Energy Update: This Is The Ascension
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- Written by Matt Kahn

I welcome you today for this energy update, not with more signs of how the Universe is preparing you to Ascend, but to confirm that the Ascension process is in full swing and well underway.
During the 12:12 Stargate which was more pronouncedly open between 12/12/19 through 12/21/19, I began feeling the quickening of Ascension in progress, unlike any other glimpse or preview I had sensed before.
During this actual Ascension, it has a very surreal quality, as if you are walking between worlds. Perhaps it feels like you are already in the afterlife, while story lines of life seem to play out around you. Maybe you are noticing a visceral disinterest with many of the addictive coping mechanisms that were often employed in 3D to numb the pain that you are learning to face, embrace, welcome, and love. Perhaps a mass exodus of friends, family, and partnerships has given way to this multi-dimensional vision quest where, in the absence of relying on others for distraction or the need for constant reassurance or validation, you have been placed in an 'in-between' holding pattern where you get to face the sensations, memories, and feelings that cause you to numb your pain or hide your power in the hands of another person’s will.
This holding pattern, which acts as part of the initial big leap in the Ascension already unfolding, gives you an opportunity to transform your relationship with stillness-- instead of feeling stuck, disempowered, or afraid of missing out when life stalls to a standstill.
Here you are able to see how cleverly life is helping you transform familial patterns of enmeshment into new realities of empowerment, simply by changing your experience of stillness from the withdrawal of loneliness to the true autonomy and serenity of being one with all.
If this holding pattern energy feels more overwhelming than empowering, do not worry. It signifies a great cellular purge, where much like the pulling of a heavy anchor that allows a ship to set sail along its new and exciting voyage, your cellular body is emptying our reservoirs of outdated memories, limiting beliefs, and energies taken on from others all the way back to time spent in utero. The amount of energetic chord-cutting that has been occurring since the 12:12 Stargate opening truly illustrates how hard the Universe is working on your behalf to lighten the load as you begin quantum leaping from one level of reality to the next.
Signs that you have completed the chord-cutting process and emptied out the cellular debris of the great purge and are already making your way from 3D timelines into a new 5D reality include the following symptoms:
- The requirement of more rest than normal, including disruptive sleep patterns, the inability to sleep deeply, along with exhaustion, fatigue, and confusion as to where you are in your path and where things are headed.
- Heightened sensitivity to triggers, whether in yourself or others, with less drive or desire to be around those whose patterns can be felt in your empathic energy field.
- Less desire for people, places, or things as a source of greater happiness, which can also include a lack of desire along with fears that you 'should' have something to desire. Often the desireless space, although temporary, signifies a shift from identifying with form to being the formless witness experiencing itself in body.
- Lowered immune system function, such as adrenal fatigue, heightened food allergies, difficulties with digestion, as well as healing common colds or flus at a remarkably slower rate. This is due to the majority of your life force, or chi, being utilized to move you through Ascension, which leaves less energy for other areas to be balanced. The more willing you are to step into the unknown and trust the Ascension process, the less energy is needed to move you into 5D, so other subtle energy bodies can be offered greater support.
- An absolute resignation with the state of the collective, whether stemming from environmental concerns, the threat of political elitism, or even too much time spent interpreting life through the eyes of conspiracy theories. Such insanity being viewed around you, and acted out by those around you, signifies the detox kickback of those who have spent so much time steeped in 3D belief constructs that they are fighting to stay in 3D, as if Ascension were an unfair eviction instead of an existential rescue mission.
- A growing awareness of addiction patterning as the source of true human suffering.
- A deep longing to return home, find your soul tribe, and be done with what appears to be an outdated and dying human paradigm.
As you come to see how many of these symptoms match your experience, it confirms the Ascension already taking place. It is important to note that life on Earth only appears to be the unfolding of Armageddon because the ego structure of the collective is so unaware of the process of spiritual evolution, it can’t help but fixate on all that is threatened to be lost, instead of seeing more open space being created for new spiritually-grounded realities to emerge. Simply put, the difference between Armageddon timelines and Ascension timelines is your level of awareness. And yet, both Ascension and Armageddon timelines are playing out within the same hypersphere of reality that we collectively call Planet Earth.
