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Bypassing the Need to Figure Things out ~ 5th Dimensional Consciousness


You are Noticing changes within yourself. You are feeling greater Harmony. For some of you, you are experiencing greater turmoil as things arise. Greater disharmony. And you may have wondered if this was supposed to be easy. I received a comment on one of my Being present Posts, and the person mentioned it is such a struggle to stay present. Well NO, it is not, it is a struggle in 3D consciousness, or whatever term you would like to call that. When you ARE PRESENT it is Ease and Flow. When you are present you HAVE let go of the NEED for anything to be figured out. For waiting. For knowing. And you have let go of any RESISTANCE to WHAT IS. And you have arrived.

When things don’t go the way you want them to, or you don’t feel the way you want to, or you haven’t received that one thing you want the most, you get caught up in the attempt to change things and spend hours day and night attempting to figure things out. What is this Attempting to figure it out? It is resistance to the present moment. The mind struggles with the task to figure things out, it panics, it fears. Because there is no figuring things out. Being HERE on Earth is not about figuring out how life works. It is ABOUT Being present and ARRIVING here.

When you arrive, and YOU ARE present, your mind relaxes and you no longer need to figure things out. And when or if, you are in resistance (you want things your way, and you attempt to figure out how you can get it) you can MOVE into the Present moment, and WITNESS your resistance to what is, and you can RELAX, BE Present and APPLY unconditional Love, to the RESISTANCE. Apply from your toolbox of 5th Dimensional Love applications, the following.

It is ok my mind is attempting to figure things out.

I Accept when I do this I am not present.

It is ok that life is transforming me through this.

I now breathe, relax, and MOVE my awareness into the Present Moment.

I let go of the Need to figure things out. I let go of the NEED for Anything.

I let go of all things that are my Resistance to What is.

I live in the present moment, and when I step out of it, I notice by my attempts to CONTROL the past or so-called Future, and I return to the PRESENT MOMENT.

Questioning, desiring and attempting to change HOW things ARE right NOW, is Not Being Present. That is the STRUGGLE (which is your resistance to NOW) which are your attempts at making things HOW THEY ARE CURRENTLY NOT, and wanting things your way, through your control. Your Soul will not allow this for you. That is the reason you keep incarnating. There is A WAY that is perfect, that you live the LIFE far greater than you can imagine, it is called your DESTINY.  And it is YOUR Arrival. Your Being Present. Your Awareness of living free of  attachments and resistance.

Let it all go. Give up trying. And Enter the present moment.

There is no waiting for SOMETHING to arrive, and there is no needing to figure things out (you can, but that is where your suffering is, that you say you want to end)  IT is a FLOW.

It is a state of BEING.

It is child like.

There is no manipulation of ANYTHING to figure out how to get things to change, so that you can get what you want. There are no attachments about how, and when, and where, in order for you to FEEL better.

You Let go. You Accept. You apply 5th Dimensional Consciousness which is unconditional Love and Acceptance. And you ACCEPT your LIFE NOW. You accept how things are Now. You no longer live for the so-called future for ANYTHING to Arrive. YOU have simply freed yourself from the STRUGGLE. From the Suffering. And you Arrive.

Now~ in the Present Moment.

Eternal Love and Bliss!


Here I Am ~ Here you Are ~ Here We Are ~And So it is!
Always Feeling You, Always with you in The Divine Sacred Light of All That Is!!!
L’Aura Pleiadian™
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