Plasma Wave Activations
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- Written by AndEl

As we have moved into another timeline shift this last weekend, there has been an incredible transmission of plasma waves that may have heightened ascension symptoms. This time is to prepare for the next stages of our spiritual awakening that are focusing our direction in the next cycle. The period of time between July 16- July 19th is an hidden date that is important in humanities history in Egypt and in relationship to the heliacal rising of Sirius.
During this cycle many timelines have been hijacked or interfered with in order to gain control over expanding consciousness, thus the electromagnetic power on the earth. We may note that many historical or tragic events happen or are instigated during this time cycle, and of course those events are not random. When we better understand the current military agenda underway, it also becomes clear as to why they would choose to engage in war games in many civilian areas in the United States during this cycle, to gain more consciousness power from the earth grid to harvest their 911-Armageddon timeline.
However, many people on earth do not have our consciousness perspective, and can easily step into energetic mine fields because they lack any kind of sensitivity or self-awareness. Mind control amplifies the artificial levels of the egoic mind, creates mind lock, and many people cannot tell that they are losing all sense of mental coherence or self-awareness. These increased plasma waves can overload a mind controlled or unprepared neurological system and brain, so it is possible we may observe some people losing their minds and having psychotic break. Thus, we need to be very self-aware and pay attention to the energies and people in our environment, and not be on auto pilot.
The Egyptian Sothic Calendar began during this period of time in July, and so this date has much relevance in reclaiming the consciousness records of our true extraterrestrial human history and resolving the traumatic events that happened during the Egyptian Timelines. The constellations containing stars that rise and set were incorporated into the ancient calendars or zodiacs. The ancient Egyptian calendar was based on the heliacal rising of Sirius. The heliacal rising of a star occurs annually when it first becomes visible above the eastern horizon for a brief moment just before sunrise, after a period of time when it had not been visible. This year the helical rising occurs approximately August 8th. The Sirius star in the Canis Major constellation is actually the focal point for the corporate body of Christ Consciousness. Our Sun acts as a transmitter to the earth similar as the chakra system circulates the newly arriving intergalactic plasma waves from within that Sirian body, and the Earth is influenced in either polarity depending on the consciousness that the individual and collective have accumulated.
Additionally, this week we shift into the Galactic Zodiac of Cancer which brings the dismantling phase of structures that were built upon weak foundations in the past. This can be an deeply emotional time as it can bear energetic weight to our relationships, organizations and even careers, as it forces transformation and change in order to bring healing and resolution to imbalanced situations. When we endure dismantling phases it sends us into deep inquiry and places us in circumstances to face unresolved subconscious wounds. This can be challenging, but ultimately it is to restore energetic balance and to harmonize internal polarities.
Stage 4 - CANCER - July 21 to August 9
Alchemical Theme: Dissolution, Dismantling
Element: Water
This is the dismantling phase from unnecessary substances, energies or objects that have been shifted from the alchemical synthesis of the polarity integration of forces. There is a process of resolving emotional body issues or dissolving into parts or elements in the shifting field of the energetic consciousness. This phase can be deeply emotional, deeply buried in subconscious and bring the purging of deep soul wounds. In the spiritual ascension process this may manifest as the breaking of bonds, breaking up of relationships, the breaking up of an assembly or organization. Cancer has heavy ancestral genetic pattern components that greatly influence emotional miasma located in the body. This is a process of dismantling the unnecessary or unneeded primal forces and resolving emotional blocks in the shifting terrain of the energetic consciousness. This emotional purging with the required dismantling (removing subconscious blockages) happens in several stages throughout the ascension process.