This also helps you realize those on Armageddon timelines are experiencing the process of Ascension, but from a perspective of fear, lack, and scarcity, instead of an awareness of what is meant to dissolve so a truth greater than personal gains and losses can be received and anchored into form.
There will not be a time where you must part with loved ones on Armageddon timelines in order for you to Ascend. That is a widely-believed spiritual myth. Instead, there will be those in your life experiencing the same shifts you are, but from a space of fear, codependency, enmeshment, addiction, and self-absorption, who can only be supported by the light you shine when you're leading by example, instead of trying to constantly change people to your liking.
Please remember, it only looks 'crazy' to the unconscious patterning that doesn’t know how to surrender, but is being surrendered by a Universe that can only accept the destiny of Earth’s conscious evolution. To assist you further in this initial leap of Ascension, it is a perfect time in your life’s journey to:
- Surround yourself with those who cherish and respect you, instead of filling your life with people just to have bodies around you. Even if you are the only one able to respect your light, you are far better off filling your time with moments in nature, exercise, creative expression, and deeply-integrative spiritual practices than to fuel patterns of enmeshment or codependency as a way of hiding from feeling so alone.
- Even if just for a few days at a time, take breaks from chasing news headlines or consuming fear-based “fake news” stories and conspiracy theories. During this time of Ascension, it isn’t a matter of how much you know, but how aligned you are with the highest wisdom you’ve already absorbed. If you sense a fear of being left behind, out of the loop, or a target for unconscious agendas, please know that it is your connection with Source, as the Holy Creator of all things, from one spectrum of consciousness to another that reveals your true sovereign safety, no matter the perceivable threats in view. When in doubt, always remember: a threat is only as daunting and overpowering as your lack of connection to source. Equally so, it is the will of such dark forces to destroy the hiding spots most people live in to establish a connection in consciousness that ushers humanity along into the pre-destined grace and perfection of unity consciousness. Conspiracy theories can be intriguing like a mystery or horror film you can’t help but watch. And yet, no secret or agenda of the shadow can ever prevent or stop consciousness from expanding. This can help you remember your greatest strength, as the light of all, is in your willingness to change for the better and adapt to the contractions and expansions that serve as an energetic launching pad of your highest living potential. If you are always willing to change and aren’t too inconvenienced to adapt, there isn’t a threat or agenda that can reach your light or get anywhere close to you. Because the agenda of darkness is “control so not to be controlled” it wants absolutely nothing to do with someone whose light of adaptability shines so brightly.
- Love yourself enough to bid farewell to long-standing addictions. Do not use self-love as a permissive way of allowing your ego to run your reality with compulsive choices that only make hungry ghosts more insatiable. Whether your addictive pattern is sugar, alcohol, sex, pornography, regular usage of plant medicine, recreational cannabis, binge watching movies or TV shows, or even too much inner spiritual work done from a fear-based perspective, may this be a time of reclaiming the power of your choice-making to fill your life with activities that empower your light versus entangling your ego through the false promise of instant gratification. It is important to remember, addiction is either: (1) over consumption of an external substance, a person, place, or thing used to numb pain or hide from facing deeper truths, or (2) substances that may not be an over-indulgence but are acted out with regular or reoccurring frequency. At the depths of your soul, you truly know what is and isn’t in your highest alignment to choose. May this auspicious time of quantum leaping be an opportunity to act upon change, instead of merely thinking about the change the Universe is inspiring you to make. No matter how overwhelming it seems, I know you can do this. I so believe in you.
While I will be detailing more about the Ascension as it continues to unfold, today’s energy update is not a call to ascend, but to begin re-prioritizing your reality with greater energetic balance and emotional support in honor of the Ascension well under way.
Whether joining the Love Revolution for Total Integration, Project Resolution, attending a live event in-person, or watching via livestream, now is the time to unite as One and shine our light during the most monumental shift in consciousness this world is birthing.
From my heart to yours, we are in this together. No one can or will be left behind. But your participation is essential in order for the most miraculous versions of this Ascension to shift from ideas of Armageddon to a tangibly-lived reality of Heaven on Earth. I want this for you so deeply and with an outstretched hand, I invite you along a glorious path of love, truth, joy, revelation, and expansion.
As the Universe always says to me, “further instructions will follow.”
All for light. All for Life. All for love,
Matt Kahn
© Copyright 2020 Matt Kahn All For Love Source
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