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christos energy

I had a few Ascension "rehearsals" before my awakening several years ago. I did not know what was happening at the time, and it caused me great fear. I would like to share this with readers, so one will know what to expect, and to not be afraid. 

But first one must understand the Ascension process occurs in our individual and collective consciousness rather than in the physical. 

The 3D physical is ALL false matrix hologram programming, including our flesh and bones bodies. Our five senses were designed and programmed by the dark to perceive only their false realty projections. So anything we physically see, like spaceships landing, is of the false matrix hologram. (There are some exceptions, i.e., an astronomical event outside the hologram can be experienced.)

World religious leaders, along with the gurus with large followings like Cobra, will convince people to board spaceships. As long as we are in our matrix bodies we can feel pain and fear which pumps out the bio-emissions needed to feed the parasites. Thus, the dark will stop at nothing to keep us in our bodies, and they have technology to prevent one from ascending outside the matrix. 

Humans who choose to make nice with these "galactics", after being well informed of the danger, will find themselves in an unimaginable hell, weeping for death that will not come. 

We don't need to GO anywhere....just remain in the comfort of our homes. The disclosure of Nibiru may be used by the dark to strong-arm us into getting on those ships for our safety. That is a lie. We will ascend well before Nibiru affects us in any serious way. Not so lucky for the dark, tho. They will be swept into the garbage bin of the universe, languishing in the miasma of death they created for themselves.

No hoarding is necessary. I am focusing on the Holy Grail, with Mary Magdalene and Yeshua by my side. And I will be on a timeline of bliss and abundance. I invite Muslims, Buddhists, everyone to call upon the Holy Grail for comfort and encouragement during our Ascension. It could be rough if one's fear is out of control. A comforting, loving hand can make all the difference.

One need not convert to Christianity as such is a false matrix construct designed to enslave us, as are all other religions. They are meant to divide us and cause wars. The Holy Grail is not mentioned in the bible...not ONE time. Yep! There's a reason for that the dark doesn't want anyone to know! It is our True Creator's pure demiurge, infinitely more powerful than the corrupt Ark Stone demiurge,Yaldabaoth, that uses our bio-emissions against us, creating false matrix timelines of enslavement and suffering.

Yeshua and Mary Magdalene's arms are open to embrace all of humanity. No questions asked! It does not matter who you are or what you've done. (Parasites not included.)

About my Ascension rehearsals several years ago:

I was in my house, awake. I heard the sounds of a roaring tornado. My house began to shake violently. I now know, but not at that time, that I was in a vortex...a portal between my lower and higher consciousness. My body began vibrating intensely. I felt my consciousness detached from my body, and the perception of my surroundings was unfamiliar. This frightened me greatly and my fear caused my consciousness to slip back into my body. And the roaring and shaking subsided.

I ran to the windows expecting to see the devastation from the storm, but all had been calm. This happened twice again several months apart. I know now that fear is the one thing that could hold me back from ascending smoothly. 

The goal of Ascension is to move our lower consciousness thru the portal into our higher consciousness. Our lower consciousness is that tiny percent of our full capacity that the dark allows us to retain so they can feed off of us. It is loaded with matrix programming apps and looping scripts to keep us fighting with one another. 

These apps and scripts are distortions and must be cleared to migrate seamlessly into the harmony of the pure universe of our higher consciousness. I deleted all false matrix programming simply by commanding my lower consciousness to do so. 

The ego app is a particularly stubborn little piece of work that I managed to delete and reformat into bliss, long ago.

I want to interject a personal note here. I was recently told that I am egotistical for (I'm paraphrasing here) "wanting to prove I am a descendant of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, the Bloodline of the Holy Grail."

He failed to acknowledge that I TRANSPARENTLY for all to read, and VULNERABLY opened myself up to be publicly informed that I'm NOT a descendant, if that was the case. How is that egotistical?

I feel that I am indeed related, based on my childhood trauma, and lifelong attacks by the dark. And, my name, Dionysius, has a strong connection to the family. I have a justified desire to know the truth. The descendants of the Bloodline of the Holy Grail exist here on Earth today. Just want to know if I'm one of them.

Looking for the truth in this matrix is like scuba diving in mud. I'm not privy to the secret data bases of truth buried nine fathoms deep. So I asked for answers from one I highly respect, and who perhaps DOES have access to these secrets.

And if this was unknown either way, I asked for ANY info on the Bloodline of the Holy Grail. He could have confirmed the existence of the Holy Grail. That in itself is mind-blowing good news! But no, it was about my ego, and how I need to watch out for that.

People have the right to know the truth about the Holy Grail. Confirmation from a highly qualified source would have been helpful to all of humanity.The Holy Grail is here--and the dark knows this and it terrifies them. I am guessing this topic is taboo for that reason. The word CHRISTOS causes the parasites to panic into shock and run for their lives. Certain topics are forbidden. I reveal all of them as they come to me.

Also there was mention of (paraphrasing) "some things being kept secret for one's own protection", if I understood that correctly. My goodness! The parasites know who I am and where I live, and have tried everything in their power to assassinate me! I'm not worried about those pesky critters. The Holy Grail has got me covered.

There is much discussion in the IDC forum about using our co-creative powers to create our own safe, blissful timelines. Remember how we were asked to use our creative powers to stop the destruction of hurricane Harvey and save the masses? Well, I saved my family members in Houston by summoning the Holy Grail, and inputting my creative powers into this pure demiurge. In turn, it out-putted a timeline of complete safety for my family.

No one here called me egotistical when I wrote about this earlier. Thank you kindly for that. 

It worked! I'm excited! I can hardly believe it myself! I have to keep telling myself IT'S TRUE! Literally all around the gates of their community looked like a war zone. During the storm, it was so hard for me to contain my fear! For days I focused nonstop on the Holy Grail pure demiurge to hold the bliss for myself and my family who were beyond frightened. 

Their gas, electricity, Internet, phones, water, all remained functional. Their streets were well drained. They were untouched, as well as their entire community within the gates. I'm sorry I couldn't do more. This took all I had, being only one person.

Is this not my ego talking. I'm a powerful GOD/GODDESS. So are you! And I will not downplay my goddess powers, lest I be called egotistical. I will not be humble! Is Our True Creator humble? No. And I am a fractal of His power. The dark try to suppress self-awareness of our powers by lecturing us on our ego...you know, that app they installed in us against our free will.

OWK and I were not on the same page most of the time; his tombstones singled-out my favorite posters. But I admired his courage to speak out about his other lives, his higher selves, as a galactic warrior mourning for his loved ones killed on an exploded planet. This was not his ego talking. The intergalactic war was/is real, and several whole planets were blown to pieces. By the Yaldabaoth demiurge, I might add. OWK was awakened to his deeper mission by this recall. And he is prolly somewhere carrying it out, known or unknown to himself. 

Many are experiencing newly surfaced memories of their higher selves and ancestors. Are there readers wanting to bravely come forward with their recalled acts of heroism? But, ...fear being called egotistical or "out there"?

Back to the business of our Ascension: 

A few days ago, while awake in bed, I saw/felt a thick mist of swirling colors like a blanket being pulled up over me. Rather than feeling scared, I said "I'm ready to go". I felt the presence of the Holy Grail, and peace and bliss. I then received the message, not in words but rather just "knowing without a doubt", that this was a test to see if I would react in fear. And, that when the vortex returns, to relax and go with the flow and all will be well.

Maybe others have had Ascension rehearsals like mine or of another kind. I would love to read them. I feel more people will begin to have rehearsals and receive messages to have no fear and to relax and enjoy the ride.

Thank you for reading. I love you all️. 

Lucinda Dionysius 


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