Enlightenment-Some Reminders
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- Written by AndEl

Gone are the times when the ascended masters go off to the mountaintop and become reclusive unto themselves. While for some that may be a viable choice, most of us here on the leading edge of embodied enlightenment are here to enjoy life.
While we find it more and more challenging to relate to the reality we are leaving behind, there is still a joy in participating in life.
It may feel confusing because some of us have let go of so much: of family, friends, mates, jobs, and are in the process of letting go of our bloodline, our ancestors, our old patterns, even of our spiritual families back home. All in the name of setting ourselves and everyone else free. The confusion comes in because we then wonder why we feel so alone. Are we supposed to travel the rest of our life solo?
The answer to that is of course very personal, and each of us has our own unique path. But at the same time we know we are here for the purpose of connecting to our eternal partner, our Divine Presence and our soul.
Yet, as the human, and even as the soul, we wanted to experience life here on Planet Earth in a new way. One in which we no longer are carrying around old ancestral baggage, or the burdens of mass consciousness.
So we are not turning our back on life. But we are wanting to experience it on our own terms now. We are finding that we don’t feel passion in the old ways anymore, from a place of drama, or of busyness, of outer achievements, or from relationships.
We may not be feeling passionate at all, or only sporadically as we feel our soul in our body. We sometimes wonder if we will be able to connect to life here, or will we relate less and less to it as we become more aware and awake.
When we feel this way, it is important to remind ourselves that initially we as our soul were filled with fire and passion. That this dispassionate human isn’t who we truly are.
In fact, if at times we feel tired, broken down and bored, it’s too easy to identify with that and begin to believe it’s who we are.
It’s too easy to accept that we are that person, especially since the process of ascension, of embodied enlightenment seems to be moving at a snail’s pace at times. And there are times it seems to be moving too quickly, as we seem to be transforming on the inside and our life on the outside seems to be going into chaos. And there are times when it feels like nothing is moving at all.
And for those who are going through some difficult physical issues, it can seem like an eternity.
But in spite of the difficulties of this process we are undergoing, somewhere within each of us is the knowingness that we are not these bodies, we are not these personalities, and we are not our history. For those of us on the leading edge of the consciousness shift, we have traveled far. We are advanced souls, and we are not here for more lessons.
We are here voluntarily to usher in the shift from human to Divine Human. How far we get in that process is extremely individual. There are many factors. But ultimately it really doesn’t matter. As souls, we are not really terribly interested in being the first, although we often are the first to go through changes.
In fact, we as souls are not even interested in being appreciated for what we are doing here. We just want experience. And other humans will experience it after we have paved the way.
And what we have been doing is paving the way.
As the human, we tend to be hard on ourself. We have been groomed to believe we are failures if we don’t go all the way, whatever that even means. (Just look at sports, at the business world, or at how political leaders focus on ‘victory’ at any cost.)
We judge ourselves harshly if we believe we have failed at something. Or if our perspective is not embraced by the masses.
But as souls, we value the experience, wherever it takes us. And what we are doing in this one lifetime has never been done before. Not in this way. Dying and being reborn in the same lifetime. Wow. Integrating our human and our eternal self. Pales in comparison to scaling Mt. Everest, doesn’t it?
And how far we are able to take it shouldn’t matter.
As we look at great leaders of consciousness in history, at other innovators of change, many of them could only go so far. They were also limited by the consciousness they were born within, and had to live along side of. They were often operating alone, in virtual obscurity, without the benefit of the support from other people in their life and most definitely there was no support from the rest of humanity. They were either invisible to the masses, or were seen as a little crazy.
It is a bit different for us because we do have the support from like-hearted souls around the globe, even if that group is small in number, and is for the most part, online. Yet we are still subject to the laws of this 3D world at times, which tends to pull us back, and tends to slow us down emotionally and physically.
As souls we came into this lifetime with enthusiasm and with fire. We were excited to be here at this momentous time in the history of mankind. That famous saying, “It’s the best of times and it’s the worst of times” could not be more apt.
But now that we are here, we are feeling at times like we are in pea soup. And because that pea soup is thick and slow to move, we doubt ourselves. We wonder why it isn’t going as smoothly or as quickly as we expected it to. We go from feeling the sensuality of life with our soul, to feeling utterly bored. But that is not unusual for a pioneer of change. They often doubt themselves along the way. They usually under value their work. And that’s because among other things, they are not getting one million views a week on their YouTube channel. Their books are not flying off the shelf. Oprah still hasn’t contacted them. In other words, they are not appealing to the masses.
The work we are doing is profound. It’s revolutionary. And for that reason, the masses are not quite ready for what we are offering. If they were, we would not be pioneers.
And when you look at the state of the world you can see clearly that they will have to do what we are doing eventually or they will not have a future to look forward to.
And while we are each magnificent and capable souls, it’s always the most difficult and challenging on those going through first. But it’s also the most exciting, and the most rewarding, boredom aside.
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