced through exposure and how going against "natural/universal flow" reverses pathway formation which has to then be reversed again later. Every sound, the food they ingest, the bathwater, the atmosphere, chemicals on their clothes and more. I observed humans sanitizing with chemicals against getting sick, yet eating McDonald's hamburgers and Dasani water and pumping their body full of chemicals and toxins, exhibiting "flu" symptoms (their body trying to clear while integrating Diamond Light Codes) and totally unconscious, yet not open to hearing anything at all.

I observed kindness in every person I came into contact with. I observed beauty, I observed egos insistent on realities being a certain way and not open to anything at all, not realizing these realities will dissolve/collapse somehow. I observed inner-twined focus/priorities, where physical things were important, yet happiness and family were too. It's not as "clean cut" as it used to be. I also observed that the level of happiness was higher, due to Earth reaching an acclimation point of 5D and for some reason, my universal experience kept me somewhat sheltered and seeing only certain realities, which was kind of interesting too. Minimal exposure to much, keeping all very easy, happy and light. 

There was no 3D experience. Barely even a 4D experience. It was all 5D and above, with unconsciousness woven through it to be visible, which was different than before where all was unconscious. I was aware I was walking through a Matrix, yet was minimally affected and not IN the realities, if that makes any sense at all. There was no harshness, other than passing a car on the highway where there was anger exhibited, which hit me in my abdomen and made me instantly sick. It's not often that I actually physically experience anger ever. (Not counting all the hate mail and others projecting when their realities collapse, which I don't allow into my field at all). In the actual physical, it's about once a year, and when I do, it's usually distant, shocking and very short, and I deal with it, appropriately, or just let it go/dissolve. 

I was able to observe my experience and other's experiences and how vastly different these are. This experience did open my eyes to many things, broadening my own horizons and making me excited for the possibilities of what's available now too!

Once I arrived and saw the chemtrails, I realized I was there to also anchor the Plasma Grid in. So I spent the week doing this. I took pictures (like I did in 2014b while anchoring the Crystalline Grid in) to show the difference as the week progressed. The biggest thing I became aware of is that each's consciousness could clear all of this, yet this means each in each area would have to focus their energy to accomplish this. The physical is a reflection of all un/consciousnesses and I had re-entered "others" realities to observe. I was totally aware of the physical and how it presented in overlays for this. I also realized that when present in large groups, that I could intentionally activate new higher consciousness codes for each faster within my vicinity, which I've done for years, so I did this too. It's quite fun when we play and activate new codes for all of us here!

I also knew that once I left, my body would need time to clear all of the chemicals my body was subjected to for this inter-dimensional experience to observe/see/experience/learn. I do this now, while I work to accomplish and we complete this huge anchoring phase through 1/11 now too.

Yesterday, on 1/1, I awoke to activating "2222" codes with the words that all day I'd be integrating, so the day I'd planned to accomplish/write up the 2018 Energy Reports and more had to wait. Finishing the day out with a huge rainbow and magnificent Super Full Moon, it was a magnanimous day of NEW. My body is still detoxing & integrating immense new light codes, so I'll be working around this to share with all as I can. 

p.s. There is a noticeable difference in "breathable air" and how our bodies process air as all changes density. The air is different in "higher altitude dimensions" (not location necessarily, as I used to experience this mainland in 2012 as my body would ascend and change dimensions, the air was much lighter/easier to breathe, all within an hour or two of high activations/integration and our bodies adapting to "thinner air"). After years of "thinner air", re-entering a different density experience, along with all of the chemicals in the air, breathing was harsh/rough and while I had to adapt, now my body is having to re-acclimate/clear density of what my body ingested while traveling to denser areas and keeping my body there for a week. Each phase of the LightBody breathes a different atmosphere (crystalline, light, plasma, etheric). My lungs are re-adapting and it's rougher than I thought it would be. The chemicals wreaked havoc on my system, yet also unanchoring any linear constructs as I re-tune/clear. 

Adding traveling into my schedule means my body has to be able to acclimate/adapt easier and me not subject my body to density for as long. This also shows me how much unconsciousness there still is that has to lift/shift and how each is responsible for anchoring/holding light in their own area to hold NEW Earth collectively everywhere. We have a lot of higher consciousness re-educating to do, a lot of new programs to implement and mass exposure to reach more in new ways. I've been researching and exploring options, yet again, it's going to take more of us uniting to accomplish and the support of those who have the ability to make a difference actually stepping up/stepping forth too. We have to bring Multi-Dimensionality into mainstream even more than we've done before. Targeting larger venues, broadcasting/media and the resources that put higher consciousness in everyone's face so they cannot ignore it. Sleeping human aspects not fully aware (if at all), that they are on a multi-dimensional earth and that there are alternative reality choices and that multi-dimensionality even exists.... Continuing to be more visible and energetically "louder" in many ways, through PRESENCE and messages that open those portals/doors without "threatening" reality is going to be KEY. 

