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Being Present to Receive ~ 5th Dimensional Consciousness


Setting an intention, then letting go of how it shows up and when, may feel contrary to how your mind would like it to show up. That may be.

The power to intend is not a magic trick of picking and choosing what you want and when. That was the way of 3D, focusing on what you wanted till it showed up.

The Power of intention at the Higher levels, is you aligning in trust and harmony with your Soul Source God Light. Trusting all that you desire within your Heart, is there for a reason. That your Soul had a plan for you, when you incarnated. That when you were truly ready to receive, you would receive the life of your Dreams. Which is your Soul Plan, fulfilled in all moments.

Attempting to figure out why not now, or when, is part of the mental anguish of 3D. The incessant worry, that plagues many. That thrives only on the external as its validation of its worthiness. When this or that will happen. Never, loving and appreciating, what is now.

Staying present in your Heart is the vortex of the Love that engulfs everything. That consumes everything. That dissolves everything, that is not love. That dissolves the pain of wanting what is not present now.

Shifting your Focus to now. Then to now again. Becomes the readiness within you, to receive.

As the constant focus of the future or haunting of the past leaves your awareness and you land consciously in the Now. That is when all shows up for you. Greater than imagined.

Enter your Heart. Intend to stay present. See what is here now. What is going on now   within you. Do no wait for a future that never arrives.

Breathe in the Now, as if that is all there is. Because that is, all there is. Wake up with joy, feel the life within you, living through you. Feel your heart. Feel any pain present. Be with yourself.. Listen to the subtle whispers of your Soul, that draw you to your Heart. To the moment.

Then with your Heart wide open in the now, you enter the Beatific Presence of the Moment, that is your Soul Presence. It is this Presence that transforms everything within you. Your Consciousness. The way you think. How you are. Dissolving all the pain. Embracing life and living. That is your readiness, to receive.

Then all aligns with your Heart and Soul. As all that was preventing you from being present in the moment, dissolves. The old way of thinking.

And you arrive.

Arrive in the moment.

Where the Glory of your Divine Self, lives and breathes through you. In all moments and you live, Heaven on Earth, within you. Above and below as One. Your world transformed, into the Divine Love and Glory of your Eternal Self, Your original Light self. Living and breathing as the transformational power of awareness, that transforms all, in all moment.

Breathe this in.

Breathe in now and relax. 

Feel what now feels like. 

Be present.

Stay present.

Stay in your Heart.

Let go of trying through the old patterns to get what you want.

Surrender to the Now. Loving yourself as you open up to, the Divine  Eternal You, living and breathing through you, in all moments. It is this that is the New Way. Being the Master. The Presence of Your Original Light. Feel this now and receive.

Feel every hour, 11 ~ 33 minutes after every hour, the Energy Activation for You. That pours through me to You. Feel the Profound Light and Presence. It is all Now.

Eternal Love and Bliss Dear Souls!



Here I Am ~ Here you Are ~ Here We Are ~And So it is!
Always Feeling You, Always with you in The Divine Sacred Light of All That Is!!!
L’Aura Pleiadian™
To listen to my Activations, Invocations, Frequency Transmissions and Light Language:
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