Jumping Timelines ~ Instead of Jumping to Conclusions
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- Written by AndEl

We all desire to be in the moment. To jump timelines.
Our consciousness and the space we are emanating through, creates the reality we experience. It is a frequency.
When One has reactive states, based on attachment to results, one is not experiencing the fullness and gift of the present moment. It is on consciously being free within, the present moment, one jumps timelines, so to speak. There is no time, through which this occurs.
One is experiencing, the viewing, of ones own consciousness, always. Even if one is not aware of this.
Even in attachment ~ ego desires, experienced as time based, only exist through that vibration.
Attachments then, BECOME THE VERY opportunity, to fine tune our awareness, to witness the mind not understanding, to living fully in the Heart Present moment ~ PRESENCE awareness.
Understanding we have only now, we do not know if we will be in a form, tomorrow, today, or even in the next hour, helps us, to let go of “how things should be” “how we want things to be” and enter the magic of what is, now. This is all we have.
The opportunity to recognize attachments (as patterns and habits) that still lay hold of us, we let go, of anything and everything, that WE Want results from. What we want to shift. What WE think should be. What we assume is. What we think is real.
This opens US to the awareness, first, of what we are attached to. Then secondly, shows us how to let go, consciously. To the wondrous magic and child like being of what is. We then enter the world of OUR NEW frequency. That is eternal.
Wow that looks like that, most likely it is not. It just is, wow. I lay no hold or stake in a future, that will never be like I think.
Rather I now live not knowing anything. Not judging anything. Not assuming anything. Simply ~ WOW ~ this is wow, this is now, this is magic, this is……..not understandable to my mind, as it is beyond that.
This is the space of my heart THAT is and always has been pure, in its nature.
The Journey was not fixing 3D, only living through the emanation, that has no hold on anything. That does not exist in time. That Is eternal. And lives here, this space, through me.
The new timelines, new worlds, I enter are parallel worlds to this, I now shift my frequency into, through non attachment to time and circumstances.
My heart understands my mind does not understand, yet it too, is now in harmony with MY CHOICE to let go of all attachments and live through now, in non attachment to time.
My heart space FULLY is and always has lived in the eternal now.
Follow your heart, literally is living in that magic that is not based on time. Not based on this should be this way or that. It lives in the flow, of the Heart knows best, its CHILD LIKE wisdom, is that wisdom. That lives and doesn’t know. That is where the MAGIC only lives.
It is the Purity of your Original Soul Light, your GOD Self. To enter all attachments are consciously released.
Now we Live ~ through the child like wonder and magic of now, we trust our Higher Self, we are the loving parent to the mind, that will never know or understand our Heart, yet will harmoniously merge. This is your Ascension.
This is your freedom, this is your Original Light, this is your Ascension, This is NOW.
This is the natural rulership through love that is eternal of the heart.
That is the freedom from fear, of not knowing, of that very fear of living through the heart.
The end of the mind battle once and for all.
That thinks it is too scared to let go.
To then living in Harmony of the Heart.
Which is the GLORY OF THE Divine Self.
In THIS your DNA responds, Now.
Shifting and moving your conscious awareness, in a parallel world, all NOW.
In Love.
Your eternal Life, your NOW. Enter as a child. And so it is, Beloved Light, in all its Eternal GLORY, now.
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