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How Will You Celebrate Life’s Timeless Truth?

How Will You Celebrate Life’s Timeless Truth?

Happy new year blessings as we enter a new phase of empathic empowerment and heart-centered mastery. It is such a joy to be here with you, no matter the social climate of our awakening world in view.

As a way of honoring this new year, I channeled a poem to help infuse you with the rejuvenation and inspiration of brand-new beginnings. While new beginnings may symbolize the actualization of different experiences, it also includes the revisiting of timeless realities from renewed perspectives of higher awareness. In honor of the sacred nature of our timeless reality, I offer you this poem — from my heart to yours:

A Timeless Truth by Matt Kahn

There is a song in your heart that yearns to be heard
A book inside you that starts with a word
A truth so timeless — it can only be free
As it shows you the way you’re meant to be.
There’s wisdom expanding from all you’ve learned
Like a map in your pocket that’s meant to be burned
To unhook you from torment and help you to see
A truth so timeless — it can only be free.
There are people you know who don’t see the real you
Who read from a script as they so often do
To imagine it different is being seduced by a choice
When the purpose is inspiring the use of your voice.
There is love in your heart as the light of your soul
That shines so brightly — no matter the role
Like weather endured by the roots of a tree
A truth so timeless — it can only be free.
There’s wholeness inside you that asks to be known
That cannot be touched by judgment or a groan
It’s a path of salvation — each breath is your clue
To remember the approval always in you.
There’s a peace in your being that knows what you need
It holds you in silence like soil with seed
Let’s water this garden and watch as it grows
Into the Highest Self your destiny knows.
There’s a victory in progress and you are who won
The gift of redemption; a rebirthing sun
Shining so brightly through fear and each tear
Allowing the Divine to declare who is here.
There are gifts to be shared that live in your heart
That honors the new year as chances to start
Expressing the brilliance that reminds you to be
A truth so timeless — it can only be free.

May this be a year of profound peace and a twelve-month cycle of joyful ever-expanding alignment with Source that manifests as the infinite love that you are, have always been, and shall always be.

May it be a year where awakening empathic hearts begin stepping forward into greater service and roles of leadership to help stabilize and guide our ascending planet and awakening humanity into the golden age of Divine remembrance. And so it is.

All for light. All for life.

All for Love,


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How Will You Celebrate Life’s Timeless Truth?

© Copyright 2022 Matt Kahn All For Love 

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