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Your Divine Time Is Coming!

Your Divine Time Is Coming!

It is striking how many people suddenly want to set up their own practice.

Where 30 years ago we looked strangely at some healing methods, and ended a lot like ‘ paranormal ’, we no longer look up when someone says ‘ Yes, I have my own practice for .... ’.

One training after another is offered. More and more signs are appearing in gardens with ‘ Practice for .... ’ That is actually very pleasing, because that means that more and more people have searched for themselves and their healing powers, and want to use them for service!

It can only be discouraging if you also dream of your own practice, but are still somewhat uncertain about it. Especially if you discover more and more therapists who actually do exactly what you would like. And especially if they already radiate a powerful confidence that touches your old sense of inferiority.

You know comforted! Before anyone can really set up a thriving practice, and can make ends meet financially, he or she has had to overcome a lot of fears first. Someone can have beautiful gifts and abilities, have a charismatic appearance and be able to articulate and sell what he or she has to offer. But every therapist in the making will have to purify one's own personal shadow sides if one is to be true and to function from Light Force instead of ego.

In the past one could still get away with it; from a kind of supra impress others with a lot of knowledge, make people dependent on themselves or disprove people by constantly pointing only at their ‘ weak ’ shadow sides. That automatically created a savior and a person in need, who confirmed each other beautifully in a role pattern. That was also very educational and prompted many people to search for their own power sources!

Now there are already many more young, highly sensitive people with a well-developed consciousness. They feel flawlessly whether the therapist in question is also doing ‘ I walk my talk ’, and not just talking about the Road, but also going the Way. On the way to 5D, every person will be allowed to heal and / or transform his own deepest wounds and fears.

Nevertheless, there you are now, with your valuable qualities and your sincere soul desires to contribute to the awareness of others. During vision quests, in sessions or meditations, you have seen very clearly that you came to earth to bring healing, to pass on multi-dimensional knowledge, to be of service, bringing people closer to themselves, animating through certain art, dance or music, bringing sacred geometry back in form, someone closer to his/bring its own divine essence through pure oil, scents and colors, connect people more with their bodies through touch, massage etc. etc. What if your practice doesn't seem to get off the ground? What if there are so many around you who offer similar methods??

Well ... then let me tell you this. What you feel inside about what you want to bring to earth with heart and soul in the near future is true. And it is as valuable as what someone else has to bring! As we gradually move towards the fifth dimension, when our ego can serve our higher Self, we will rediscover our higher powers. Everyone will come back into contact with healing frequencies that suit him or her exactly! And whatever work we want to do, we will be healing for others in our own unique way from being connected to higher dimensions.

The only thing we sometimes have to get used to is that we cannot always estimate exactly when things can be manifested. From above we will first be guided through our own shadows before we can really do this sacred work from our true Self in a fifth dimensional way.

Everything that your soul longs for will happen, and you will manifest when your consciousness is in accordance with what you want to propagate. So it first wants to be ‘ contributed ’ and embodied. And that takes time, often more time than you think and hope because it still has to do with the densification of the third dimension.

Anyone who wants to sell spiritual work from self-interest or a disguised appearance will fall through the basket and be guided to his own unfinished inner work. New creative impulses and holograms always come – at least according to divine truth – from the spiritual world. They can only land in an equal-vibrating body and then mature there. And only then, when the cosmos has put a signature on it, so to speak, will it also take on an inspired form that characterizes the New Earth.

You can count on what you have to offer out of love! Because those who have almost worked out their personal issues, and are already quite at home in the higher dimensions, will soon be able to offer many helping hands to those who are still searching and sleeping in the third dimension.

In a few years' time, we will be happily connected with many in higher Light Fields and will work together to connect each person with their own way to the Light! Then there is no longer any competition, ‘ better ,’ ‘ successful ’ or ‘ further .’ As heart-connected brothers and sisters, we will be joyfully touched time and again by the love, compassion, and pure intentions we recognize in the eyes of others. Everyone will realize that we are all needed, that we can all bring in a unique frequency that can only form a complete, divine spectrum together.

Then we will understand what was once meant by ‘ the return of the Messiah ’. Yes, the Christ consciousness will gradually become visible in our Light. And if it is in your soul plan, you will accomplish your divine mission for this life with the greatest possible devotion.

‘You are Divine! ’

© Copyright 2024 Mieke Vulink

Awakening is an inner journey. As a highly sensitive child, my path embraced music, leading to a conservatory degree in 1991. A Rebirthing weekend in 1985 sparked my spiritual awakening, intertwining with my dual careers—concert pianist and transformational therapist. In 2013, my soul's call led me to a profound meditation, initiating a deep connection with my unborn son Parcival. Since then, my life is dedicated to the search for divinity, Christ Consciousness, and ascension processes. Passionate about guiding self-realization for 30 years, I collaborate with Vincent Rikkerink, expanding our fields in lightwork. My journey involves extensive education in essential healing, coaching, aura soma, and more. Let's explore the transformation and healing on the path to higher consciousness together.

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