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We chose to be here in this lifetime as the ones going first, as the ones going through a history-making transformation from carbon based to crystalline based beings.  Many of us have moved through the doubts and the vacillation for the most part.  We are past the awakening and are now into the mastery part.  It doesn’t mean our lives are suddenly picture perfect, but it does mean that we are now taking total responsibility for our life and our expressions.

Our personal lives have been profoundly impacted.  Our health, our finances perhaps, our relationships.  Simply put, we are not the same person anymore.

We may not know where we go from here, but we do know we are here in a completely different capacity than the rest of humanity.

We are here to be the new normal.  To show by example that a human can be in balance with their dark and their light.  That they can integrate all of the parts of themselves that were lost and fragmented for so very long.

We are here to be the examples of humans who have allowed their Eternal Self to be an intimate part of their day to day lives.  Who are not running around trying to improve on their human selves anymore.  Who knows that is futile.

We are a small and devoted group of humans who are here to simply radiate our light.  Everything and anything else we choose to do is icing.

Whether we choose to express our radiance through an art form, through writing, through music, through coaching others, through sharing ourselves in whatever way feels good….that’s entirely personal.

And if we choose to simply enjoy life on a deeply sensual level, and savor our day to days, and not do anything in particular, it’s having the same effect as if we are creating a school or building a business or writing a book.

And that’s because we are here to radiate.  And that is happening no matter what we do or not do, as long as we are in our joy.  And of course that can be the tricky part because it’s easy to get distracted from our joy, from feeling into our soul’s  joy.

So you could say that our main job here is to do our best to stay aligned with our Self.  To recognize the distractions.  The master can get distracted.  Relationships can be a major distraction.  To keep them in proper perspective can be challenging.

Because we are not here to build relationships with others, but to build a relationship with our soul.  That’s our first and most important relationship.

And we all know intimately how health issues or financial ones can come in and throw us off our center.  Our outer reality seems to be lagging behind our consciousness.  But we can no longer afford to allow these things to extract precious energy from us.

We are mastering how to stay in our center not by denying our emotions but by allowing all of them room, but not identifying with them anymore as being ours.  Emotions that tell us we are not good enough, or deserving enough, or capable enough to be the leaders of the new consciousness.

We are not allowing emotions such as loneliness or boredom to be our truth either.  Yes, these are real.  It is lonely at times being a pioneer of change.  And the boredom is a part of the process.  All of these emotions come from the mind, which has been conditioned to be in charge of our life.

And the mind is the biggest challenge in our enlightenment.  It’s not so willing to let go of its control.  But it’s also seeing that there are real benefits to letting go and allowing our Self to step in.

So, we are, you are here, and you are radiating.  That’s enough.  That’s why you are here.  So whatever you decide to do with that radiance, that is also a blessing to this planet.  Because we, you love this planet deeply, and you wanted to be here to bring in the new energy so that this planet could set a new course for itself.

To get to the radiance you have now, you had to go through a great deal.  It required letting go of so much on so many levels.  Letting go of your past, in this and other lifetimes.   A letting go of your spiritual families, of your ancestors.

And that has set so many free, and for that you, we are honored deeply.  Can you see how then, whatever you decide to do from here is icing on the cake?

Art by Maria Chambers

© Copyright 2017 Maria Chambers, all rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others but maintain the article’s integrity by copying it unaltered and by including the author and source website link: Maria Chambers.

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