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Manifesting With Crystalline Energies

crystal energies

We are all feeling something is different, even if we can’t put our finger on what exactly that is.  Our physical lives may not be profoundly different today than they were yesterday, yet, something is just not the same.

There has also been a general feeling of boredom and lack of passion that can be troubling.  There have been discussions about how can one manifest their desires, if they really don’t have any?

Or, if they do, there isn’t a huge surge of passion to back it up.  And how can one create without that fire to fuel it into reality?

It’s understandable that we would want to throw our hands up and say, I can’t figure it out!!!  Am I supposed to focus with intent on my wishes to bring them to me?  Is there action required?

But that feels like an old energy way, and is pretty unappealing.

On a deeper level, we know that our eternal self can create with ease, and as we allow that self into our body and our lives, that we can then release the resistance from our mind, and life can be much easier.

As we find ourselves in a higher consciousness, our manifesting abilities are different. We have access to a different type of energy…the crystalline energies.


There are other energies present on the planet, energies of a faster frequency, which have been referred to as crystalline energies.  We have been instrumental in bringing them in.  And they are for our use.

They are an easier energy to work with, but only when we recognize them as such.  But they can be used only for us, not for anyone else.  And that means, you can’t ask the energies to heal anyone else, or to bring anything to anyone else.  That won’t work.

They are by you and for you.  They will take some getting used to.   One reason is there is no effort involved.  They are not like the earth energies which are slower and require a different dynamic to operate.

There is no price to pay for these energies.  There is no tithing required.  Which is another new wrinkle to get used to.  Haven’t we, for eons of time felt that there is no free lunch?  That whatever we do, or whatever comes to us, there is some type of price to pay?

And we have been on both the receiving and the giving end of that equation.

So to not have a price to pay, that’s going to need some getting used to.  There will be some guilt, and feelings of not being worthy.

“We are in a time now where we can be free of the burden of guilt or obligation.  We can receive unashamedly and without limit.”

We are in a time now where we can be free of the burden of guilt or obligation.  We can receive unashamedly and without limit.

As the Masters that we are, we have access to these crystalline energies.  There is a learning curve, of course, like anything new.  And one way to speed up that learning curve is to spend time each day walking like the master that we are.  Take that deep breath that goes down to your solar plexus, and your belly, and feel into your eternal self, and walk with that self in your everyday comings and goings.


So, while the energies we are using are very different, the basic principles of manifesting are the same.  The physical follows the consciousness.  Whatever our predominant consciousness is, we attract from that frequency.

In the old energy as well as the new, things come to us via the route of least resistance.

In the old, 3D energies, things were difficult to manifest, at least, things and conditions that pleased us.  We began to buy into the idea that we weren’t meant to have those things.  That maybe we were not worthy, that those things were being withheld from us intentionally for a variety of reasons.

But what was happening was we had a lot of resistance going on.  As humans we are resistant beings.  Nothing we’ve done wrong, it’s just in our nature.

And, it’s why things appear to be breaking down in our awakening.  The light brings up in us, both physically and emotionally, a whole lot of resistance.

So, in our life we noticed that the more we absolutely needed something in order to be happy, the more it seemed to elude us.  It’s not that we don’t deserve everything our heart desires, but we tended to push things away from a place of lack.  So we tried, we pushed, we micro-managed, all forms of resistance.

The idea of struggle and pain, the idea that life was hard, and that nothing comes easy….became glorified and people valued themselves and others by how hard they worked, and by how much they struggled.

Most of humanity still holds to these concepts.


The good news is we on the leading edge are letting go of that lackful stance more and more, and all the resistance that comes with it.

Our place of feeling passionless, or bored, is really the mind’s interpretation of what is happening.  it believes that without there being some kind of physical or mental effort, life is boring.

Yet, what we always wanted is that feeling of joy, even in the old energy, not necessarily the stuff of the physical, tangible reality.  But, in the old consciousness we believed that the stuff would bring us the joy, whether it was relationships, money or a job, a career, or even better health.

And now we get that the joy is our birthright, it’s who we are, in truth.  And we have been through the darkest of the dark to discover that.  Sorry, had to be done.

Now we realize that the first order of business is to allow that joy in more and more, and everything else just begins to flow to us without much effort.

Being in the physical, we are naturally going to attract a physical manifestation of that joy.  Good feeling things have always come to us through the path of least resistance, in spite of our efforting, not because of it.


In my own experience, things like money windfalls, or a literal overnight paradigm shift upward in my blog stats. or being ranked by google to a place of visibility I could have never achieved by studying search engine optimization…all came fluidly, and for the most part, with not much focus on my part.

In fact, there wasn’t a conscious asking for any of these things.  But there was a passion to be able to teach and share my wisdom.  For others it could be a desire to share through just relaxing and having limitless resources to travel, or to just enjoy life, and in that way touch others through radiating their light in their day to day activities.  A light that serves not only this world, but universes.

There is no right way to be here.  whatever brings us the most joy is all we are required to experience.  And of course the joy is already our birthright, it’s already who we are.  And for that there is no price to pay.

Enjoy The Speed of Love from Cosmic Blend


Image Credit Maria Chambers
© Copyright 2017 Maria Chambers, all rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others but maintain the article’s integrity by copying it unaltered and by including the author and source website link: Maria Chambers.

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