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Lies, Lying and Liars

Lies, Lying and Liars

Currently, we are in the astrological sign of Scorpio, or Pluto energies. Scorpio can represent the ‘hidden’ or unseen underworld of our own realities. This would be an excellent time to look at what we have kept hidden from ourselves and of course others.

This may be a sensitive subject, and of course, if we have been hiding our truth how do we find the inner strength to reveal aspects of ourselves that we may not be fully aware exists?

We begin by acknowledging that we may be operating in an old system that has been dependent on hiding the truth. Next, we ask “if that is true, why would I have done that?”

I remember clearly as a young child ‘reading’ the energy of people I met and being aware that they would say things that clearly, they didn’t believe, or wasn’t true. I sometimes caught myself exaggerating, over-emphasising, and telling porkies/little white lies to people. I always felt uncomfortable, and even questioned myself as to why I was being dishonest…I figured it was just a way of life, after all, everybody did it! Being afraid to stand out from the crowd, I disappeared into the illusion along with the rest of us.

Yet, we are not children now, and times have changed. There has been too much lying, deceit, and corruption for far too long. It is not our natural state to be of low disposition and for this world to become a better place, we are being invited from our Divine Selves to reflect, speak, and promote nothing but the truth.

Do not be confused with the difference between white lies and absolute lies, they are both the same. If we humanity, are to move forward smoothly into the new age, we cannot keep up the pretense of being something that we are not. If we want to accelerate the awakening of humanity, we need to be honest with each other, every time, without fail. We cannot keep up the appearance of everything being okay, when quite frankly it is not!

We are coming to the awareness that when we lie to another, we are deceiving ourselves. It feels uncomfortable, wrong almost, to pretend that we are not conscious creators, we are! And what of our children? Worry and fear of getting into trouble can prevent us from speaking our truth. We need to encourage our children that it is okay to speak honestly, and truthfully. When we do not, we disempower them, leaving them feeling like victims, which can cause harmful long-term behavioral problems, and so the vicious cycle continues. When we are truly listening to another, we give them the opportunity to speak freely and allow them to share their feelings and thoughts naturally without censorship.

Speaking the truth gives us the opportunity for growth. Instead of being dishonest, we open the communication and the possibilities that we are unable to when we lie. If we are feeling uncomfortable with what another is saying, by accessing our truth, we can discern whether what someone is saying is in alignment with our own truth (empowerment) or whether they are on an ego trip (disempowerment.) The truth is plain to see, and it enables the other person to also take the opportunity of becoming consciously aware of their words, thoughts, and actions, creating future solutions, and intuitive understanding.

When we can look at another and know beyond a shadow of a doubt they are lying, and we are honest it gives them the opportunity to choose to respond in a positive, healthy way. When we are all operating from this new awareness, our intuition will be guiding us and we will have no fear about how we respond, we will naturally know instinctively that we are resonating higher frequencies which is who we are when we speak and think our truth.

What a wonderful world we are heading towards. Can you imagine what it would be like if you ONLY spoke your truth? Can you imagine what our world would be like when you stay aligned with your truth? Imagine immediately knowing when someone is lying to you because their story is inconsistent, flaky, dishonest, and uncomfortable. No more second-guessing. They say the truth hurts.

Well, I say lying hurts, the truth offers growth, freedom, and well-being for all.

Divine love and blessings

Jessica x


Jessica Woods - Intuitive Energy Pathfinder, Mentor, and Guide.
Private consultations, Intuitive Readings & Energy Healing online via Zoom or in-person in Auckland, New Zealand. Visit my website for information and details. www.jessicawoods.com Offering bespoke sessions for conscious creators, high achievers, and people ready for expanded awareness, and change. Source Here

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