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Earth Calendar, Birthday ~ Incarnation Day, The FORM and Walk-ins

Earth Calendar, Birthday ~ Incarnation Day, The FORM and Walk-ins

There is a difference to all above IF SOMEONE has walked into the FORM.

These are the BASICS.

FIRST of all the Earth calendar in USE ~ labeled as time, is NOT an accurate measurement, of what ONCE WAS the only record of the MONITORING of the Heavenly Bodies, the STARS, the SUN and Moon.

In other words, the NATURAL cycles.

The meaning of time is insignificant, as ONE lives as an enlightened BEING here on Earth. One lives as if there is only NOW as that is ALL THERE IS. This NOW is the only access to the TRUE Eternal SELF.

There are seasons, day and night, Sun and Moon, CYCLES and Natural RHYTHMS that have always played out their natural rhythm with no CLOCK. No clock needed. Man only kept track of the CYCLES. As they observed, for the purpose of planting and then sowing the harvest.

The BODY is the NOT the SOUL being or the one that allows the body to function on Earth. The SOUL surrounds the body/form, and allows it to appear animated. The BODY is NOT solid.

The Majority people on Earth 99.999 go through the process of reincarnation and ARRIVE WHEN THE BODY IS BORN. This is what people that follow calendars call a birthday. Although it is not an accurate counter of actual SUN in the sky, degrees, etc.

As I previously said, the current calendar is not accurate with the CYCLES of the stars.

SO most peoples incarnation MOMENT and its celebrated BIRTHDAY of the body are ONE and the SAME.

WHEN a being WALKS into a form, it walks in awake. It was not BORN. It was able to bypass the baby period and birth process of incarnating.

When one walks in they are HERE and aware of their other existences and remember being sent here as well as aware of AGREEING to the agreement.

In a sense you could say when they walked in was their incarnation day, but even that is not accurate, as ARRIVING and being sent are conscious choices and one simple arrives, takes over the blueprint and surrounds the body, allowing it to continue to be animated.

The BIRTH of the body in accordance with the HEAVENLY bodies in the sky, play a role in the walk ins EXISTENCE ~ not like most though. The walk in is in constant observance and monitoring of the body, as well as consciously existing in other worlds. Walk ins do not experience DEATH as again, they are aware they are not the body.

They can walk in, walk out, walk in, walk out.

Having said all of above, THE celebration of the body is considered a sacred celebration (ritual) of the cycles and of being GRATEFUL to have a form to which we are responsible for animating.

Like a different wardrobe, the EARTH FORM/body, is LIGHT.

When one is stuck in the 3D construct of denseness, one sees everything external as dense, and is not aware of this animation process.

This animation process through OBSERVING every moment and being Present through the heart IS THE LEVEL of full access of WHAT TRULY IS.

The reincarnation process involving lots of births and incarnating through the birth process, is the system in use till it becomes OBSOLETE IN ONES consciousness.

That is, is no longer requires, because FULL mastery is the awareness and one is now once again FULLY hooked up in consciousness to ALL THAT IS COSMICALLY!!!!!

ALL of this and the many processes are well under way and many are reaching new levels of awareness.

To this we activate you, monitoring a form and one with THE DIVINE COUNCIL of Overseers.

Activating again as ON MU ~ The Plan. The DNA. The blueprints, ALL there is.

HOOKING up all the dimensions.


In love, L’Aura (celebrating the body to which I now animate)


Here I Am ~ Here you Are ~ Here We Are ~And So it is!
Always Feeling You, Always with you in The Divine Sacred Light of All That Is!!!
L’Aura Pleiadian™
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