Lightbody Transformations Can Be Quite Persnickety!!!
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- Written by AndEl

The word LightBody is a fairly new term being spoken of by lots of spiritual groups these days. In the early days there were discussions about “ascension symptoms”. Personally, I never liked that term because it sounded like a lethal disease. Over time we’ve begun to better understand what’s happening to our physical bodies and although we’re experiencing some of the same discomforts, it’s being seen in a much more positive light rather than being victims of something out of our control.
The integration of our LightBody is one of the most exciting things I have experienced in my lifetime. I have chosen to be fully conscious with my own LightBody integration from both a spiritual and medical aspect. As a retired physical therapist I find the whole process wondrously intriguing. I have come to realize, the more present I am with this natural organic process, the more I experience it with ease and grace.
Having said that, I also realize LightBody transformations can be a quite persnickety!!
Today was the first time in 5 days that my body wanted to eat. There have been days where I have no desire to eat, so I don’t. I love the feeling of an empty body, making space for new energetic downloads. There are other times I’m gorge eating everything I can get my hands on, moving energy through me. Old patterns of eating nor the old food choices are working for me anymore. I’ve been experiencing this for quite awhile now. My solution has been to create open communication with my body always asking what it wants or desires before any meal planning. As a result eating choices have become a very moment to moment sensual experience, consciously enjoying every bite of food I put in my mouth.
And then there’s the issue of forgetfulness. What was it I wanted to do 3 seconds ago? Hummm… new realizations are dawning. Simplify, simplify, simplify. So much of what I thought I needed to remember has no significance anymore. If a thought pops in that does feel significant I consciously say “Please remind me of this again later when it’s appropriate.” And then I feel free to let everything else go, trusting what’s important will always be available to me.
Add to that those moments of dizziness, spaciness, heart palpations and other disorienting moments. The sloppiness of emotions surfacing for release. All part of the physical body transmuting our carbon based physiology into crystalline LightBodies, purging the dross and expanding our conscious multidimensionality. Persnickety experiences indeed!!
Least we forget, at the very core of all of this craziness is our own unique Divine LightBeing radiating more love and infinite intelligence than our human can imagine. And we can tap into this at anytime to assist us as we move through this disorienting process.
I share with you both of these solutions, along with lots of deep breathing, which have been working really well for me. Allowing me to live in the moment, which is the point of all we’ve been experiencing as we’re transitioning our lives beyond duality, free of old timelines and integrating our LightBodies.
The common denominator here is: LIVE IN THE MOMENT. Trust that your LightBody has everything you will ever need in the Here and Now. Herein lies the ease and grace to carry you.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”
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