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Human Needs And Desires


There’s a misperception that in Ascension the human needs and desires are not important any more. That there is a letting go of materialism. That’s not true. But what is true is that as the human who is connected more to their soul, they will not be worrying so much about the things they need and desire, because they are just there for them in a fluid and synchronistic way.

The Embodied Master has no needs or desires, but everything is just there….the money, the health, the resources, the friendships…. So is this just a natural part of our ascension, or are we talking about some impossible to solve transcendental paradox that makes you want to throw a few brick at an ashram?

Well, the concept is not really new, because  that already is our experience relative to many things in our physical existence.  If you take a look at your life, I am sure you can count many such experiences.  There are things in your life that you don’t think much about.  Things you may take for granted that you enjoy daily.

You may think your life is falling apart on so many levels, but in actuality there are places that things are actually working out quite well for you. Because if they weren’t you wouldn’t be here.

And those things that seem to come easily do so because you are not worrying about them, or even giving them much thought.  In other words, you are not resisting having them in your life.   If we resist our birthright to experience abundance and joy, then we will not experience much of it.

At the same time, in this process of integration, we are experience things falling apart.

What this ascension is doing is it is highlighting areas of our lives that are not working well for us anymore. It is extracting old energy patterns out of us so that things can come back into balance. But in a new way. And again it’s not about changing the human part of ourselves. It’s just an allowing of this new Christ Consciousness to do what it needs to do in our lives and in our bodies.

The human mind, while beautiful in so many ways,  and while it serves us in so many ways, has become the prison for the human personality. And as much as the human wants desperately to get out of his own prison, he keeps trying to do it through the mind. Trying to think his way through enlightenment.

Let’s face it, if that worked, everybody would be enlightened by now. They would just read the manual, or write their own step by step program, and voilà! Enlightened.

But it’s also not about eradicating the mind. It’s understanding that the mind is conditioned and limited. Most people on the planet would not be able to relate to such a concept. And that’s because the mind has been held in the highest of esteem as the core of our being.  We have been hypnotized into believing that we are our mind.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

But at the same time, it is accepting the mind as it is and also feeling into the other part, the expansive, eternal part.  And truly the part that is eternal – is the part that is real. The multidimensional self.

Being here as our soul, living through these human, physical vessels, is the most evolved thing that any soul can do. Why? Because the soul is, in this visceral environment, up close and personal with itself. It gets to experience, in real-time and space, its own essence.

It gets to work out galactic issues, in a slowed down environment. Issues that have been present even before the beginning of time.


If you feel connected to the material in this blog, and if you feel that you are leaving behind your old story, you are one who is in the forefront of these changes.  You could say you are a master in training.  Not a student.  Not a disciple. Not in the processing stage.  You are moving out of the searching stage.  The journeying stage.  You are realizing that as long as you see yourself as the student you will have endless lessons and questions.  As long as you see yourself being on a long journey, you will continue to journey, never reaching your destination.   Not that the journey isn’t fun, but it can also be a safety zone, a comfort zone.  That way we do not have to own our place as the master.

And being the student can be fun too.  I remember being in college, and feeling so excited about learning, about being the student and doing things that students did. Going to interesting classes, studying, soaking up the college atmosphere, meeting new people.  Some people are perpetual students, always taking courses, and you have to wonder if they are just putting off the inevitable –  being in the real world out there.  Navigating on their own, not being able to rely on a professor to spoon feed them the answers, but to finally think for themselves.

For so many of us the training wheel have come off.  We are now on our own.  We are beginning to recognize who we really are.  That we have all the answers.  That we are creating them as we go along.  That no one out there, no matter how wise, can tell us about the experience of enlightenment.  That we have to feel it, not conceptualize it.  We have to experience it.

But getting back to the human needs and desires.  It’s really about being in the moment, feeling the ecstasy of our soul self, and, in spite of our human mind coming in with its concerns, it’s allowing our soul’s presence to bring to us the wisdom and the solutions.  Things could also break down in areas that are not working for us.  But it’s not to give that so much of our attention anymore.

And an interesting thing happens.  it begins to seem, to us and to others, like we don’t care about our health issues anymore, or about how we are going to support ourselves when our resources dry up.  We are not so concerned anymore about fixing anything. Planning, or goal-setting.  To our mind it feels so irresponsible.  But….you notice, in time, that even the mind begins to feel a sigh of relief.  It no longer is being held responsible for what it really cannot do.

What is happening, as the master in training, is that we are paying less and less attention to the worries and concerns of our mind, and basking in the feelings of our eternal self, who does not experience worry or concern, but rather feelings of being quite care-free. This is the trust building.  And as far as human needs and desires, the master is quite discerning.  He or she enjoys a vast range of earthly pleasures, and really has quite expensive taste, not that the simple pleasures are not enjoyable.  But she enjoys even them in style.

So there is no desperation, of needing something, because as the master we know it is or will be there for us.  And without the feeling of neediness, it can come to us freely and easily.  Enlightenment isn’t about being in squalor for example to prove that we are not allowing it to diminish our joy or our light.  The master does not need to walk across hot coals or shards of glass to prove anything to himself or anyone else.  She is quite clear about not allowing anyone or anything in her experience that is not joy-filled.  He is not into pain and suffering.

And this is so if the human allows this process.

Because if left to the human, and the human mind, it will not allow such ease and even luxury in life. The human tries to create joy by working hard and struggling.   But now, in the new energy, the human who is the master in training can’t seem to get away with even that.  For it seems that any action taken from the place of desperation or lack falls flat.  That’s the good news.

Things that worked before are simply not working anymore.  So initially the mind gets more desperate.  Survival issues get triggered like never before. And the whole point of this embodied enlightenment is to really get out of the mind and into the sensual pleasures of being here in physical. Of exploring life through the soul.  Yes, trust-issues come up.  The what if’s.

But as I said, we are moving out of the question portion of our ‘program’ and moving more and more into the allowing and experiencing portion. Enlightenment is all about accepting our human self and allowing our Eternal Self to experience its joy through us.  And in that dynamic relationship, things are taken care of and things line up for us.

It requires what seems the impossible from us at times. And that is because we are the first ones through the vortex, going from the mind being our reality to allowing ourselves to experience what is eternally real, our soul.


Maria Chambers
Our lives are like great paintings or great pieces of music. If we focus on all the technical 'imperfections' we will miss the true beauty of the work. We won't see, or rather, FEEL the essence and spirit of the masterpiece. I no longer identify myself as a writer, artist, or musician. Rather I express my divinity, and my humanity through the media of art, music and writing. I began this blog because I wanted to give voice to my experiences and insights, and I wrote for myself primarily. Six years later, I am still writing for myself, and I am discovering that my experiences are not personal but universal - galactic even. And now I am more sure than ever that I am a new consciousness teacher, as each of you are. The way we teach is by going through the very human experiences, and as we ascend and shed our old selves, with love, and as we embody spirit in this lifetime, which we are all doing, we become the standards for others of the new divine human.


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