Okay, ground crew... :)

Additionally, I found that being unconscious has been made "easier" by matrix programs and sooooo convenient, that typical human aspects will not inconvenience themselves to do the fully conscious things. Drive a little further to an organic store, spend more money for chemical free, change up the household items that they "like" to use, much less consider that health care is not necessary if your LightBody is activated and tuned to a mega-high frequency (of our Soul). There are still huge "conformity" programs running and avoiding "inconvenience", especially believing structures that technically only exist and held in place by cellular programming & one's own mind. In observing how "convenient" being unconscious is, then FULL CONSCIOUSNESS has to have a larger appeal. If we are going to "change" the old "rules" of "loss & devastation" in order to wake up, then we have to tilt the scales to focus on the bonuses where those "with the power & means" support/implement more powerful and direct incentive programs that get attention over the old fear-based ones, wherefore we'd accelerate Global Consciousness for all. For the human aspect, there has to be a reason or something in it for them. If we "go all in" with the benefits and what happens as a result of full consciousness, we get the attention of those seeking/open to this. "Problem" is, most can't see the whole picture. So it's up to those of us who can. (Problem = program, so we write/create all new programs to replace the old ones). See/Go BIG peeps. No more small. ♥

For humans in fear over "sickness" and financial security, there's zero awareness that these programs have to collapse for each to shift to NEW Earth Realities where those issues do not exist at all. There's no sick or lack in the 5th+ Dimensions of NEW Earth. We "need" BIG advertisements and bulletin boards flooding the consciousness and in the faces of all, on multi-dimensionality and NEW Earth as not only a possibility, but an actual reality (rather than a concept) as well. We have to peak interest and be the examples...all being WayShowers of our NEW. I'm doing my part. How about you? The question is: What can we bring together, how can we UNITE, how can we combine our efforts, reSOURCEs, knowledge and skills to make a bigger impact now? Transcend those lack mentalities and get creative. This is how all works! ♥ 

Until each can truly see the VALUE of living through unity/highest consciousness, then the "old ways" are often the first "go to" instead. We are not out to save anyone. We are here to make the information available for each to CHOOSE to awaken fully with greater ease and to apply CONSCIOUS DECISIONS to their own lives like we all did/continue to do. On my visit, none of the peeps I encountered were lacking physically in any way. It was quite the opposite actually. They were all doing well, physically abundant, just unconscious to higher consciousness and multi-dimensionality as their own reality here. 

I love you! Excited to spend more time with my family in the upcoming months. I'll update more as we flow! ♥

1/3/17: Additional update. After I wrote this, my body went into a huge detox, getting whammied with Diamond Light Codes, Rainbow Frequencies/Codes and more. When I stepped off the plane here, the first breath was of how clean/easy breathing the air was. Recirculated air/re-regurgitated air on the planes, breathing chemicals in the atmosphere, spiraled my body hard. I went into "full bronchitis" (which is only a word to describe the affect, not actually bronchitis, for that's a human label to put into a box and misunderstand what's truly going on). The words were "detoxing neurotoxins, so I've been in bed "deathly ill" (we don't get sick, so this is a huge lower-density-body-clearing), for 24 hours. Another day (or two or three or...) and I'll be bang on again (when these bouts used to take weeks, yet I have no desire to be Super Woman with this one). Today again, I'm in bed, pumping my body full of Source Naturals Wellness Formula and using natural essence "Decongest" from Living Scents in Greensboro, NC that "saved my life" from 10 back-to-back bouts of "bronchitis" back from late 2008 - early 2010 when my Awakening/Ascension process was in the intensity of physical body re-alignment and restoring/repairing/detoxing my body back to life and my heart was opening huge. I'll post the ordering info on the LightBody page once I receive mine for those who would like to use this, in what I saw may be about to be a "pandemic" of F.L.U. (Frequency Light Upgrades) as we progress with substantially increased Light Codes and waking the human body up/clearing heavy duty density/separation/unconsciousness on a cellular level of everything held/ingested/external exposure that's toxic to the body (includes emotions huge too), which most are unaware of. Walking through the airport, peeps with breathing masks on, like a ridiculous amount, and we are just beginning, for more collectives to transition out of 4D at an exponential rate.) This means something awesome is coming after! We love it! We learned alot too. ♥

p.p.p.p.p.p.s: It feels important to say for those not yet aware of this, while I was in "their" reality, they/all of that is technically my reality, deep within my cells. Very aware that all of December was to clear out deep deep deep matrix programming for us all, this was mine. There were many matrix programs that I needed to clear, and unaware of them all, it took an actual physical experience in order to "faster" accomplish this. We cannot conclude this huge passageway through 1/11 (which activates the next one that goes through March Equinox period), with ANYTHING that needs to clear, forgo I was very aware this was all of mine too, along with a bazillion other purposes that feed into our "learning" and re-educating others through our own highest awareness/experiences/understanding/access too. My body is now clearing all of that, which is awesome and exciting and something we all "ask for". There is not one ounce of victim energy here (other than the moaning & groaning to faster tune, lol). EVERYthing we experience IS OURS.... held somewhere deep inside our bodies or still in our field. We can see it and intentionally clear it or have an experience in order to assist us with this. Utter and complete gratitude, as this was collective programming I still held too. :) ♥

I was born (walked in at 3) to a human existence as Lisa and my remembered name is Transcendence. I "fell backwards" into this journey of consciousness, awakening, remembering & ascension. It was "long after", when I looked back and started to "connect the dots" and put the puzzle pieces together that I actually understood everything. This IS how it works here, unless we have someone or something to guide us along the way. I used this "new knowledge" to develop courses and teaching tools for others. Little did I know that in all of the time I was listening to "higher guidance", that I, as my future self, was leading me to "this point in time" of becoming a WayShower, Ascension Guide, Light Anchor, Gatekeeper and more, for the 5th Dimensional Realm (and higher). It was by using my own experiences & expansion that I created and shared, every step of the way. It is what brought me here now, to be able to share with you.
Source: here

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