The plasma wave initiation for the Double Diamond Sun Body transmission through Sirius have been really intense, with amplified kundalini activations that are filled with new plasma wave coding that come with heavier ascension symptoms. The quality of plasma waves are sourcing from the open Universal Gates, of which some of us are beginning to anchor intergalactic levels of this higher liquid plasmic frequency. The quality of the intergalactic plasma is divine fire water, it is icy-hot. The sensation may feel like ice-hot waves of energy pooling up in internal organs, moving through different areas of the body, and the palms of hands and feet feeling sunburned. As the plasma waves move though a detoxification process occurs at every level of the body physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. The accumulation of intergalactic plasma waves began transmission last December and is reaching its crescendo in the planetary body in mid to late September during the final tetrad of lunar eclipses. During this summer, there are incredible opportunities to heal old trauma wounds and align to the highest frequency available that elevates our choice to the peak expression of our personal ascension path while we are on this earth. This month many of us may sense we are being moved to another platform which is another future timeline that has increased harmony and alignment for our true being to express authentically. For those of us that are paying attention to these spiritual forces, we are blessed with the ability to consciously participate with our intention to change our thoughts, shift our beliefs and surrender to the plasma waves recoding our consciousness.
These Cosmic Forces represent restoring energetic balance in our life – bringing new qualities of dynamic equilibrium that integrate the higher spiritual identity with the lower earthly identity, merging and fusing those expressions into one. As this fusion of identities occur, we evolve into our DNA potential as a time traveler that can jump dimensions which help us to bring the pillars of heaven into the earth grid. As we join these internal pillars we are also reuniting our male and female aspects throughout time. Together, as we restore energetic balance, we anchor the pillars of the etheric blueprint of the Krystal temples that unite the higher heaven with the Earth. As we regain internal balance and energetic cohesion, it brings with it a sense of stability and centeredness even in the midst of great movement and change through fields of chaos.
With these activations, some of us are feeling changes on the horizon, and this may include trips, visits or relocations. It may be wise to wait until the end of July before making any definite decisions, as the timeline is in flux right now. When there is extreme magnetic flux in the field, it creates open holes in the time fields. There is vulnerability if we are not paying attention we may get caught up in the impersonal forces of chaos in the environment. The chaos is very high as we shift timelines, and this tends to create more freak accidents, exit points and strange or unusual events. This stage we may sense movement coming on the horizon and yet, we must wait for the exact clarity to gather more information that we are waiting for that allows for an informed decision. This is not the time to be impulsive or take risks at any level. I feel it is important to say that - please do not sacrifice yourself for the greater good, because the mind control rhetoric is putting out the martyr, hero and savior vibration out to those good hearted Lightworkers with intentions to be of service, and potentially put those naïve people in the line of crossfire. There are certain places on the earth where a spiritual battle is playing out heavily to prevent the newly arriving plasma waves from fully embodying or anchoring in the planetary body. Think about military strategy and how they send the green privates out in front to be killed in order for the real war strategy to begin. Please be careful of your surroundings and not impulsive at this time, because the dark aggression is high. The dark forces are expert at military warrior strategy mixed in with some kernels of truth that are used as the dangling carrot to lure people into some dark cave alone. These are not forces to be trifled with, and one does not want to go traipsing in to battle zones thinking you can save the world singlehandedly, this is a very naïve perspective. We are most effective while in groups, not alone.
In many large cities it is wise to lay low, stay out of large crowds of people, and pay close attention to what you are feeling while listening to inner guidance. When you feel sick and really tired, do not put yourself in high risk situations, and amplify your GSF commands, rest and shield at home.
As this conflict over the timeline unravels, in the next few months, we allow it to be what it is, but with eyes wide open and staying fearless to what we are observing. When we are in the location we need to be, no matter where it is, in our shield, with open spiritual communication links, we are protected and secure. Keep your communication lines (12D shield) strong and pray, reaffirm those links every day to keep the spiritual links open. We find sometimes when there is heavy miasma backlash in the field or unusual Cosmic energies as there is now, those communication links get worn down or disconnected temporarily.

Lisa Renee is a Spiritual Scientist, Energetic Healer, Galactic and Multi-Dimensional Guide, the author of the Hieros Gamos System (HGS). She is an impactful and startlingly insightful educator bringing new wisdom about our Planet's Ascension Cycle, its effects on our bodies, minds and spirits and how this new energy can be utilized for positive personal and global transformation.Lisa Renee is a Telepathic Channel for the Guardians, an Interdimensional Group of beings focused on the evolutionary purposes of Humankind.
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