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The Mind…Smoke And Mirrors


The human mind has been programmed to be solely responsible for our reality.  For various reasons, it has been put in the Commander-in-Chief’s role for eons of time.

Most people will defend to the death that position of the mind, both literally and figuratively.They have allowed the mind to dictate to them how they are supposed to feel, what careers and relationships they are supposed to choose, and other things like who they will elect for political office.

It is said that people make choices based on emotions, not logic.  To that I respond a resounding yes, they do.  But most emotions are a product of the mind, not the soul or the eternal self.

E-motions such as anger, sadness, fear, worry and doubt are all products of the mind.  The decision to go to war is a result of fear, primarily.  It’s profoundly lackful thinking that there is something to protect.  That there is an enemy to overpower or annihilate.

And it’s just the galactic story being played out, from world wars to the bully and his or her victim on the playground, to the battle of the sexes.

Even the diseases that take lives.  Diseases like AIDS, that originate from a belief in guilt.  The belief that the body deteriorates with age was so strong that it became programmed into the DNA.  Millions upon millions of different thoughts, over time, have become beliefs and have crystalized in our ancestral bodies.

The struggle to eke out a living, always coming up short financially, is simply the belief in lack, in there never being enough.  The belief in struggle, compromise and pain.  The belief in having to make personal sacrifices in order to have what one deserves naturally.

So, yes, absolutely.  Many people would suffer or even die in order to defend and uphold the mind’s position of power.

Of course, most people are not consciously choosing their life experiences.  They may be choosing what career path they want, or who they marry. What breakfast cereal they prefer, or what to wear or buy.

But rarely do the choose how they want to feel, but rather assign that to things outside themselves.  They are for the most part responding to life.


We have chosen to awaken, and so we no longer have the luxury of using outside circumstances or our past as an excuse for how we are feeling.  We know that responsibility is purely ours.

And by the way, that doesn’t mean we can’t allow the emotions to be, but we are also learning how to work with them.  We are adept at working with both the dark and the light.

Once we become conscious of who we are, we recognize the game of duality for what it is.  We see other humans from a vastly different perspective.

As long as the human is playing in duality, they can’t allow themselves access to their inner motives.  That’s why this reality is the perfect place to play out viscerally and tangibly, the inner world.  It was intended for this Earth to be a place to work out inner conflicts.

Because as long as humans are unconscious, and allowing the mind to direct their experiences, they will be projecting outside themselves their unresolved issues.  This gives them the opportunity to be face-to-face with themselves in a slowed down, physical and direct way.

But as long as they are still acknowledging the mind as the control center of their life, this process of self-discovery will be able to go just so far.  One can’t transcend the mind using the mind to do so.


As awakened humans, we are moving beyond the mind and out of hiding unconscious motives from ourselves.  On a soul level we are past needing to play out our conflicts that originated in the stars before we came to Earth.  And when we do indulge in limited thinking we are catapulted out, often unceremoniously, because we know better now.

Along with the awakening process is a tremendous amount of discomfort, physically and emotionally.  How could there not be?  Our mind and body are going through an unprescedented change.

Unfortunately change is the nemesis of the mind.  It does everything it can to keep the status quo… even if it hates that status quo.  You can’t blame it, really.  It’s been trying to make this reality work pretty much on its own.

So, we talk about the new consciousness, because it is new, and we are conscious.

The mind presents its version of the truth because it wants to maintain power, and continue feeding off of us.   It tries to convince us it’s right and we are wrong.  That maybe we shouldn’t trust ourself.  That the soul is simply not trustworthy.

The mind is addicted to being in charge, even if hasn’t a clue how to create joy, abundance of resources, or physical health.

And as we awaken, and become conscious creators, we begin to see the games that the mind is playing with us.  It doesn’t trust our higher perspective and it becomes increasingly uncomfortable with us detaching from fear and worry.  So it will ramp up its strategies to seduce us back.

All a natural part of the process.  The moment we ask for our freedom, the alarms go off from the parts of us that have been in bondage.


A nation elects a President who is purported to be a hugely successful business entrepreneur. And because of that reputation, his supporters truly believe that this person would also be good for the economy.

But what if it was discovered that this leader was not as successful a business person as he led people to believe. What if it was discovered that he had several failed business ventures, that his net worth is far below what he is touting, and he even used manipulation and deceit to bilk people out of their hard-earned money for one of his ventures. What if he owes people and businesses huge amounts of money that he never made good on? What if he branded his name so much that he convinced people that he was who he wasn’t?

What if he was in business with unscrupulous people? What if he simply gave the impression that he was one person but he truly was another?

What if his reputation is built on smoke and mirrors?

The more vulnerable people feel, the more susceptible they are.  A good con man or woman knows how to tap into people’s fears.

Did you know that our mind is quite savvy in that department? It knows how to provoke our worst fears, and then throw its weight around and act like it has the solutions.

That is, until you call it on its own game

But that usually happens following one failure after another….promises broken. Disappointment, frustration, and exhaustion. In the long run, you cannot build a healthy life, or a healthy democracy on lies, and lack of integrity.

“…we are becoming very adept at identifying when our mind is playing games with us. Just as we have become very adept at recognizing it in other people.”


Those of us on the forefront of enlightenment don’t need to be hit over the head with the anvil to get it. We don’t need things to fall apart at this point. That is because we are becoming very adept at identifying when our mind is playing games with us. Just as we have become very adept at recognizing it in other people.

We are sensitive to energies, and now we are trusting in our feelings. We know when something feels right and when it doesn’t. We know when a thought or an emotion feels in alignment with who we are, and we know when it doesn’t.

And the pay off of that trust is that our life begins to reflect back to us a sense of joy and peace and passion.

I am not trying to demonize the mind because the mind has its place. It is here to serve spirit. It is here to help navigate this environment, and to perform technical functions that spirit is not as adept at doing. It is very good at storing information.

And now it has the opportunity to store information that it no longer needs to be responsible for. It is now storing information of a joyful nature. It is recognizing that there is an aspect to its human counterpart. the Eternal Self, that is capable of much more than the mind has ever been capable of.

It is recognizing that there’s a new kid in town. And that it can relax and step aside and no longer feel responsible for things it just cannot manage on its own. So there is a great relief for the mind in all of this.

The mind no longer feels it needs to prove its worthiness by eliciting and stoking fear. And then attempting to rescue whoever it is serving from that same fear.

So it’s not about polarizing the mind and the soul. Rather it is a beautiful merging and blending of the mind, body and spirit.

How do you know that as truth? Simply because you feel it. It’s a feeling you can trust.

© Copyright 2018 Maria Chambers, all rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others but maintain the article’s integrity by copying it unaltered and by including the author and source website link: Maria Chambers.

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