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What is New Earth and Why It Matters

What is New Earth and Why It Matters

There is so much discussion about New Earth these days. Everyone is trying to imagine what that will look like.

Each person has their own description. Many are envisioning it as if it’s a different creation than our current earth. Some are employing AI to create images of it to make it feel more real. 

At its core New Earth is not a new creation per se. It’s about the release of the gravity that’s been holding the matrix of humanity in place for eons of time. 

With this release of gravity humanity can expand their consciousness to recall the totality of their divinity as the I AM. 

Therefore, the New Earth is simply our expanded awareness of Consciousness within which we each get to create our own reality rather than being imprisoned within the mass consciousness we have been accustomed to.

The New Age community has created so many distractions from this core simplicity. All with good intentions, but caught in a plethora of newly created mind games. Does it really matter what color ray we’re entertaining at the moment? Are crystals a necessary tool? Do the ET’s really know more than we do? Etc., Etc., Etc. . . . 

Indeed, many of these “tools” have assisted us in expanding our consciousness. But we reach a point of spiritual maturity when it’s time to let them go because ascension to the New Earth is a natural process if we simply allow it.

All these distractions increase tension to which the mind responds by picking it apart, analyzing it, hashing it out over and over again while comparing it to other’s experiences. Over the years it has become more of a clusterfuck of confusion as the mind continues to accumulate more data. 

The human mind needs these complications to validate itself. And now that we are awakening to our Divinity it’s having to unravel itself. But it’s still trying to do that via “thought” rather than surrendering to our own Soul Wisdom.  

Humans have trouble letting go of the validation of the mind’s persona because it feels like death to them. Being a non-persona is not comfortable for humans. No wonder humanity is having such a difficult time!

There are ways we can relax the mind and give it space to naturally unravel:

  • A slow deep breath interrupts the flow of mental data.
  • Spending time in water clears our energy and enhances its flow.
  • Time in nature reconnects our nervous system to its innate state of being. 
  • Meditation allows the distillation of all our experiences into Soul Wisdom.
  • If someone questions you, go within, consult your own wisdom, abide by it, and move on.
  • Realizing each person is on their own soul path, we do not need to agree. We need to honor each other’s path and allow them their sovereign freedom to live as they choose. No one is more right or wrong than another when we realize life is all about the experience. Our God Self does not judge. 

There are planetary changes that are also supporting us as the frequency of the planet is increasing. All the new Light streaming in from the cosmos is revealing new potentials for those who are open to them. 

According to what many New Agers are saying, “You won’t recognize yourself by the end of this shift in consciousness.”

Instead I say, “You will finally recognize the truth of Who You Are as your IAM Presence while in human form.” THIS is New Earth!! 

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~

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Sharon Lyn Shepard is a modern day mystic and visionary. Her mystical writings and music transcend our minds, expand our consciousness and awaken us to our innate divinity to celebrate life in all of its forms. Sharon lives “heaven on earth” and invites all of us to join her in embracing a new world of love, joy and harmony. 
Source Here

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