You May Think This Is Crazy, But . . .
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- Written by AndEl

We’ve all had surreal or magical experiences at one time or another, what other’s might call “strange” or “crazy”. They may have been something simple like thinking we know a person we’ve never met before. Or it could be something as expansive as a near-death experience. They may have happened in our childhood or anywhere along the way. They may appear in lucid dreams, while walking in the forest, during an accident, emotional trauma, while driving your car, or walking down the street.
The experience itself is not the utmost importance. How we choose to interact with the experience is what’s important. Whether we ignore it, or realize it as an important part of our soul’s journey.
Most of the time, we keep the craziest of the crazy experiences to ourselves, for fear of being judged by others. We think there is some protocol for reality by the collective. And to some degree that is true. However, per my experience, humanity’s consciousness is expanding and there are many who are hungry to hear these experiences to validate their own secreted stories to set them free.
All of these experiences are our Soul’s guideposts along our journey. As such, sharing them with others may validate or inspire them to be more open to acknowledge their own guideposts and create a new reality and lifestyle for themselves.
Indeed, there are some very raw and sacred experiences that we choose to savor and keep to ourselves so as not to sully them. Or, we may wait until just the right moment that spontaneously presents itself to share with a few bosom intimates, as per our inner guidance.
Most of the things we deem crazy aren’t nearly as crazy as they first appeared once we bring them out into the light of day and share them. The more we share, the more grounded and real these experiences become for us and for those around us. Until one day, the surreal becomes our reality and we no longer fear being judged because we stand in integrity with our Soul’s journey rather than the collective consciousness. And then, the stories begin to flow like honey for the Soul rather than crazy mind chatter.
When you decide to begin sharing your stories, and I hope you do because humanity needs to hear them in order to expand the consciousness, make wise Soul choices with whom and when to share. At first, you may feel like a fledging and share with a select few. Eventually, you will become embolden and sovereign enough to stand in your truth and share, without regard to what others may think or say.
I have been seeing a lot of friends inching their way toward sharing their treasured experiences. That excites me because it gives us a whole new foundation from which to play together. Reality as we know it is simply an agreement between enough people to call it real. When we give up our need for the approval of others, EVERYTHING becomes real to us. We become like children again, living in total wonderment open to ever-expanding possibilities.
Per my experience, I have one suggestion to make should you choose to share your stories. This is your story, your experience, and your Soul Wisdom. It is no less or more important than anyone else’s for each of us has our own unique Soul path and wisdom to share. When you choose to share it, OWN IT. Stand in the truth of it.
Don’t sully it by beginning with, “You may think this is crazy, but. . .” That only sets the stage for judgment and doubt. Rather, speak it as your truth without concern for what others may think. How they receive it is up to them. But by setting them up for “crazy talk”, that’s exactly what it becomes, fearful crazy-making rather than your truth laced with pearls of wisdom.
I’ve been seeing some of the most sacred experiences being set up and shared as “crazy talk” and that saddens me. There is nothing crazy about Soul experiences. They are sacred and meant to be honored and shared when called upon. When you respect and honor your self, others will respond appropriately.
So, from my heart to yours, I implore you, become comfortable with embodying your surreal experiences. Claim your own sovereignty and inner knowing. Then, when it feels right, share them as the truth and wisdom of Who You Are
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”
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