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Multiple Current Convergent Points


Throughout the decade of the 2000’s, I remember feeling the incredible recurring sensations every time another large Energy Wave was approaching from far off, and to catch it and ride it all the way I would, we would suddenly have to paddle really fast and hard to get our speed up enough to catch that Energy Wave like surfers do and ride it for as long as it lasted. Many of us felt that sensation again very powerfully on Sunday, December 10, 2017, and we paddled hard, caught it and rode that Energy Wave all the way through the 11th and the 12-12 of December 12, 2017, where it has deposited us in yet another NEW higher level, space and location both internally and externally, personally and collectively.

I also mentioned recently about how it’s always felt to me like I’ve been walking backwards down into this life from a higher frequency. This whole article is about how many of you reading this are doing that now and some of the reasons why. Don’t get too heady with the information in this article because it won’t work for you like FEELING it from your HighHeart and beyond that will. Left brain cannot ever paddle hard or fast enough to catch these Waves so don’t waste energy or time trying. Release, expand and FEEL with everything other than your intellect.

As of December 1, 2017 the Milky Way Galactic Center (GC) was, from our current perspective, at 27° Sagittarius 06.0′.  Tomorrow, Sunday December 17, 2017 is the New Moon and it’s happening at 26° Sagittarius 31′, which is a conjunction to the GC. More things end and start tomorrow because of this and multiple other related things.

I wrote an article at TRANSITIONS on December 29, 2012 about the Three Days Life Review all of humanity went through at some point from December 21, 22, 23, 2012 whether it was consciously remembered or not. I was able to consciously remember parts of my personal Life Review that took place for me on December 22, 2012 while asleep and out-of-body during the night. Other things took place the day before and the day after the 22nd, but it was the experiences that happened on 12-22-2012 while I was asleep that were profound and informative. This was a quantum event when it happened in December 2012, and it still is now as we near the five-year mark after it. It, this Life Review everyone went through during those Three Days is directly related to and connected to our “now” in December 2017. As is typical with these types of extra important multiple points within the Ascension Process (AP) and Embodiment Process (EP), I understood/understand when they happen, but not fully because I haven’t lived it all yet. Here’s a link to this old article at TRANSITIONS.

On the Other Side of the 12-21-12 “Three Days”, Expiration Date, Shift Point

This December 21–23, 2012 Life Review every human alive on Earth at that time experienced is something that’s usually experienced after we exit our physical bodies at death. Because we had reached the great Expiration Date of 12-21-2012 within the time of the AP, everyone was given this Life Review while alive to help each of us review, reassess and make whatever course corrections or other adjustments we and the Divine felt would best assist us in our ongoing AP and EP processes in these current lives. I remember having a face-to-face with some aspect of the Divine about my personal Path as one who Volunteered to come to Earth now to Embody and anchor the NEW higher Light and codes etc. to help humanity and All else on December 22, 2012. I remember discussing some of the things within my Denise Self that I still wanted to Work more on which would automatically aid my other AP related Work as well. It was a quantum discussion with the Divine about what would both help me and my own ongoing spiritual and energetic growth and my Work as a Forerunner/First Waver/First Embodier etc. The two things were/are really only one thing, and due to this Life Review five years ago this month, certain extensions were given to me and all of you reading this to get done whatever it was each of us needed more linear time to do for the benefit of ALL everywhere via this Ascension Process.

The past five years since December 21, 22 & 23, 2012 up to December 2017 has been that extension period for all of us. Now here comes the physical results in the physical dimension and ascending Earth worlds due to the Life Review and five-year extension. I’m saying this because it’s one of many important quantum connection points within the AP and EP processes we’ve Worked on constantly whether consciously remembered or realized or not. You can however FEEL this truth deep in your HighHeart as a growing excitement and determination to see this thing through on multiple dimensions. Congratulations on fulfilling your personal Contract with the Divine during your Life Review five years ago this month. 

The next item on my list of things I wanted to mention in this article is about how different, strange, unfamiliar, weird, expanded, isolated, sometimes cold and vast much of 2017 has felt for many Forerunners/First Embodiers/Wayshowers etc. Nothing I’ve experienced this year, or the last five for that matter, have been anything like what I had expected or anticipated they’d be like at this point within the AP and EP. Nothing, and I’m saying this with some conscious memory of my face-to-face with the Divine five years ago about what I wanted to further Work on within myself to better get this AP business accomplished. You can know certain things about something and still not know about it until you live it heartbeat by heartbeat, tear by tear, frustration by frustration, and ongoing expanding joy and freedom like you’ve never experienced before in-body. This is the Alchemical AP and EP down into each and every cell, nerve and fiber of your physical Self and being and it transforms you repeatedly at each Stair-step.

