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Living in Timelessness

Living in Timelessness

Boring! My old life has become so boring I have no desire to engage with it anymore. My enthusiasm for things I used to do has dwindled to a mere trickle. Even my typical distractions have become tiresome.

Indeed, we have all let go of a lot over the past few years and are experiencing a multitude of energetic shimmies and shifts. Thus, many of us have become quite exhausted. I have been called to do a great deal of resting as we integrate, acclimate, and regenerate.

I have a sense that my lack of enthusiasm stems from living in timelessness. There is no sense of action A leads to B which leads to C etc, with rewards and feelings of accomplishments along the way. Without linear time awareness, there isn’t anything to measure our accomplishments against as we have been accustomed. Therefore everything seems pointless and boring. We have also been accustomed to feeding our emptiness with distractions. But even those distractions have become boring and non-nourishing.

I sense we are in the process of acquiring the skill of living in the contentment and fulfillment of each NOW moment, free of time, free of planning, free of necessary “to-dos”, free of mentally weighting things out, free of the contrasting highs and lows of duality.

I feel that our sense of “contentment” is quite overlooked in relationship to true fulfillment. We have been programed for drama, always looking for the next infusion of excitement! The next upper! The next bling! Often leaving us in a funk when that’s not present. In recent months, I have experienced moments of a gentle peace and joy in contentment. My contentment is not stagnant because I am well aware of a continual expansion of consciousness, even if there isn’t a physical manifestation (although my human mind often takes issue with that).

We are now in the escalation of new energy, learning to trust that all energy is in service to us with ease and grace. New energy is not pre-programed, nor does it have any agenda. It is not positive, nor negative. It is freely flowing in service to us, magnetized by our moment-by-moment needs and desires, each of us on our own unique Soul path. Do not attempt to approach life in the old ways. Nothing is tangible anymore unless we engage with it on a Soul level. Then what is ours will effortlessly come to us with divine timing, free of the constraints of antiquated timelines.

So Beloveds, here we are, unplugged from the old matrix, living in timelessness in New Earth Consciousness. The wonderful thing is, we do not need to work at it. There are no step ladders to climb ever higher. No classes to take. It’s all been happening organically and we’re just now consciously noticing it.

Welcome to Living in Timelessness!

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~

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Sharon Lyn Shepard is a modern day mystic and visionary. Her mystical writings and music transcend our minds, expand our consciousness and awaken us to our innate divinity to celebrate life in all of its forms. Sharon lives “heaven on earth” and invites all of us to join her in embracing a new world of love, joy and harmony. 
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