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Holding the Light

Holding the Light

These past few days, I’m being shown things in an allegorical way. This is unusual for me, and it shows we’ve moved even further into the higher frequencies. We can now more easily see when something represents something else, and we can take a step back and just observe.

We can move from “being acted upon” to “being the actor, the creator.” We’re looking at what we’re being shown, taking stock and moving ahead armed with new information.

We’re soaring like fledgling eagles. And I’m using that analogy because I’ve been watching one particular nest on live cam, where the parents have raised a single baby. I check on baby once in a while and he or she recently took the first flight. So interesting to see how that happens. He practiced using his wings a few times and then took the leap off the branch at the top of a tall tree like he’d seen his parents do. And sometime later he came back. He had new skills, flying and being able to return to where he began, until the day he is fully launched.

That’s so much like what we’re doing. We’ve been brought into this new experience, and we too are practicing our skills in order to soar into something new. We’re finding out how it all works. We’re soaring out and coming back to see where things stand and get a quick meal, like that juvenile eagle.

We’re in the swirling energies, the last battle of the light and the dark.

I’m seeing the shift into the new play out, with this big swirling scene of the old going down and the new taking shape. We’re very much in the swirling energies. Recently I was talking with a neighbor who is a strong anchor of the old: he’s holding it and tending it with an intense gusto. And our interaction shows up like the last battle of the light forces and the dark forces. I am quietly holding the light, but with a fierceness that I perhaps have never felt. You’re probably noticing this too: those of us doing this work are doing it with all we have. There is nothing else. This is what we came for, and we’re in the final throes of it. Right at this moment, there is nothing else to do except this. And we’re not allowing distractions.

We’re not doing anything except tending to the essentials. We’re getting some exercise, we’re buying groceries, we’re preparing food, we’re doing laundry, and we are holding the light with everything we’ve got. It’s fierce yet effortless at the same time. It just is who we are now. There is work to be done and we’re doing it.

Many of us have released the heaviness or darkness or are in the that process right now. As one friend just said, “I want it gone.” She’s been working diligently to clear the old patterns that she still holds. Because we can feel all this newness now. We are experiencing it. And comparing the two, the old and the new, we know there is no going back. Once we taste the new, we know exactly what we want. And once we choose our new experience, we move headlong into it. We take the leap off the branch with outspread wings.

Each of us is doing our part. And judging from the intensity of what I see, the more we can hold the light, the better. Just hold it and be it and know that you are holding it and being it don’t let anyone convince you of anything else. The more we hold it, the more it takes hold.

The more we move into the light, the less we hold of the dark, and the less we remember it. My aforementioned neighbor, who’s about 60, was telling me about “things he’s seen” and it felt like he was talking about a time long past. Most of these things were never in my experience, thankfully, but some I have heard of. But it sounds like ancient history, like a very, very old person is telling you how it used to be. I don’t attach to it, I release it immediately, so I don’t have it in my memory, and I continue being the light.

Holding the light is a happy place to be, even in this last battle of the light and the dark. We’ve moved out of the struggle, out of suffering, out of doubt, into knowing, into the heart consciousness, into our power, into love. Here everything works, everything makes sense, and everything follows universal law. And it’s effortless.

It is the place we always knew was somewhere, even if we didn’t know exactly how to find it. But once we do find it, we are home. And those of us who are arriving in this homeland will keep the light on.

We know how to do that now.


Hi, I’m Terry Andrews. Welcome to my blog, where I share experiences about this very big process of transformation we are going thru as we create a new world for ourselves. It’s a process that can create a lot of change for us as we find out more about who we really are. And during this process, we’re often looking for insight and answers. Maybe you are too. I began sharing my experiences because I think we all feel better knowing others are going thru this too. Source Here

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