I’ve aged more during 2017 than I have the past entire decade, or at least it’s felt like that to me. I’ve physically hurt like crazy off and on this year with this increasing wildly throughout the second half of 2017. There’s been times when I’ve been literally crippled to the point I couldn’t stand up or walk, lift my arm or turn my head. There’s been times this year where I’ve honestly wondered if I was going to stay in this Denise body much longer because it’s often felt like I couldn’t Embody any more Light into it and survive that process on the physical. Again, that’s what it’s often felt like to me at those moments when it all gets a bit too much. In the next moment however, the severe physical pain(s) I’d been struggling with for days, weeks or months would magically disappear. There’s also been periods this year (since 2015 actually) that have felt to me to be so huge, so expansive, freeing and yet dark and cold and so vast and empty it could make you weep. Divine Mommy/Mother/Feminine is not warm and fuzzy but huge and vast, dark and brilliant, more powerful, daring, empty and profoundly creative than most would ever suspect. Needless to say it hasn’t been easy Embodying layer after layer of that increasingly these past five years.

Another thing I want to touch on is how I’ve often felt more isolated this year, not more connected with other people. On one level I have but on another level I’ve felt more alone and seemingly because it’s “normal” for this phase of the EP. I mention this only because it’s another of those weird contradictions of feeling more Unity and connection than ever before while simultaneously feeling more alone and Sovereign on your personal trans-mutational EP journey. Lower self, meet Higher; Higher Self, meet Lower, now merge and dance like no one’s watching! There’s plenty of NEW that needs to be done and created once you two have that Divine Reunion.

I also wanted to mention that I’ve had some of the darkest, lowliest, most EUW type thoughts and feelings this year to the point I’ve repulsed myself. Had I not known better I would have had morelowly thoughts about my having had lowly thoughts! And round and round we go, contemplating circling the drain while the AP and EP pushes ever onward. I’m sharing all these seemingly less than lofty, less than radiant Forerunner type experiences because I know that plenty of others have had them too this year and more. All of us have expected the AP, and especially the EP, do look and feel much different from what we’ve experienced much of the time. Other times it’s lived up to all of our wildest dreams and highest expectations and then is promptly followed by periods of shocking dark thoughts and visions, isolation, confusion and greatly amplified physical pains. Say it with me when you need to; Higher, meet Lower, Lower meet Higher. It helps me to think of these types of things when the extreme contrast between these two levels of being, consciousness, life and reality get so close to each other they cause momentary friction and discomfort from our current perspectives.

Connect all this back to the final December 21–23, 2012 Expiration Date and Life Review we all had then and these last five years read a bit differently. Give yourself credit for all you’ve been through, changed, released, realized, anchored and Embodied since then. We’ve done all that was individually discussed back then which means things are going to be changing dramatically on the physical level from here on out. You can FEEL the Sun changing again right now in greater NEW ways and that’s taking place within each of us as well. There are no instructions to what we’re going through at this point within the EP First Embodiers, so don’t feel bad when things aren’t all shiny and glittery like you might wish they were. They will be again and in NEW and different ways than what you’ve already experienced so just let it all happen and don’t limit yourself with old lower awareness and expectations about the indescribable. We’re all in NEW territory now going through NEW experiences and amplifications.

December 23, 2017 is a ‘Cosmic Trigger’ point to use Sandra Walter’s term and it’s going to be different from all previous ones we’ve been through up to this point due to all the additional Work we’ve done these five years post December 2012. Continue the EP First Embodiers and don’t beat yourself up when things aren’t all lofty and glorious; they’ll return to that when you’re done doing whatever it is that you needed to get done or seen or realized etc. in those un-lofty and un-glorious levels.  Utilize this very special next week (and beyond) and don’t worry about how it looks or feels or doesn’t look or feel.


Copyright © Denise Le Fay & HighHeartLife, 2017. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this article so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL https://highheartlife.wordpress.com and Copyright Notice is included.

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